
Friday, July 23, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church Zero, Comic Geeks Won.

Yesterday those funny little bigots at the Westboro Baptist Church picketed the Comic Con in sunny San Diego (a whole mighty group of 4 of them.) The comic fans apparently had heard about and decided to do a little protest of their own! Here's one of the images. Click on it and read the signs, I'm still smiling and I read this last night!

Rest of the story over on Phyrangula and a few more images and links.

Also more signy goodness here!

You did good my little Geeklings, soooooo good! I'm so proud of my people:)




  1. My fav sign is the " Support fiction read the bible" one.

  2. Mine was Kill All Humans... Still make me smile:)



  3. I don't know if this is a success or not. Westboro exists mainly to get their pictures and names in the media. They just crave attention. Even when they are out picketed they are still getting press. They live to create controversy and then bask in the limelight all the while patting themselves on the back for standing up to overwhelming odds. There was four of them, maybe if people just ignored them they would stop. It is like streakers at sporting events, by refusing to cover them in the press the number of attention seeking streakers decreases. Take away their press coverage and Westboro is nothing.


  4. If you ignore them they keep coming back but if you mock them they leave early;)

    I think the funny ass posters and signs made this a total victory. We not only get the them leaving early we get a good belly laugh at the same time:)



  5. There was a remarkable display of creativity at this event, which I praise, personally.
    Westboro got served!!!

    Forgive me Brett, and this is one of the few, tiny occassions I will say this, but

    "God bless the nerds, geeks, and enthusiasts" who held that anti-Phelps, anti-hatred protest right next to the WBC. Please give me a pass for that one. \:¬|

    That group seems to be made up of a number of individuals of all different faiths, no faiths, and backgrounds. None of them support hatred, that is something which unites those of us who are sane, human, and kind. We all have hope for humanity, even when WBC can make us less and less inclined to believe it. These people are heroes, in my book. Gail Simone commented about the protest, in a video of the event and she praised the group for their courage.

    Take care.

  6. Sadly, with the pride comes the fall.

    Apparently there was a stabbing incident in Hall H at the comic Con. Someone got stabbed with a knife, in the face, with a knife, over a stupid freaking seat.

    It freaking sucks.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. M.O.R.

    LOL!, I'll let it slide;)

    I'm beginning to think the stabber was actually a gaming fan (and it was a pen,) a bit more rage there I think. But they are still human and with all the crap going on at the show he might have just gotten a bit overwhelmed. I'm sure it's not the first time something like that has happened, but he does sort of soil what would have been a great show. All for a Resident Evil panel... what a waste!



  9. Yeah, going mental at a comic panel for Resident Evil the movie is just idiotic. Going mental at the panel for Resident Evil the game, I would understand. :)

    It just seems idiotic. I'd love to say I cannot imagine two friends getting into such a fight, that one stabs another, but sadly I did see such an incident when I was a young teenager, one friend stabbed another friend with a single prong of a pitchfork, in the arm. Only for someone else getting between them, there could have been some serious, serious injuries caused if someone had not stepped in.
    The friend had tried to stab him with a four pronged pitchfork, but only one actually stabbed him in the arm. He might have gone in for a second attack but for being stopped.

  10. Aw, that warms my heart. More people need to protest against them for fun. Oo! Maybe we can make a internet game out of it... Hrmmm...

  11. I would like to see the Gail Simone video, is there a link?

    Who did she praise for their courage?

    I'm no fan of Westboro, but they were the minority and the outgunned, they are the only ones who showed courage. Again they are idiots, but history is full of courageous idiots.

    The mob who protested them didn't have to muster a whole lot of courage to stand with hundreds of other counter-protestors.

    I think what maybe Gail meant to praise was the high degree of tolerance displayed. Christians, atheists, gays, straights, and geeks in general stood together against a small evil cult.

    I guess the real test will be to see if Westboro comes back next year. If they do unfortunately I think it shows they enjoy all this negative press.


  12. Geek_Chick,

    I might even try to make it to the con next year if they continue;)


    I knew I saw a bit to love for the crazies.

    Fighting against your oppressors always takes courage and in this case (like most right now) the religious fanatics are the oppressors. Forcing others, either buy force or guilt, to do as you say is never right.



  13. Westboro, a group of about 20 or 30 wackos is the oppressor? I don't think so. They really don't represent anyone but themselves. You know my popular statement, just because I put on a brown skirt and sell cookies it doesn't make me a Brownie scout. They are religious fanatics, but again it is a cult consisting of mainly one family.

    Courage is not about being right or wrong, it is about being brave. I always get a laugh when you see some group in the majority claim to be brave. Gail is a smart cookie, I'm really curious if she actually misused the word or if she is misquoted.

    Again, I strongly dislike Westboro, don't agree with them, but they seem to be able to get people to play right into their hands and keep the Westboro name in the news. Just ignore them and they will quit.

