
Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm feeling nostalgic this week. Redesigns- Wonder Woman and Supes

It's Comic Con time once again, and while I haven't been to on in ages, I do sometimes miss all the action. I've been feeling a bit trapped by my contract right now. Things with Dynamite haven't been going that well lately, just stupid crap that seems to keep popping up. Every time I get back into the groove something new and even more stupid than the last time pops up. It's rather frustrating. Anyways on to the nostalgia. I decided to toss my hat into the Wonder Woman redesign ring. I think I finally figured out what was bothering me about the re design. She doesn't look like Wonder Woman.. meaning she looks to young. In fact she looks more like Donna Troy (she might be young in the story so I might be wrong about this.) I know it's just a sketch, and that Jim did it quickly. I worked with him for years and sat over his shoulder watching him crank out pages and sketches. I did have a question, when did Wonder Woman get these enormous breasts? She didn't have them originally and now she's so top heavy I'm surprised she can fight at all!

So I drew up my redesign, trying to make sure she looked a bit older. I Drew up a Super Man redesign as well, but I'm not sold on it, needs some work.




  1. I Love the WW. I think the Supes Design would be great on Connor (Superboy)though.

  2. I though he looked a bit young;) I agree, it would work better with Superboy:)



  3. Yea Currently Superboy wears jeans and a T-shirt...

  4. I agree with others, Superman looks more like Superboy.

    One could also use this costume for Mon El, as he is like a slightly older Superboy.

    Still like it tho. Maybe make him a tad older, and a tad bulkier as well.
    More of a man, less of a teenager.

  5. WW is a good idea, I think the mid torso design is a little too busy. I would hate to have to redraw that every panel. The pants are awesome. Overall much stronger than Jim's design. I think WW is too iconic to change her costume now.

    The Supes is pretty thin. He kind of looks like a cool take on Miracleman.

    I guess I would have to see them colored to be sure.


  6. Art,

    I'm not sure, I'll let you know:)


    The middle just looks busy, it's a trick of the shiny rendering;)

    I think you guys are assuming my Supes would be HUGE, but he wouldn't be that big. I hate big, makes them slow, plus then the arms stick out strangely and they get all veiny;)

    Oh and STOP mention people I'm not familiar with, makes me loose my comic street cred;)



  7. Dude you created Backlash, you got mad comic street cred.

  8. Please, if Backlash was really popular he'd be in his own book again, in costume. Not wallowing away with a missing leg. Nope, my super hero cred be long gone. Oh well. I still have my anthro and vampire cred.. right?;)



  9. Man love the wonderwoman design and I was thinking of doing a wonderwoman print for Wizard World chicago this year, mind if I use this design if I draw her? ill even throw you in as the designer on the piece.

  10. Hi Ben,

    First, I must say, you need to get permission from DC to do prints, I don't know who you talk to about it. But if you already have then have at it.

    I know Marvel has person you can mention this to, no naughty stuff and things like that. I'm not sure if DC is cracking down on this or not. I know Marvel/Disney is. Don't want you getting in trouble!



  11. Great Wonder Woman design, Dude. I agree with you about the breasts. More muscle definition in her shoulders and biceps would make her look more "mature", but still HOT!
    Don't sell yourself short on the comic street cred

  12. Love your WW redesign. I find it much more appealing than the one by Jim Lee. As you said, she looks too young and too much like Donna Troy. What I like about your interpretation is that it keeps the iconic look of WW while updating it with some modern styling. The best parts are the way you designed her pants, thigh high boots, and the arm bangle.

    Great as usual.

    BTW, sorry to hear about the DA fiasco.

  13. Javon,

    My super hero glory days appear to be behind me. Not that I'm complaining, but I would like to do a nice run on the Flash. Maybe that would up my 'cred;)

    Thanks Geekcheck:)

    I love the word bangle... I'm going to have to use that today;)

    DA happened awhile ago, I've long since forgotten about it. But getting ripped off seems to happen everywhere, on of my followers was taking the character design poses I put up and tracing them new costumes for their online game site. Needless to say I was not happy about that. People don't seem to realize what stealing is anymore.



  14. Gauntlets! Ever since I think... Wildsomething... the team book with Backlash and Zealot on it? My brain has lost that piece of information somewhere. Anyways, ever since then I've noticed a lot of gauntlets on the stuff you draw, and I like 'em a lot.

    Just sayin'.
