
Friday, January 18, 2008

Cloverfeild Monster?

Well this movie finally come out today. I won't get a chance to see it since I have to work on Frankie and finish off the house but anyone who does, please let me know what the monster is. I'm a big fan of giant monster movies and am still not sure what this beastie looks like. I have my ideas but would like to know for certain.




  1. The chain that owns all my local theaters decided rentals for this one were too expensive, so they aren't showing it. They did the same thing with "Sweeney Todd" last year, but that finally was released here today, so I can either wait for "Cloverfield" or drive north an hour to see it on Sunday.

  2. I would like to see it tonight myself, but It's a busy night for me. I have heard that it looks kind od like Gammera, and I've heard it's a squat lizardy beast. A sort of super deformed looking Godzilla creature. I don't know, But I've been want to find out for months!

  3. Still haven't sen a good shot of this beastie...But It looks kind of Cthulu-ish..

  4. I've seen a dark image of the upper part of it. Not what I was expecting but it looked cool. Hopefully I'll get a better shot of it soon.



  5. It is really weird and freaky looking. You never get a really good view of it for long. Trying to figure out what it looks like is like getting to see only parts of an elephant and then putting them together as a coherent picture. It has tenticles and weird long backwards arms on the front. Its color and face remains me of the old "Eddie" mascot from Iron Maiden album covers, but it has a long mouth snout with teeth. It is really creapy because it sort of looks like a giant deformed person at times.

  6. These are links to fan art of the monster. They are pretty accurate from what I remember. But again the bits and pieces you see don't add up to a cohesive picture in my head. Like I totally missed the shell on his back.



    This video is a collection of about all of the creature's screen appearances.

  8. Thanks! Neat little beastie. Unfortunately I still can't get on DA and don't have flash 9 so I couldn't see the video. Oh well.

  9. There is no hint as to what the monster is, which kind of bothered me. It does seem to be an alien invader, do to its nearly indestructible skin, almost human-like appearance, intelligence and the little bad guys it ejects from its body, which kind of have an "Aliens" effect on anyone they bit. Some times too, I could have sworn there was more then one of the big guys and it seems to have a very keen interest in attack humans, less so the buildings. Another case where man does more damage to the city then the monster. In the end, I assume they nuked the beast and New York, but we don't know if it was destroyed or not as only one cast member even survived. I liked the movie, even though there is no music, the camera can be a bit annoying and there is no back story on the creature at all, but its all still works, and even though it is a short movie, it still is scary, more so then AVP2 which tried to hard.

  10. I still haven't got to see this!
    Gaaa! And I had realy high hopes for AVP2. Too many little "homages", not enough actual substance. Even so, I did enjoy it. Mostly. Go Predator go! *smiles*
