
Friday, April 9, 2010

Rachel Morgan and White throated Black Jaguar... Again.

This is for Sean, I'm not sure which Cheetah couple you want... are they more human looking or like this one?

For the people on the Rachel Morgan Fansite, Rhombus.

We keep getting hits for it so here's another picture. It's been posted before but I have NO idea where it is, the Blogger search function... sucks.

Thanks MuffinHunter!




  1. I looooove that Rachel pic!
    U're awesome :D

  2. Thanks Ana,

    I'm a big fan of the series, I'm hoping some day I'll get a chance to work on it.:)



  3. I think the cheetah couple is more cat like, although if i remember correctly they are standing upright. Thanks so much for the white-throated black jaguar!

  4. Is this the one you're talking about?

  5. That's it MuffinHinter, Thanks!



  6. Inaire:
    lol not all people who belive in the bible are bible thumbers. Take me for example. I belive and yet at the same time I want to see every on of your pics lol with absolutly not clothing or natural/convient covering of their cash and prizes. lol Most of us are pretty lax. I enjoy adult anthro. yours truly Inaire

  7. Hi Inaire,

    Bible thumpers are people who take the bible literally, even the parts that contradict other parts. Most religious people beleive the bible is more like Aesops fables, stories that teach, at least the first parts. I don't have a problem with that per say, I just don't want ANY religion forced upon me, which sadly the religious LOVE to do.

    As for the 'dinosaurs' in the Bible. No, one is a fish/whale the other most likely either an Elephant,Rhino or hippo. There is NO fossil evidence that dinosaurs survived (except birds in which case, they are all over the bible)the KT extinction. There are a few reworked bones that HINT maybe a few hadrosaurs survived, but it's unlikely. Thunder birds are Teratorns, large birds that lived in the Americas, the largest found being Argentavis magnificens. Here's a wiki article for you:
    The most likely explination of the historical 'dragons' are bones from the dinosaurs. IF these animals were so very common, then how is it they are never actually drawn even remotely correct? I should see a T. rex or Megalosaurus but I see nothing like that. Sometimes myths are just myths.

    It all depends on what you consider 'agree' agree to mean. I don't always agree with some paleontologists BUT on the whole we agree far more than we disagree. If, as you said, nobody agreed on believing anything there would be no billions of Muslims, Hindus and all the Millions of Christians.

    Oh and Quetzalcoatl is Aztec, not African.



  8. yes to all I think...But-cha know that nothing can be proven all the way. lol Not all dinosuars were land based. Have you ever seen one artist draw something accuratly lol. Most of my immidate family are perfessional artists. sigh except me the black sheep.
    Muslums,jews, and christians are all similar to a certain degree in that all three are based off the ollllllld testament. The differences lie in the interpretation and the new testament which muslims and jews do not belive in. Alexandar the Great describes a trihorn(threehorn)missing a leg. It attacks and skewers several of his men before they can put it down. The native american legend of the thunder bird was based off a story. A cherikee told me this story as it was told to him and the description of the bird that was struck by lightning lol hence the name. "thunder bird" was that of a teradactal. pardon my spelling. I do agree that no one should push there beliefs on you though which. So has anything interesting happened with u and yours latly? anything funny and worth mentining.

  9. Inaire,

    Actually some things can be proven 100%. I'm doing this comment on my computer and it will appear on the blog. Spooky yes? I can prove my dog is a dog and that I am a human, 100%.

    The only Alexander 'dinosaur' stuff I could find had to do with 120 foot long serpents. And couldn't a 'trihorn' also mean an elephant? Or even a Rhino with a split horn (they are really made of hair so it's entirely possible.)

    Thunderbirds are called that because they would ride the thermals given off by thunderstorms... Like some modern birds do. Why on earth would it have to a pterosaur? The fossil record shows pterosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, a teratorn fits the bill and can even be linked to the same time frames modern humans lived in the Americas, a 20 foot wing span that's friken huge. Why is the unbelievable more likely than the banal? Carl Sagan said it best, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Nothing new I can mention yet.



  10. OH, and ALL dinosaurs were 'land based' a few (the spinosuars) were possibly partially aquatic, like turtles or alligators, but they had to return to land to reproduce. Plesiosaurs and the like are NOT dinosaurs. They are marine reptiles, which (with he exception being icthyosaurs) also laid their eggs on land like sea turtles. Pterosaurs are related to dinosaurs but they are also NOT dinosaurs.

