
Sunday, December 5, 2010

This Sunday, an ARK Encounter!

This is more for my amusement than anything else. Ken Hamn has decided to add an amusement park to his super cool Creation Museum! It's even got a real ark!!!! Of course, it's not in the water as studies have shown the ark that was described in the Bible would tip over very easily in even small waves (yes, yes we all know god 'guided' them to safety... of course he killed everything else, so would you REALLY want to put your trust in a guy like that?) But it's close!

Here's a writeup from what sounds like a possible repeat visitor.

After reading that again I guess that's actually a poe! But don't worry Christian Soldiers one of your own sent that bastard and email and ripped him a new one! He won't be part of your Martyr Complex anymore! Enjoy:

This is a CHRISTIAN NATION if you hooked nosed kikes dont like it then get the hell out. If it were up to me we would have camp agin for you Christ Killing piles of human sh*t. You things are like acid on society you constantly corrode it with your porn, affirmative action, civil rights, fake funny money federal reserve, being totally morally bankrupt,yourselves all of you together are less than pile of dog sh*t. Like CHRIST SAID John 8:44 you are of your father the devil, you are not of God. I will be so glad when you tares are pulled up from among us THE WHEAT and cast alive into hell...........GOOD RIDDANCE .
REV. 2:9
REV. 3:9 CHRIST TALKING you call yourselves jews but do lie and are of the synagogue of disgusting pice of scum!!!!!!!!!

Charles L. Moss

Charles you are a stellar example of what it truly means to be a Christian Soldier. I salute you (from a safe distance as you might explode with rage... or more likely, the stupid!)

Finished with Larfleeze, and just finished the cover to JLA 56, I'm supposed to start issue 54 on Monday:) And I might have a new image for you later today. Hazzah! It's like X-mas!




  1. Dood, I'm Christian and even i facepalmed on this one.

    REALLY Guys? We need this? (By the way, you can send a donation, i think 2 grand gets you a beam on the new arc)

    As for Mon Senoir Moss, rule number 1 when your Trolling by email, be grammatically correct. Thank you.

    Best to you guys and the pups Brett.

  2. Really? do they put your name on it? I'm sure they do a background check but it would be funny as hell to put my name on a beam, well maybe not 2 grand funny... I wonder if i could write that off as advertising? Hmmmmm....

    You forget that the number one way to know it's a troll IS the bad grammar;)



  3. Wow, that dude needs help. He needs to watch who he calls morally bankrupt.


  4. Doh, my bad, it's 5 grand for a beam. Taken

    "On the Ark Encounter website, fans of the project can donate $100 (£65) to sponsor a wooden peg; $1,000 (£650) for a plank; or $5,000 (£3200) for a beam."

    And I disagree sir. I have trolled many a forum in my day. and mai grammar iz perfekt!.!>!>>!!

    (did i get that right?) :P

  5. I don't know, that Charles Moss e-mail seems pretty fishy. Maybe it is legit but I think someone is having a bit of fun at your expense. Ranting “Christians” for the most part only turn up like that on blogs when it serves the blog owner’s anti-christian purposes. Pharyngulu routinely gets schooled by intelligent Christian posters, that post is too much of a caricature of what ignorant fundamentalists get painted as. Anyways anyone with even an ounce of discernment knows that rant is thoroughly anti-Christian as well as anti-Semitic, anti intelligent, etc.

    The ark thing looks interesting. I did a lot of ark research when I worked for a Christian multi-media animation company. I’m a bit surprised Brett you found a reference to a model of the ark which would flip. Could we have a link? All the computer sims I’ve come across say it was a feat of design unparalleled in the ancient world. Most modern cargo tankers use a similar design and they are virtually unflippable, still I always like to view a historical occurrence like the ark’s construction from all angles.

    congrats on getting the JLA issue done. Now onto the next issue and...cough..mail dinosaur cd..cough :)


  6. Funny as hell Cryostar!


    He get's emails like that all the time, nothing fishy about it. He posts them repeatedly. You should have seen the Catholics when he was sent those Jesits! They went ape shit.

    And I'm sorry Steve, YOU might think he was schooled but everything I've seen shows the opposite.

    The ark thin was on TV. I saw it awhile ago. They built a replica based on the bible measurements (not exactly accurate but it's the best they had), like they do with regular ships and put it in a wave pool. It sank in seconds. I'm guessing your computer models were all done by those creation 'scientists', you know the ones that make stuff up.

    A computer model isn't the same as an actual test. It might have been on NatGeo or the History Channel. I've seen it twice if it's on again I'll let you know the exact name.



  7. I'll have to agree Steve. I only have to travel 2 hours south of St. Louis to get my fill of "christians" that would sooner knock me out for not being Baptist or Methodist than actually talk with me.

    We have to remember, the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan are, to this day, associated with christianity and religion. Last i checked, along with Racism (and i'm streotyping here, bad me) they dislike Jews and Catholics.

  8. Okay, yeah I think I know the tv special you are talking about, it was on the Discovery Channel. There have been numerous models for the ark construction; most are sea worthy, there are areas the Bible does not give exact details on the vessel's construction; in other words variables. Depending on what you assign to those variables you either get a good design or a bad design. The Discovery special opted for a bad design and ignored the possible good design elements. Discovery seems to always choose whatever will make the Bible look bad. I tend to think they have an agenda, but that is me.

    There is a Korean study (not sure if they are Creationists) that looked at multiple possible hull shapes. The ark would have been sea worthy, if it rolled or not would depend a lot on the condition of the sea, also if and how it was steered.

    successful examples of ark construction can be seen here:

    I don't doubt there are ignorant religious folks out there who call themselves Christians. Calling yourself a Christian doesn't make it true; there are many false Christians; Jesus predicted there would be. If you run into an ignorant hate spewing fool chances are you found a religious nut not a person who has embraced Jesus' values at a heart level.


