
Monday, December 7, 2009

New Agers and Creationists should not be President

An EXCELLENT article by Roger Ebert:

New Agers and Creationists
should not be President

Enjoy as I did;)



  1. I guess Ebert should stick to movies. I consider someone who believes life spontaneously erupted from sludge or on the back of crystals also might be exercising a wee bit of faith, sure it can’t be recreated or repeated by science, but don’t let that discourage you. Also someone who willingly paints all believers in God’s role in creation with the same broad strokes is a bigot. Still it is cool that he is honest enough to recognize how despised Jesus is and how people are more tolerant of absolutely nutty New Age beliefs. Of course he then shows his own prejudices by treating the two belief systems with the same disdain.

    two thumbs down from,

  2. I'd expect nothing less from some who is a follower of ID, and bigotry doesn't mean what you think it means.

    You seem to have no sense of humor about anything to do with you're religion, that's sounds pretty closed minded to me;)


  3. Yeah, I was going to change the word "bigot" cause it seemed pretty harsh to me, then I looked up the meaning,

    "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own"

    So then I thought Ebert just wrote an article saying unless someone believes as he does they are unfit for public office.

    Wow! can't think of a better word than bigotry, can you?

    Naw, I got a pretty good sense of humor. But someone writes evil mean words, they don't get jokes, they get the blunt truth. I find jokes aren't the answer for everything-in situations where laughter is uncalled for jokes are the wrong response.


  4. Alright Steve, let's just lay it all out. Proof. you have none, that is why people are leaving the church, you offer no proof, only illusions and myths. Why should anyone take what you say seriously if you think belief in nonsense if better than belief in facts and data? We have proof of evolution, the subject is closed, we're just trying to figure out the how now.

    I'm supposed to want people in charge who can't reason their way our of a fantasy when given actual facts? Would you want someone in charge who does that? Science is facts, facts that are repetible, that can be studied, not some idea that people had thousands of years ago and has constantly been proven false. You can keep pulling the wool over your own eyes, I prefer to actually see what's in front of me.


  5. Here's a nice article about the overlap of the creationists/Christians and new agers...

    And I'm supposed to think faith or religion is a virtue? Surely you jest.



    This might explain things about Jesus mythology better than I can.