    Just wanted to get that cleared up:)



  11. lol i'm going to go out on a lim here and say its a lot easier to prove a dog is a dog then most of what we have dis. Not disagreeing with you but recall that the only reason things are true are because people chose to belive in them. In terms of say for instance when a dinosuar was or wasn't around. There is an error when using carbon dating for instance that gives us a slightly off probability which causes us to have to fill in the gaps. Look at it this way When everyone thought the world was flat but a few others with eividence have was it taken? It was taken with scorn and outrage just like those who belived the earth wasn't the center of the universe. The first duck billed platopuss brought to english scientists was thought to be a hoax. Not because it of the evidence presented but because they (the scientists) chose not to believe it was real. That simple fact is that if you wish to believe something a shred of evidence is enough and likewise if you don't want to belive something a mountain of evidence wouldn't be enough to convince you. LOL the only way person can believe something is by chooce. Nothing else can truly prove or dis prove it because it happened so long ago that no one knows for sure its just speculation based upon bone-turned rock and opions.

  12. so read any good books latly? I always go for science fiction and fiction.

  13. Hi Inaire,

    There are 'truths' and there are truths. I can't disprove that a God like being exists, but I can disprove the Biblical God is a myth. If the Bible is the word of Dog and always correct than ANY evidence tot he contrary falsifies it. There was never a global flood, there are region floods but there is not enough water on earth (or inside of it) to cover the planet completely. It cant happen. Thus the Noah story is falsified and with it the bible. Works the same with the Koran. the bible says the Sun goes around the Earth, we know this is false, thus once against he bible is wrong and therefor inaccurate. Thus, these 'truths' are not actually truths but stories. The actual truths have proven them false. 2+2=4 not 6 because the bible says so or some idiot who see's a chupacabra.

    Just because people believe in something doesn't make it true. You need evidence and facts to support any position. Yes Europe though the world was flat... But Egypt, China, and the Mayans didn't. They outnumbered the Europeans so most of the planet actually did know the truth/facts. History does not stop with Anglo Saxon Europe.

    But after multiple specimens were found we now accept that the platypus is a real animal. That's how science works. While they didn't want to accept the truth when more evidence was presented they did. Now I keep showing you evidence that you seem to simply disregard, not being willing to change your position when given new data isn't what I would call 'truth'.

    Yes, carbon dating is not totally accurate. That's why nuclear dating and Geologic dating techniques are also used. If you use these techniques and they also tell you the same thing as the carbon dating then perhaps the carbon dating was right. Just because it's not an exact date doesn't mean it's useless information.

    I'm sorry, I'm supposed to take the opinion of a random person over that of an actual scientist when it comes to say paleontology or biology? Sure I'd LOVE there to be dinosaurs, bigfoot and unicorns but there is NO evidence other than a few 'eye witness' reports... Something even current courts have a problem with. Sorry, no.

    I just read the Land That Time Forgot yesterday. Ok story. But, like the Peter Jackson King Kong to far to long to get going.



  14. Mabe we should stick with books cause I think I might be upseting u. not really my intent. So what started the career of drawing?

  15. Hi Inaire,

    Actually you're not upsetting me, I'm just having to use a more forceful tone to try and get through. I don't mind discussing things at all, but I can't give the same sort of weight to a few vague examples as I can to actual specimens with accurate dating techniques. Just because someone it the past wrote something down doesn't mean they actually understood what they were seeing. I love the idea of Crytozoology it's just the sad follow through. If you want to a scientist check out TetZoo:

    Darren even goes to Cryto gathering.

    I'm trying to learn you boy/girl;)

    Are you looking for actual first work or when I started showing an interest for drawing? The first answer would be 1992 Homage Studios talent search, the second, as soon as I could hold a pencil/crayon;)



  16. Hi brett,
    I'm not really sure how this blog thing works and what i'm supposed to comment on. But i came over this one day looking for some of your sketches. Your the first comic book artist that i really like and has inspired me to become one. I first saw your work in the Anita Blake series I'm not about to go on a spiel about how great you are, but i do want to ask a question if that's alright. What do you use to draw? Just pencil or do you go over it with ink? and do you transfer it to photoshop?

    --madisyn d.

  17. Hi madisyn d.

    Thanks! Right now I use 2 pencils (one a 2H and the other an HB) a kneaded eraser, a rubber eraser that comes in packs and fits on the end of the pencils and large triangle... sometimes I use circle templates but they are rarely the right size so I use whatever circles I can fine from coins to bottle tops to plates.

    I start with the 2h pencil and rough in the the image, I then erase it back a bit with the kneaded eraser and go in again with the 2h and fine tune it. I erase it back again so I can still see the image and go in and do the final line work with the HB. Rulers and circles are for straight and round stuff;)

    I then scan it into photoshop. And using levels clean up the linework. Then jpeg it and plop it here. My regular superhero comic stuff I have an inker I use. Most of the stuff here is just darkened pencils.



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