
Friday, July 2, 2010

Storm Front is done, on to Fool Moon...

Just and FYI on were I'm at. I finished off Storm Front a few weeks ago (this is page 22.) I've started on Fool Moon this week. Having some trouble getting started, I sometimes have a problem shifting from covers back to pages. Plus I'm trying to get that 7 page Kevin story done, I'm on page 5 right now. The weather has been a problem as well, very humid, the pencil is digging in and is showing up very light... well lighter than normal. Everything is sticky... I thought I left Florida! Andrew I feel like I'm back in San Antonio!




  1. man i know what you mean, coulds everyday out here in las cruces making everything sticky and cant 't slide my hand over the page very well to make those long lines. Sigh, but the inks seems to be stick better to the page when its humid. Here I thought I left houston

  2. LOL! Not as bad today, but now it's hot again, 98 inside. So now I'm sweating. I can't win!



  3. Excited for Fool Moon, even though I wasn't REALLY that into the books until the fifth or sixth one. Did you know Butcher's other series, Codex Alera, features a whole race of wolf people? :)

  4. MuffinHunter,

    So far my favorite is the third one, but I'm only up to the sixth one. I actually just reread Fool Moon last week (Tuesday I think) to refresh my memory. I'll read it a bunch more while working on it. I think I read Frankenstein like 20 times when I was drawing it. try to make sure i get things right and include the little things that people love, like Dresden's shirt in Storm Front:)


