
Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Sunday is FLAMING!

So the truth comes out! Like all republicans of power, Jesus had a homosexual relationship and the whole 'god hates fags' thing is just an elaborate cover up! How ingenious!;)

Seriously, I have no idea were I got this but at least there's an email address!

I was going to put this up last week but I simply forgot! but I did want to talk a bit about this 'free will' crap. Free will isn't really free if you disobey someone and they kill you for it. Case and point:

Genesis 38:8-10 – “Then Judah said to Onan, ‘Lie with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother.’ But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother’s wife he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so he put him to death also.”

So because he used his free will to NOT impregnate his brother wife (the whole thing is kind of sleezy to me but I guess my human based morals are to blame.) He's killed for it. At least that's the usual interpretation.  (I get something else when I read it, I wouldn't kill him for it, but a beating... yeah.) So back to the free will thing. How is that really free will? Sure he had the ability to not do something in the story but he's KILLED for it by that ever loving god guy. The point of the story seems to be, yeah I gave you some free will but if you use it, I KILL YOU! Taking it away with threat of death. Ugh. How can people by into this stuff? It's like the worst soap opera I've ever read! 

Of course that's the so called Christian 'scholars' version. I personally think this has NOTHING to do with that, and that he was killed for screwing his brothers wife for the fun of it and NOT impregnating (like he was supposed to) her so he could keep doing it. Of course I'm sort of surprised he didn't kill the wife as well since you have to figure she knew what Onan was doing. See, sleezy soap opera! And how those super crazy religious people get no masterbation out of this STILL baffles me. That's some fast talking!




  1. Wow...the Aaron Sorkin version of the bible. ;)

    Yeah, the whole free will vs determinism thing is one of the big debates of philosophy. The idea of having a free will, a choice, versus having a destiny or a fate.
    People wondering whether they chose to do this, or was it written in the cards. Such debate has entered the field of psychology as well. For example, if someone has killed someone, psychiatrists will often wish to examinine their childhood, at key pivotal moments of their life. So if someone was abused, or witnessed a shocking event, then that trauma, among other events can carry on into their later life and create a monster.

    By the way, while I don't disagree with your opinion, one also has to wonder what he was doing sleeping with a married woman.
    That documentary I often quote, "For the bible tells me So" cites that story in the documentary.

    The thing about alot of the holy books, whether it is the Koran, the Torah or the Bible, is that alot of those books are a mix of historical events (mixed in with a bit of exaggeration, as all history is filled with as well as creative language. Sadly, as it was badly translated and people get progressively dumber, they don't seem to understand that.

    Sadly, the same thing has happened with cinema and movies. If you look at the way it evolved, people don't seem to understand the language of film anymore. But then when an incredible director does trust his audience, they don't seem to understand their intention.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. M.O.R.,

    For some reason your comment showed up twice so I just deleted the second:) Not sure if I'd say Aaron Sorkin or some show on Logo;)

    I'm sure Steve will enlighten us about what it really means;)


    Well that almost makes sense... I guess. Not really sure what you're referring to, because I'm not aware of my art being taken off of.. shit... Of course the fact that you cowardly left your name off and appear to be partial mentally ill gives me an idea who you might be, but I don't really care. I did get a good chuckle out of it though, so thanks!



  4. I guess you're not quite as anonymous as you thought:

    Salina, Kansas arrived from on "Demonpuppy's Wicked Awesome Art Blog". I'm sure it would be fairly easy to contact the ISP's in the area and find out who you are as the threats you are making are federal crimes.

    Just because you think you're anonymous doesn't mean you are. So Salina (sounds like a girls name, so it should suit you.) still a coward and I'm guessing some sort of bigot as well. I mean I can't spell but you.... wow. I'm guessing a 6th grade education if that? So how's working at the Dairy Queen?

    Since I know were you are coming from I can say a few things. One, your artwork is childish and badly designed. Two, I left DA because they were not enforcing my copyrights, in fact they were allowing others (small minded troglydites like yourself) to steal it. Three, I'll be sure to tell my editors at the 3 companies I work for that they should fire me because an 'anonymous' commenter say's I'm a has been. At least I'm not an art thief!

    I guess I'll have to turn on the comment moderator thingy. But don't worry, I'll do a nice big post to show everyone who comes here what a lovely human being you are.



  5. Brett,

    Which version did you get the Genesis verse? I have one that explains more detail about the whole thing.


  6. Culturally in ancient Jewish tradition a widow's brother-in-law was supposed to marry his dead brother's wife and provide for her --providing her with children, an inheritance and a secure future for her.

