
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Few Words of Advice for New Readers

First, if you're humor impaired, this is probably not the blog for you.

If you get off on pointing out spelling or grammar errors, this is not the blog for you. And you are a very small person. Hang your head in shame.

Brett and I are smartasses. Our sense of humor is twisted. If you don't get it, you don't get it. Don't feel bad, but also realize that if you don't get it, maybe you shouldn't be commenting on it. Unless it's a question. We like questions.

If your reading comprehension is poor, this is not the blog for you. However, if you feel you must comment, please follow these simple rules that will keep you from embarrassing yourself:
  • Read the post slowly and careful. Do not skim.
  • Write your comment somewhere else, like a text program. Save it.
  • Go do something else for a while. Take a walk. Have dinner.
  • Come back to the blog, read the post again, then, if your comment is appropriate, post it.
These simple rules will save a lot of typing for both you and me. Since I've started to have problems with my hands in my old age, I'd appreciate it if you could follow the rules in order to make life a little easier and less painful for me.

Realize, however, that if you violate the rules, I will mock you mercilessly, no matter how much pain it causes me. Because I'm a crabby bitch and I enjoy it.


P.S. If you're looking for the dogs, click the DesertWindHounds link to your left.


  1. No no no no and NO! Why can't you all just bend yourselves to my will?? :P

  2. JEEBUS! I've been looking for you guys forever!! I must admit i am a huuuuuuge fan of your artwork since I found it in Freaks! Though i to am an artist ( not very good one though) I was wondering if i could offer an art trade? If not I am more than willing to buy a commission if possible? though I am but a poor college guy.
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. Considering that I have yet to find a commission page.
    Thanks guys! You both are such great artist, I'm simply happy to be able to view such wonderful artwork. perhaps one day I might be as good as you guys. Keep up the great work.

  3. Cryostar,

    That would require cookies and a white goat, not sure if you'll be able to get the right kind... of cookies;)

    Hi Arashi,

    First, welcome and thank you:) Steve Miller (writer of Freaks!) also comments on the blog:) He's around here somewhere, I just sent him an email:)

    There is a very good reason why we don't have a commission page... we don't do them. Sorry but I just have it in me anymore, plus the anthro people are just WAY to demanding on their commissions. It's worse than working for Lucas Film!;)

    Now I just do stuff for myself when not working, that way I'm not avoiding the drawing board (I am this morning, don't want to draw these covers right now, just not in the mood for covers.)

    Anyways, questions are always fine with us, share the love and all that.



  4. Are they the kind of cookies made from little babies? I only have a few of those left?

  5. "plus the anthro people are just WAY to demanding on their commissions"

    Oh yeah, I hear ya on that one... give em a foot and they'll demand a mile, all for a mere 50 cents.

  6. Cryostar,

    Always fresh babies, never frozen;)


    LOL!, that and the fact that I think some of the designs are really bad, and I wouldn't be able to try and make them better. I do character designs professionally, I've been told I'm really good at it (thanks Jim Lee, checks in the mail!) So to be forced to draw something I think it horrible... SOOO NOT fun.

    Apparently 'sketch' means finished colored work for them.. not something I'd do for $25.00.



  7. This fellow seems to be heavily referencing your art, denies doing so, and seems to be offering it up for sale?
    He's also uploading stuff here now that people on FA called him out on this

  8. PNR,

    Thanks, some of it is indeed swipes, while others are him attempting to draw in my style and still others are a bit of both. He dd credit the Acroman to me on DA (but I'm thinking that one is traced, the anatomy is far better on that one than the others,) but not the Anpu. The cheetahs piece, the woman was a Leopard in freaks. That dragon thing, the body is mine but the limbs are his, the dog guy is mine with a changed arm. and the mouse thing is all his!

    My only big problem is selling what are reproductions. That's a no no. And since those were from a book the publisher might be a tad peeved about that.



  9. I'd make mention of this to him, since he's moved to DA thinking he could continue to do this.
