
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tasmanian Devil Anthro

Just a real quickie!




  1. I like it, but please forgive me when I say that I thought it was gonna be your interpretation of the Looney Tunes character. '~'

    Call me stupid. But I like this drawing. Really cool.

  2. Why thank you. :)

  3. Waaaaait a minute ... is this the DC Comics character? Formerly of Justice League International and Global Guardians?

    Oh, sad, Wikipedia tells me he was recently killed.

  4. Always loved your anthros Brett, it's what got me to buy "Freaks! How to draw fantastic fantasy creatures". Just something about how you do them appeals to me. Outfit and the anamalistic features.

    I'm a bit of an anthro artist myself, people tend to put the title "furry" on me nowdays but I've always felt that I was never part of that community, at least not beyond the art.

    As a young kid I was recognized as a creative young mind and I loved sculping clay into my own little characters, but I had little desire to draw, so while the other "prodigy" in the class got extra classes with the art teacher I didn't 'cause I was more into sculpting. I just didn't know what to draw and frankly hated drawing.

    Bit of an irony there eh? It wasn't until I was 13 when I found myself liking the concept of werewolves, at least in the sense of something beast like but with a human mind in there, something human and animal in one. So I finally started drawing and then by chance many years later I saw some of your work and thought that you were pretty good, well, pretty good is leastly what you are but I won't try to sweet talk with ya, I think you are well aware of your own skill.

    But without blabbering more than I already have, I must say that I appreciate your work Brett, I see something in myself in your work. I am not as good as you but there is something I find there. Maybe I'm just fooling myself? I'm glad you still draw your animal characters though and keep sharing them (I think your dinos are awesome)

    Thanks for being awesome and keep it up Brett :)

    - The Artist

    PS. I think your other stuff is awesome too!

  5. Yay!! I wasn't sure if you were going to draw many more of these that didn't have to do with the werewolf thingy. By the way, are you having any more luck with the 'fuzzy' werewolves D:<?

  6. YOu should draw a gorilla next...heh.

  7. Derek funny you say that. I was thinking after all the Flashes I would love to see a Gorilla Grodd.


    Oh I really liked the Freaks book too!

  8. Thanks everyone. I do have a memory of an old DC guy named Tasmanian Devil, if you were gong for a strong Aussie character why would you pick a small rodent like animal, when they had Thylacines, Thylacaleo's and giant monitor lizards? Strange.

    Ugh, if I see another gorilla I think I'll puke;) Sorry Steve, no Grodd. Would you settle for Rex the Wonder Dog;)

    SHould we start a letter (email) wriing campain at Watsom Guptil? Freaks! 2, Freaks! 2!



  9. Yes. Freaks 2: All Brett Booth Edition. :)

  10. Freaks 2 have at it! I proposed a second edition with more cartoony Furry looking anthros. It was deemed a bad idea. I see Impact! books did one exactly like I described, so maybe WG will come around.

    Actually rather than Freaks 2 I would love to see Brand Studio Press do a series of "The Art of Brett Booth" editions. I have probably 30 or 40 gigs of Brett's artwork I would be willing to compile.


  11. An Art of Brett Booth book sounds like an awesome idea! However, I would want one that deals specifically with your anthros. The other stuff you do is amazing, but your anthros are in a league of their own.

  12. I noticed that you have a small VCL gallery that has not been updated since 2003. Just wondering why you still have it, and if you are planning to use it or another art site as a replacement for DA.
    Also, on your DA there was a golden cat anthro; could you please repost it?

  13. I had purchased several of your artbooks out there and love the anthro felines and canies. Dinos are nice but I like the mature abthro pics you,ve done and would love to see more. Lol mabe an anthro dragon or two. I,ve been following your art for a time and I think I speak for every Brett fan... Keep up the good work.
    An art lover Inaire

  14. Need a freaks two with lol a different name and adult naked hot ect ect lol artwork.

  15. Just one question: This was " Fair " ?

    Do you think this was "fair"?
    Ok, ok, do not argue the fact that Hugh was a "hero second step" of the DC universe but of what they did with it ... give such a brutal death and still submit it the ultimate indignity of being turned into a "carpet of fur" to Prometheus was an evil and total lack of humanity of the editors.

    It's okay that they were willing to "get rid" of "disposable characters" but then I ask them "WHAT" is a "disposable character"? I remember the participation of the Tasmanian Devil in Justice League Europe and how I loved those adventures, the show as a character of action, the Strong Man Sticks for all the work of the team, well ahead of her come with Wildstorm, Group Authority ,and his Gay pair, Apollo and Midnighter, or Marvel Comics invent Hulkling and Wiccan, or become, "official" Gay relationship between Rictor and Shatterstar, showing how the super-hero character "Gay" could be fascinating, and Tasmanian Devil was for me , "The Beast / Hank McCoy" from DC!

