
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Sketch Saturday! It's not Clobberin' Time.

Poor Thing.. he'll never be as badass as the Hulk. 

A quick Kevin of the Apemen!

And then my Red Robin redesign in color! Andrew and me messing around.




  1. I kind of understand why DC did not go with your Red Robin Redesign. It bears a resemblance to Talon's costume design. Not in a bad way, but enough to cause confusion.

    The Hulk image is pretty darn cool. Would like to see it inked.
    The only thing is it is hard to make out that it is the Thing at the bottom. I dunno if part of the drawing got cut off, or something, but Thing seems unclear.
    All things considered, the image is dramatic and really cool. I really like the subtle use of Mr Fantastic and Johnny Storm.

    Btw, have you every thought of using Kevin for some property? It just seems like an interesting idea that would be a shame to waste.

  2. M.O.R.

    The Red Robin image was drawn in April. I'm not sure if that was before or after Talon was pitched/announced so that might not have been an issue;)

    Thanks, I really just wanted to draw the Hulk, I just watched The Avengers:)

    I have a whole mini series for Kevin plotted, just need money, time and a publisher;) Once I'm finished with TT I should have a bit more time:)



  3. The RR redesign looks even better in color. They should've at least decided to add elements of your redesign with the current one instead of sticking with what they have now.

  4. The Red Robin redesign turned out great! Easily one of the coolest versions of the costume I've ever seen. I'm glad that you were able to get it colored.
