
Sunday, September 12, 2010

White Lantern and more con news.

Colors by Andrew Dalhouse.

So yeah, I'm staying home today to take care of Jess and the Dogs, so no show:( I did just about make back what I spent on prints so that's cool. Thanks to those that came out, Jade and her friend (who I can't remember her name, not to worry I'm HORRIBLE with names.) We had a nice chat, I did draw her a sketch, but it was a dinosaur so don't feel bad;)

I officially broke my no super heroes fast on Friday. Started page 1 of a Huntress/ PowerGirl 8 pager for Superman/ Batman. I'll try to finish that off today since I'll be home now.

As for what's left of the prints, I have to send off some to Oezden with all the original art he got and then Andrew, who printed them up for me, forgot to keep some for himself. So, I have to get some out to him. I'll be sending off the rest to Derek Ruiz so he can take them to the big shows he goes to so look for them there.




  1. Cool. The colours bring it to completion.

  2. So were there two prints, Green Lantern and the Voodoo dude?

    Sorry to hear about Jess, hope she gets to feeling better.

    Sounds like you had a decent time.


  3. Yeah, Andrew was made for Green, or in this case White, Lantern stuff.

    Prints going to Derek are Franenstein and Lifeless. I'll post that image next month after the New York con;)



  4. I"m also gonna Trick Brett to do an Kevin Print for NYCC lol.

  5. Yeah, the con was pretty awesome... I framed voodoo guy and Nightwing last night.

    I hope Jess feels better soon and all is well with the dogs.
