
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spinosaurus 2009

This is the most current restoration I've done based on everything I could find. It's an ugly beast, the head almost looks like a pterosaur. My pet idea os tha tthe sail was used to create shad so it could hunt fish. This animal would not have stood much of a chance against a T.rex (not that they lived at the same timeor even inthe same area;)) it's simply a giant fisherman. The fish were it lived grew to almost 10 feet so it had plenty of food. I've read on Theropoda that it coudn't move it's neck from sde to side with alot of power and basically hunted fish like a heron a quick jab with it's head. It's in interesing beast but it seems all the monster has been removed;)




  1. Hi Brett, i hope you´re doing well.

    It seems really like a monster, the fish is cute ;)

    Is the press release for the teaser with the woman and the sword on NYCC out, can we see it now in full?

    I ordered the Frankenstein Prodigal Son TPB, but haven´t
    it in my hands.
    Is there something special in it, like in the others before ( sketches, new project art,etc.)
    Can´t wait ;)

    The Harry Potter pages are great, have you done a cover for it?

    A little critic for the Dabels:
    What´s up with the Dabel Brothers Homepage, i miss the regularly updates (no news, no upcomings, no solicitations, no press releases for the Con´s, no previews, nothing).
    I think they can sell so much more comics, if they only give us ( the fans ) a little more output.

    I know you penciled so much conceptional art for them,
    can you show us here some of it, i think they will never see the daylight and it would be a shame.



  2. Hi Baron,

    I've been told they are waiting until next week to announce it. I have yet to get confirmation and Les has yet to return my call!!!;)

    I think there are sketches and there is an 11 page story that I did breakdowns for, it's new:)

    We did a few other pieces of Harry art that I can't find, some it it is older so I'm not surprised the files are lost. If I can find them I will post them:)

    I was just on the Dabel's page the other day and I completely agree with you. I'll ask them about it:)

    I actually haven't done a lot of conceptual stuff lately, most of what I did do is on typing paper and is all bent up now. But I will post any new stuff I have:)



  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Baron,

    They are waiting until next week. But by that point you'll have 2 snazzy colored pictures:)



  5. Bret, thanks for the updates ;)

    Have you somewhere your older Commissions (they was on your old defunct side).
    I think some of your new fans havn´t had the chance to see them ( Iron Man, The Nightwing & Iceman, Iron Fist, ......). So, that you don´t have no time to pencil new Commissions i think it would be a cool idea. ;)


  6. PS: i have a little problem with the comments thread, the older one was much better (i can´t see the complete right side when i wrote a comment) is it normal?
