
Friday, November 19, 2010

Superman Batman #78

First page of my backup story.




  1. I only have two qualms with your style as far as drawing the wimminz: I have curly hair, and let me tell you, it looks nothing like how you draw it - curls are not spiky nor do they try to eat my face; and if all women had the monster thighs you like to give them, we'd never find pants that fit our legs right.

    Other than that I actually really like the composition of this picture. I really like how you drew the Huntress here.

  2. Dear Jamie-

    What an almost nice thing to say. This is comicbookland, honey, it's not meant to be realistic.

    I am forty-one, and for my entire adult life I have had 'monster thighs' and the ass to go with them. Strangely, I have never had a problem finding pants to fit my thighs, although getting them small enough in the waist has been a problem.

    I find it ever so interesting when female 'fans,' who typically piss and moan about the comic book women who are built like twelve year old boys with a boob job, are presented with women who are not drawn to that mold and then you piss and moan about that.

  3. Hi Brett,

    Do you have any plans to share your pencils from this issue on your blog? I love this splash page in particular. I thought you did a wonderful job showcasing the varying emotions of Helena and Karen and I thought you did a great job drawing their costumes!

    I'm a big fan of the way Amanda McMurray writes The Huntress. I wish this story had been longer. I'd love to see the two of you hook up together for another Huntress story.


  4. Hi Erica,

    Thanks! What was printed is actually the pencils, we just darkened them, but I'll put up some stuff without colors for you:)



  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's what I meant, the pencils and inks without the color. I look forward to seeing them!

    Do you sell your work via an art rep? Or yourself?

    Have you ever been to Heroes Con? I'd love to get a Huntress sketch

  7. Hi Erica,

    I put the images up for you as well as answers to your questions:)