    Onan apparently decided to make things look good on the surface, and appears to have married his late brother's wife. Onan did not care about continuing his brother’s family line. He also seemed to be using Tamar as a “sanctified booty call.” He agreed to treat her as a wife to get sex, but he would not make her a mother. I think Brett got the general idea of the story right.

    A little more insight is available here:

    Free Will is not the same as freedom from consequences. Good or bad actions have consequences. What most people want is not free will but freedom from moral limitations.

    Remember also Christianity more adequately offers the possibility of free will existing. A secular materialistic or naturalistic view believes only in a closed matter system. Therefore all thought is the illusion of complex chemical reactions. In other words you don’t think, you can’t have an original thought, you can only experience the byproduct of chemically induced brain synapse firings.


  7. Jeff,

    I don't actually know, I'm assuming that's the King James version since it's the most common. I had a bit of a time finding it, since I couldn't remember Onan's name.


    The interesting thing about that passage is how different people interpret the passage. Sort of make all interpretations suspect.

    I'm not an expert on the brain, but if that is the case then ALL thought is original as no one, except for twins, would have the same chemical reactions as everyone has slightly different chemicals in different quantities. Of course this is totally in line with a natural world, I still have yet to see a 'soul'.



  8. read Zombie Jesus, he will explain all:


  9. Steve,

    LOL! I only saw a few pages of that before (I prefer my Zombie Jesus, more true to the mythos;)) But that page with Jesus all wrapped up and walking around.... priceless!!!!

    Thanks for that!



  10. oops that's Lazarus, Still funny as hell!



  11. How is it fair that the contemporaries of Jesus got to see all the hocus pocus and magic? Why did they not need faith, they had proof.

    And the Onanism = masturbation thing is weird too. I think it's just saying to not be a pig when you're shooting your seed. Get a rag. Spilling it on the floor is just unsanitary.

    And the gay thing.... I don't understand how they resolve "love thy brother as thyself." That sounds like advocating homosexual relationships if you ask me.

    They really need to make up their minds.

  12. Christopher,

    Well the Hocus Pocus still happens today. Unfortunately a whole bunch of gimmicks, manipulation, and false miracles happen as well. The thing is witnessing miracles won’t often change people’s minds. Jesus performed miracles for thousands but most just liked the fireworks and spectacle; they didn’t go farther in trying to figure out WHY Jesus did miracles.

  13. Steve,

    Were are these examples of miracles? And Christopher is right, they GOT proof, why can't we? God 'talked' to people all the time back then, why the 2,000 years of silence? Why are the devote amputees still without their parts? Why can we never seem to actually see this hocus pocus? For someone who loves his 'flock' he never seems to be there for them when they really need him. Worst Parent EVER!

    Science attempts to explin the why, religion just says god is mysterious, look over here, whoooo spoooky! Now look over there SATAN! Now start praying or you're going to spend eternity in a lake of fire! Yeah that explains stuff, it's about a coherent as my new friend Salina.



  14. Hey Brett,

    If your interested in this. Here is a link that shows some of the past "Miracles" you mentioned. Whether you want to chalk it up natural causes or God is up to you. But I found it interesting.


  15. Hi Jeff,

    The ark? Oh man, that's just a myth based off of another myth. No evidence for a world wide flood, ever. There was no exodus, the Jews were not slaves. This has all been debunked by numerous sciences and even biblical scholars. Nice pictures though. This might even be a good example of my Spider-man refutation. Just because Spider-man comics take place in a real city doesn't make Spider-man real. The bible could be nothing more than the fables or comics of the time.

    But this still doesn't even come close to answering the question, where has god been for the last 2,000 years? I want some angels, with flaming swords and God himself. And he better answer some questions.



  16. I'm still hoping God sounds like Morgan Freeman...otherwise I'll be terribly dissappointed.

    I'll say one thing for Rob Liefeld...he swipes from the best.

    There's an old joke about why God never came back to Earth again.

    God was getting ready to take his vacation, yet sought advice from his most revered Angels.

    "What about Mars?" one suggested. "Too hot", said God. "What about Pluto?" said another. "Too cold", said God, and its not even a planet anymore. Then one chimed in "Well, what about Earth?" "Definitely not!" said God. "I screwed a Jewish girl 2000 years ago, and they still won't let me forget it!" ;)


    Take care.

  17. Miracles usually happen at church, but they can happen anywhere you have a Christian praying for someone. Hang around a Bible believing church where people are honestly serving God and not treating Church like a religious social club and eventually you'll see some form of miraculous intervention from God.

    My experience is doubters don't want to believe so even witnessing a miracle won't change their minds.


  18. M.O.R. a few years ago NPR did a story on what people would like if today they made a religion from scratch. They ended up with isolation pods where you sat and listened to Morgan Freeman repeat calming phrases. It was hilarious, they even got Morgan Freeman to record sayings like "you are special", "you are okay", "you are loved," etc.