    When I heard the end of it I would feel immense pain, see me because they not only kill but would "turn into a rug" with him a piece of happy that I love and hold on to my past in DC Comics. Oh boy ... There is no such a character to be "more relevant", "weigh more in context of things," "influence over", "BE MORE IMPORTANT" than others! How do you determine the "importance" or "absence of importance" of the LIFE even if it is the life of a character from the comics?

  16. CONTINUE...

    The Allan Moore always says: "There are 'bad characters' are 'bad writers'!". I remember all the times when Hugh was fundamental in Justice League Europe how it made the difference when it was necessary and how it was summarily ignored by those who decided to kill him and not happy to shoot to stab the end of evil and inhumanity of decide to turn it into a carpet of fur is a villain snobbish, pompous, egomaniac and "God syndrome" and would sincerely like to know "why" suddenly decided that Prometheus was like "so devilishly more important"?

    He took a beating on Batman? Big deal Captain America demolished he with one hand tied behind his back in crossover Justice League / Avengers with him using the knowledge to fight of the Batman and his lousy parafernalia disorientation of sensory motor, darts of toxins ,subliminal and energetic mace and yet without ever being with his shield then wonder "how" the writers decided overnight to become a character created to be just a cast of bizarre supportting by Grant Morrison during his League of Justice on the" big bad wolf diabolical "from DC?

  17. But Damn! The editors do not have to resort to drastic solutions and compelling as that used in this Tasmanian Devil to make readers "hate" Prometheus. That they have been doing for some time now (taking characters that they think not "import" and giving them very brutal killings or worse as they did with Ralph Dibny and his wife) is a lack of character without size. They even want to "hurt the hearts" of readers? Try to kill Lois Lane equally brutal and appealing to Sue Dibny to see the size of the damage it will cause later ...

    Damn! It was necessary to kill Hugh or give you a view as brutal and unworthy! Why instead they put him back into the League of Justice in place of Congorilla? He was a character a thousand times more attractive to James Robinson and show work as a "shady character" can be "fascinating" and even be a way to work with a super-hero character "Gay" a legitimate way cool!

    I remember the adventures of Animal Man just written by Morrison's final story of the character and the scene it was detonated by a villain invented by Morrison and by that enemy of Green Lantern The Shark, while Morrison was making a farewell speech with a message ecologist. When he finally looks there is the Animal Man all burst into a pool of blood he just looks and says, "Get there. It's just a story ..." then the Animal Man "resurrected" and shouted "A History? A HISTORY?!? NO! It is," just a story"?! IS MY LIFE!IIS MY LIFE, CURSED!!! "

    And I'm remembering the final words of the Morrison and I can not stop thinking about whether Hugh was in place he would not have said it. Or with his last Good Humor to die thought, "I will be killed and turned into carpet to this clown dry feet after their baths because the "Great Creator" all powerful of direction of the publisher decided that "I' am worth less than he "??? Oh well... At least will make the readers ecologists hate he ... skin of endangered species used in ordinary and futile demonstrations of power attracts more disregard and revulsion than respect and fear ... "

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. But letting go whining to the death of Taz I really like the fanart! The next well that could be Solovar Justice League Unlimited, Tygrus, Tiger-Man, a mutant of the episode "Tiger, Tiger!" Batman the Animated Series and the Beast (BOTH! Both the animated feature film from Disney and the X-Men and Avengers in the comics)

  20. Wow, that's a lot to take in. A few things. Taz wasn't dead, he was skinned alive and the rest of him that wasn't made into a rug was kept in a stasis pod. I have no input on the stories usually, so I draw the scripts, not my job to question the writers and editors. One last thing. I know next to nothing about the comic universes. I know a bit about the X-men and a small bit about the Flash and Wonder Woman, so I don't actually know what you're talking about.



  21. REALLY? ? ? I do not know that! ! ! In that edition of DC Comics that? Well I was referring to the recent trend of modern comic books to simply kill the characters if they do not succeed or if they are considered "disposable" by the editors. How did Sue Dibny and Liam Harper ! Or in case like they did with Taz the Tasmanian Devil in the miniseries Justice League Cry of Justice! I was speaking it was not necessary to kill Tazmanian Devil. I am against it. I recently have seen the superheroes become increasingly "ugly, evil and like to kill" and it saddens me. When we arrived at a point where a villain kicks off the skin of a hero to make a fur rug with her is because she has something very wrong with us. But you just gave me some good news. I'm glad that the Tazmanian Devil to be alive. ^ ^ I really wanted that other DC Comics characters were also there. And finally I suggested to him that his drawings could be next Solovar, the King of Gorilla City, Tygrus, the, Tiger Mutant, the episode "Tiger, Tiger!"by, Batman The Animated Series, and the two Beasts The Disney and the X-Men, in comics! Anyway thanks for the good news =)
