
Monday, May 10, 2010

A few Neanderthal Sketches

It turns out that the Neandethal genome has been decoded and us Modern Humans have genes we inherited from our Neanderthal forefathers. Coolness.




  1. Really like the pose of the second image, something about it sticks out to me. Awesome as always - good emotion and body language as well.

    Would be kinda interesting idea for a comic Brett. A 'Clan of the Cave Bear' type thing.

  2. Hi James,

    Thanks, anthropology is sort of a second hobby of mine. I'm working on an idea with Neanderthals in it, might be awhile and I'm sure not what people would be expecting from me but hopefully I'll be able to get it down on paper at some point in the future.



  3. Booth Relidious,

    The results of DNA comparisons between humans and neanderthals is inconclusive and subject to varying interpretations, so please *SHHHOOSH!* when you want to use words like "decoded" and "forefathers" when talking about the 'thals.
    If you really must know, the Neanderthals didn't go extinct: after the emergence of homo sapians
    the Neanderthals simply went "underground" into the regions of the planet that are uninhabitable to humans(roughly half of all land mass). Since evolution doesn't exist, but adaptationism does, Neanderthals around today are by and large the same as the examined Neanderthal fossil remains. Author Lloyd Pye addresses this in his books.
    Don't shoot the messenger, but Neanderthals have no hint of an arch that supports human noses and their feet are starkly different from human feet. Go and compare a human thigh bone to a Neanderthal's. Their little fingers were as large as our thumbs.
    These physical distinctions have been bolstered by analysis of Neanderthal DNA places them at the genetic midpoint between humans and chimps.
    Right, so Darwinists can clearly explain how 4 million years of supposed "evolutionary" progress could so clearly point to the development of a robustly built,massively muscled,dimwitted brute;then suddenly, 120,000 years ago, modern humans appear-as if by magic!(boy, that Mr. Bean sure is a card!)-to live alongside their cousins while looking nothing like them?
    Neanderthals that are alive today are referred to as Almas/Kaptars. Dr. Boris Porshnev carried out extensive research regarding the Almas of Russia, and because his research methods were of such unimpeachable quality, his peers could not deny him the right to publish in Russia's most respected technical journals; his academic credentals were above reproach.

  4. Andrew,

    I've had it with the crap. The quazi racists stuff on the other post was the straw. No more posting in the comments, if you want to make up more shit and ignore facts do it on your own blog. If you want to play nice fine, but I WILL NOT tolorerate more lying crazy shit.


  5. Hi Brett, if I may call you Brett,

    I'm a believer, just the way I am (not out to convert anyone or save someone's soul, gotta enough problems of my own without creating new ones), having read Evolutionary texts and studied the incredible vast canyon that is evolution, and loving it. I dunno, I am drawn to the physical element of evolution, but I absolutely adore the ways we evolved in terms of the mind. Guys like Robert Winston, or Ken Miller, among others, who simplify it and explain it far better than most lousy biology teachers.

    But the guy above, who dismisses evolution? Delusional would be how I would see that. Goes back to my interest in psychology.
    I mean how can someone explain that every living, breathing lifeform, from human, to rat, have the exact same DNA structure at the beginning of life of the embryo, the first few days/ weeks, yet at about 30-40 days old (don't hold me to that one), through an extraordinary set of circumstances, each animal, including humans, is imprinted with a certain set of instructions that tell our primitive genetic forms that we are going to become a human, or a rat, or another animal.

  6. Hi M.O.R.

    I completely agree and Brett is just fine:) A blogger I know Brian Switek, has a new book on evolution coming out later this year called Written in Stone. ( I'm Looking forward to it!

    Ignoring actual facts when you want to might be OK for most people but I just can't do that. Drives me insane!

    Anthropology has always had great interest for me ever since my 9th grade History teacher showed a bunch of documentaries on the subject of human origins. I means for crying out loud you can SEE the evidence just by looking at the skulls! Very frustrating to have to listen to BS from people with little or no science background claiming they KNOW the truth when all they do is ignore facts and listen to people who basically are lying for Jesus or whoever these crazy Cannibalistic Neanderthal Underground Dwellers are;)



  7. Hi Brett,

    I dunno who these guys are lying for, ain't Jesus, more like Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps or Pat Robertson to be honest (And if you agree with anything they say, you know you're in trouble;) ), but a really fascinating video on youtube by Ken Miller, discusses and destroys Creationism and Intelligent Design, and it is fascinating to watch. He is funny, and has raised his children to embrace evolution, and raised them in the Catholic faith. His daughter is a biologist for heaven's sake. He does not push faith on anybody, but what he is discussing is evolution and how it is irrefutable. Fascinating stuff. Albeit about an hour long, 2 hours with questions. There is a one minute prayer at the start by a reverend, but I assure you, bar a few appearances of a reverend as a host of the event, there is no mention by Miller himself of religion, this is all taken from a college guest lecture. I included the link here, if you wish to see it. I just wish to promote that their are believers out there who see evolution as true, and not a lie.
    Ken Miller shows a clip of Pat Robertson, and I will not spoil it for you, but I just found it hilarious. Maybe schools in America don't want to teach evolution because of the recession? ;-)!v=JVRsWAjvQSg&playnext_from=TL&videos=luikQntQRHg

  8. By the way, I am not pushing belief or religion, just including the link if you want to see it. I hate people being pressured into something which they just plain don't want to do. I should know, I was pressured into playing sports, not for a team, just as part of Phys Ed, and I not only was terrible at it, but I hated it, and then got flack from others for being so rubbish.

    Thankfully, in college, I learned that sports are just another tool to blind the masses to the greater wrongs in society and promote neanderthalic tribalism. (Not gonna apologise for that last one. It's true. :) )

  9. Ah M.O.R.

    That would be admitting that they are in fact not following the bible, but a specific someone version of it! That just won't do!

    I think if the Christians or any religious group would just STOP and think, that maybe pushing things isn't the way to go, that others might not WANT their religion and that perhaps because not everyone is a Christian or Muslim or Hindu, ect. maybe we need to come to some sort of basic common ground that doesn't follow any religion when doing laws and basic society stuff, things would be much better. No one is saying you can't worship as you want to at home but maybe that's were this belongs now. Constantly twisting the truth to fit into a small world view, just doesn't work anymore.