  19. Steve,

    Prayer studies have been done several times and guess what? Nothing. In fact if the person KNEW they were being prayed for they actually got worse. Prayer has been debunked.

    Why only in church now? That's not what happened in the old days. Is is so the tricksters can control the charade? I'm still waiting for that mountain to stand on it's summit. The fact is all of these 'miracles' have been debunked when scientists are actually allowed to examine this stuff. Just because YOU can't explain it doesn't mean someone else can't.



  20. "M.O.R. a few years ago NPR did a story on what people would like if today they made a religion from scratch. They ended up with isolation pods where you sat and listened to Morgan Freeman repeat calming phrases. It was hilarious, they even got Morgan Freeman to record sayings like "you are special", "you are okay", "you are loved," etc."

    Isn't that what you're religion teaches? Except it's a bunch of people who's voices are so not as cool as MF.



  21. Faith is good. Religion is bad. Time to level some churches, nuke some mosques, burn some synagogues, and generally wipe out any organized mindless-cattle-based movement, pretending to be based on faith! :D

  22. Sorry I should have been more specific. When I say "Church" I mean in a context of Faith where the gospel is being presented. Inside, outside, church building, house, whatever. Most times I've seen miraculous events at Church services-but usually not by the pastors; God seems to use whoever is handy when I've seen it happen. God usually uses miracles to authenticate the gospel message when it is presented.

    I think of one instance in my former church where a man suffered from debilitating seizures for something like twenty years. He could not drive a car and had trouble holding a job. He had been on a horrendous amount of medication. He was prayed for and was healed.

    Read the PDF file here:

    The thing to note about this story is I was at the church and I know the people involved. It is true.

    Now there is room for doubt, I guess. If you want to you can side with the doctor who believes the prayer somehow activated 20 years of drugs and suddenly made them work. What ever.

    Miracles make the open to belief move closer to God. They tend to make the hard hearted more hardened.

  23. Steve,

    Case study please. Just because you think you saw something doesn't mean you saw what actually happened. It's called a magic TRICK for a reason.

    Did he get his medication changed recently? Did you ever see him have one? He was a pastor, could this not simply be that crazy religious 'cure'. Or is he like those guys in Israel who think they are Jesus?



  24. As I said Brett, miracles tend not to change the hard hearted's mind. This is a real case witnessed by hundreds, documented by trained specialists at one of the countrie's best hospitals in Columbus and recorded by a former Ohio State Law professor. This is legit. The truth is there is no amount of info which will change your mind. Your mind will always try to find a reason to reject the info. I could introduce you to Mike, I could introduce you to Rich Nathan, but it will not change your mind. You will always look for a way to make it into an elaborate hoax.

  25. Steve,

    I find that fact that you so easily except information that fits your world view disturbing. You trust these people who's other attempts at science are amatureish to say the least, yet I'm supposed to take an actual.

    How is this legit if everyone who's authenticating it is a part of the church? It's in their own self interest to make it 'true'. I figured is this was so true it would at least be on Rich Nathan's wiki page but it's not mentioned. Why is that? It's suspicious to me. You might be able to swallow what others say but I question, and when you take the time to look you can easily see the cracks. I'm sorry the whole thing sounds suspicious and I even Doctors will let their religious leanings taint their ideas and results. Now if they had an independent study which is what I would have done then I might be willing to accept a few things but the mind is a strange thing, Mike might have been faking it and not even know it wasn't real, like those crazy people who need an exorcist to cure the demons when they are really just having a meat down that they need to work through. But I say again were are the cured amputees? Something with some physical implications. Not something easily faked.

    There is no such thing as a hardened heart as the heart has nothing to do with emotions or the mind except pumping blood for it!) Sckeptism when things seem hockey, is far better than blindly accepting things. But this does beg the question, if he can really cure this affliction, they why isn't he going around curing people? Why isn't this on the news? Why aren't people forking in droves to get his 'help'? The religious LOVE to make pilgrimages to healers or ponds or tortillas. Why isn't this guy on the news all the time?

    I find it extremely hard to believe that this would stay a secret if this guy actually cured someone. A LITTLE common sense (or hardened heart if you prefer) can go a long way.



  26. So I just read the stuff about 'Mike' (I just glanced at that PDF yesterday.) All I can say is... OMFG. It's like the worst I know this guy story I've seen in the last 5 years. There is nothing even remotely scientific or even convincing about that. In fact, it all sound mostly made up. And the fact that MOST of the 11 pages are just preachy Jesus stuff... ugh. You had me going their about the 'Trained specialists' but there was NOTHING in their about it and Mike.