  9. Steve,

    You're doing it again. One you're assuming that they used 'bad' designs because you think they have an agenda (they do now, they have NO actual good science shows, they want ratings so they pander.) Just because they disagree with the other designs doesn't make them wrong.

    And two, just because their are other Christians sects doesn't mean they are wrong. It's more than likely you are, as there are 35,000 different Christian sects. You have a 1 in 35,000 chance of being wrong.

    The bible doesn't mention steering, so you can't assume they had it. Wouldn't they be trusting god to steer them anyways? Since we just flooded the world and killed everything you'd figure he can control their ship as well. Gah! Of course this is besides the point as it never happened.



  10. Well the steering thing is kind of what the Discovery special was banking the non-steering makes sense. So I agree with you on that. It seems like it was designed large enough that steering wasn't a real concern, stability and a tendency to not spin seem to be why it was so long.

    I'm not doing it again. I know there are bad designs and good designs. I know most people believe what they want, so you, me, and the Discovery Channel have agendas. You can't really say with the certainty they did that it was designed in a way it would flip. They chose to only present one side of the facts. I tend to gather as many facts as I can-those are all the possibilities, then by faith I accept it was the option of a good design. So I try to see all the options first, good and bad, and then by faith choose. I accept you don't have to agree, but you do have to admit all the options.

    Not sure where you are getting the 35000 number from.


  11. Actually my number is off it's 38,000:

    The no rudders thing was in the documentary (no rudders , heck they even took the roof off to see if it would float better.) It also said it would take hundreds/thousands of years to make an ark that size at that time.

    You are doing it again, anytime science disagrees with your religion it's wrong, whenever a Christian groups opinion differs from yours its wrong and they aren't 'REAL' Christians. Yet you have the exact same evidence they do (none) yet they are wrong and you are right. You just happened to pick the right version and they did not. So if the 38,000 number is correct and there is only one true Christian sect then you have a 1 and 38,000 chance of picking the wrong one.



  12. Naw, I think I see what you are doing now. YOU believe the internet! 38000 different denominations? You would have to research and know the ins and outs of all their beliefs to make that type of judgment.

    There is a better way. It's easy, I'll help you out. Instead of trying to catalog all the counterfeits just learn the one legitimate version. It'll make it a whole lot easier on you. There are also secondary issues it is cool to disagree on between Christians, get the central issues right and their is plenty of room to disagree on minor secondary issues. The gospel, atonement, sin, grace, stuff like that is primary. Age of the earth, eschatology, worship style, etc.-secondary not a different religion by any means.

    Again remember science doesn't disagree in this case. Historical data interpreted differently by individual scientists happens all the times. Some believe it worked like this and some say it worked like that. They are both using the same data. Both of us must use faith to decide which we believe. I showed you a link to models which float, don't flip, and fit all the animals, so it is possible and it has been proven to work. You showed it is possible it didn't work. Same data, both scientifically tested, different results. You are free to believe what you want, just as long as you realize you are choosing one credible option, not the only possibility.


  13. For instance, we can throw that whole Mormon thing out the window... j/k (kinda) :D

    On a serious note, we were discussing this Ark thing at lunch yesterday (Work was boring). And many of these same points came up. Then an idea hit us.

    From the bible, we can infer several things about the situation. Mostly, God covered the earth in water, and they built a refuge to save all the species (minus the unicorns). What if the Ark was built where it is (in the mountains) and it never really "sailed" but stayed there, grounded and surrounded by water? It wouldn't need steering. It wouldn't need to be sea worthy. Etc, etc. It's kind of a refuge that could float, nothing more. What do you think?

  14. No Steve,

    You can't send me to all your crazy Christian websites and then when I send you to a place that has relevant information it doesn't count because it's the internet (and it disagrees with my beliefs!) Well suck it up because it's based on a study, or some actual research:

    HOW do you know you have the legitimate version?!?! You don't, but you insist you do, just like the Catholics do and the baptists ect. You expect me to take you word that you are right and that all the others are wrong? I did try to read you book and I had to stop it was so bad.

    Science is a tool to uncover the truth, if it tells you something you don't like you don't you don't dump the results and then make something up and call that an 'interpretation'.



    I believe the flood was supposed to cover all the land including mountains.:(



  15. But that's the joy of the theory. It could have covered the mountains, just not enough to set the ark a float, it stayed grounded, though technically, in water.

  16. Ah, but then you not only have to build an ark, you have to build it atop a mountain and a high one at that.

    Realistically, you wouldn't need to build one that high as there isn't enough water on Earth to cover it (or we'd be covered right now.) Any place in the mountains would work Or 300 feet higher than sea level or away from bodies of water.



  17. Hmmm...somethng is false as soon as a Christian says it is true; that is complete foolishness it is just an Ad Hominem rejection.

    So I've shown why your argument might be wrong, and you categorically rejected mine because Christians believe it.

    I know you are arguing from lack of knowledge, but you might be surprised to find out what Christians actually believe. Really it would make your arguments so much more persuasive if you knew what you were arguing against.


  18. No Steve,

    Something is false because it's either wrong or has no evidence to support it. I've asked time and again for something, some shred that might show something but get nothing but 'the Bible says.'

    I reject yours because you show now proof. You don't get points unless you show your work.

    Get off your high horse. YOU are once again claiming to know the truth but provide no evidence. How am I supposed to take anything you say seriously when I ask you for evidence and you basically tell me I just know? I'm arguing against this stupidity you keep spewing. I notice you never bothered to answer Nathan. Seems you're not as 'science minded; as you like to think you are. Come back when you have something you can back up.


