
Friday, September 26, 2008

Forget morals, what we need right now is brains!

I just read this interview with Sarah Palin.

After reading this ,and a few others, I still can't believe McCain and Palin have a shot! I'm tired of people saying they want a blue collar everyman as President. Don't take offense, but most people are stupid, why would you want someone like that as President? Don't we have that already? It's obviously NOT working. 'But Palin's a soccer mom, she knows how we feel!' No she doesn't, she could care less how you feel. Stop playing dumb.

Sorry rant over, I could go on but it will get really mean. My head hurts... Maybe she could go hunting with Cheney? We'll have to give him a bigger gun this time;)

OK, this is the last post on the election, promise;)




  1. McCain is down something like 10 points on Obama since this Walstreet crisis broke out. Newsflash: he just agreed that he'll show up for the debate tonight. I guess there's a resolution or else McCain is admiting he wasn't so indespensible after all.

  2. personaly I was appauled by the story I read today about how palin before taking office was blessed by a minister to ward off witchcraft! like what the hell! now shes claiming she has no defined religion.

  3. Hi Brian,

    I didn't watch the debate, I really don't like politics (I won't play them at work either, but I have a unique relationship with the 'Boss') But the crap McCain is doing is just worrisome.


    Have you seen the movie Jesus Camp? Her 'former' church had strong ties to them. Fricken crazy! They WANT to bring about Revolations...



  4. I call for Dr. Bob to become president. That'd be awesome. I don't want someone like my neighbor, or my grandmother, or like the guy down at the laundromat to be the vice president, that's retarded.

    We don't need an average American for president or vice president, we need at excelled American for P and VP. Duh hoy. I'm with you on this one, 100%.


  5. no I haven't seen it. would love too though. I used to be part of a born again christian church. was raised in that enviroment. sad part is the conviction of these people is what starts wars. all in the name of religion. this type of crap makes me wanna be an anarchist! lol

  6. You know Erin, that might actually work! He;s a smart guy with a great way of simplifying things for the masses without dumbing things down. He's a minister who believes in evolution. I'd need to here more of his ideas but I'd vote for him if they were good.


    I'm sorry to here you were brought up that way. I personally feel it should be illegal to impose your religion on your child, they should have the right to choose for themselves if they want religion and what kind, not have it forced upon them. I'm happy you got out of it!

    Check out Jesus Campy when you get a chance. I was shocked and frightened that these people actually exist. I might give the religious some crap but they are mild compared to the these guys. CRAZY! I did a blog post about it awhile go so you might want to check it out to prepare yourself;)


