
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

World of Flashpoint 3... er 2 cover!

This is actually the second cover, I know this because I was there... and I'm drawing the third cover now;) Here for details.




  1. When can you announce the new team book you are working on? I though
    DC was supposed to make the announcement last week. I'm dying to find out!

  2. Hi Steve,

    I never said anything about a Team book?!? Not sure were that came from.. unless you're trying to slip me up and get info ahead of time! I prefer single characters, less to draw;)

    I said solicitations were due next week... Or this coming week. So it will be another month before they appear in Previews and online. I can't say anything other than it's cool until it's been announced by DC.

    Honestly I'm not sure how they are going to handle solicitations yet. We'll have to wait and see;)



  3. My bad, not trying to trip you up, maybe I misunderstood something on the phone. I won't repeat it unless you did slip up.

    I hate the waiting and seeing part.

    Come on DC get with it!
