
Friday, January 8, 2010

Storm Front 7 Cover

This hasn't been approved so it might change, but since I've had problems uploading things to blogger it was the first thing that showed up to post. Nice to see it actually worked.



  1. Hi Brett,

    the Stormfront 7 cover looks great... :)

    Cant wait to hold the comic in my Hands.

    Do you know, when the next Stormfront issue comes out?

    Baron ;O)

  2. wowww that fantastic art, his work is always very good and very popular here in Brazil, I myself am of her fans here.

  3. I am pretty new to all of this. I found you recently through Anita when I was collecting all of the comics and was shocked at the change in the art. While I am oh so excited to get my hands on new Anita from you, I am also looking forward to Dresden. A friend had previously suggested I read the series, so I picked up Storm Front when I saw that you would be drawing it. Will you be drawing entire issues of Dresden, or covers only? I saw that you have posted some internal pages, but wasn't sure if you would be doing all forthcoming issues.
    This looks fantastic!


  4. Baron,

    I don't know when, everything needs to be re-solicited so most likely late spring.

    Thanks Carlus:)


    I'm doing covers for Anita but as of issue #7 or, Volume 2 #3, of Storm Front I'm doing both covers and interiors. Issue 7 is done so, after a few covers for various things, I'll get to work on #8. After that I'll be doing Fool Moon, I'm contracted with Dynamite to do 11 issues after Storm Front 7 so that should do all of Fool Moon and then 2 issues of the next novel. Let me know if that doesn't make sense. I'm tired and not thinking very well;)



  5. Ah! Thank you so much for clearing that up! I am finding it surprisingly difficult to find this kind of information - one reason why I was so happy to come across this blog. The humor and the dogs were an unexpected bonus!

    Thanks again,
