
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dinoshark Tonight!

Syfy channel has a new movie with super cheese in it, Dinoshark. It premieres tonight, so pop up some corn, grab a beer (or something stronger as these movies tend to truly suck!) and enjoy. It's a Roger Corman film so you know it will be bad!

More anthro's next week. I actually just did a new one:)




  1. You should do a DinoShark Anthro it will be better than the movie which i will end up watching anyway...Hope all is well Senor Booth

  2. Saw it, would see it again( yes I'm glutton for punishment!). the acting ok , dinoshark ok, but its only weakness is it EYE???? and did notice the head is a T-Rex(???), I'm not an expert but didnt sharks remain pretty the same throughout history??? I would love to see what your version would look like...hint,hint,wink,wink...

  3. Nestor,

    I wouldn't know were to begin, it's neither a dinosaur or a shark!


    It was pretty darn bad. I think the woman was trying to say ply-i-saur but she kept saying plee-i-saur. One is a real animal, the other... maybe something they made up just fro the movie. If it was what I'm thinking it was supposed to be (look up pliosaur) then what was with the fin and the tail, they were 4 legged animals like turtles. Then there is the fact that the ice caps didn't exist at that time so the beginning doesn't work and then of course the egg... these animals were egg layers like turtles, so the shark egg (looks like the eggs from tremors to me) doesn't work.

    My favorite part was being able to create a complete 3d image complete with colors out of some stomach bile.. Roger Corman is an incredible scientist;)

    Plus, it was ALWAYS hungry. In a half hour it must have eaten at least 20 people, it was only 20 feet long or so.... how much food does a 20 foot reptile need? Of course.

    I could go on but I don't know if I could stop;)



  4. I fast-forwarded through most of it. They kept re-using the same attack animation, and why was the Dinoshark biting its victims in the head? It also frequently changed sizes.

    My favorite part was the finale, when it turned into a Hungry Hungry Dinoshark.

    Truly terrible film.

  5. Zachary,

    LOL! Best review ever!



  6. "Plus, it was ALWAYS hungry. In a half hour it must have eaten at least 20 people, it was only 20 feet long or so.... how much food does a 20 foot reptile need?"

    I don't know man,I watched a program on discovery I think and they tested the limits of a great whites appetite and the damn thing ate like 7 Tuna almost 500 pounds worth and this shark wasn't anywhere near 20 feet.

  7. Fatboy,

    Great whites are warm blooded, they need more food like say a tiger would than a croc. Now it's possible that marine reptiles were warm blooded but I don't think that's a widely accepted idea. I'm most likely over thinking this, it was a Syfy movie.

    But I would ask, was the shark offered food or did it go out of it's way to hunt the tuna? Dinoshark was taking down helicopters and boats left and right to get the people. It apparently only eats people... especially girls water polo teams;)



  8. No the great white was definitely being fed whole tuna.Didn't have to go out of his way for anything.
    As for the eats only people thing,I don't think this is a well known fact
    but in the animal bible it clearly states in genesis that "blessed are the Dinosharks and exalted above all other creatures are they.And to them I give,to devour every man and woman that walketh upon the earth but are foolish enough to go in the water,but especially women...For they are not as bony as man and laden with succulent life sustaining fat.
    Trust me...It's in there :D

  9. LOL! OH man THAT was funny as hell! Made my morning!



  10. Who knew all those years of reading the bible as a kid would come in handy for something other than a therapy bill ;)
