
Sunday, December 19, 2010

This Sunday: The Elves Must Die!

It looks like those pesky religious types are at it again! I'm not going to comment on this, you can't make shit up this funny!

It's time for the annual War on Christmas mantra. Ugh, just so everyone knows we Atheists don't really care that the Christians co-opted a few holidays, we don't care if you say Merry Christmas, we don't care if you want to sing Christmas carols (although most are horrible, I do actually like a few.) We prefer to say Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays because we understand that not everyone is a Christian celebrating December 25th. Some are celebrating Yule, Saturnalia, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or simply using the 25th as a day they get together with friends and family to exchange gifts (you co-opted the date, why can't we?) So, to be inclusive Happy Holidays takes care of everyone. Stop being so fricking selfish;)

I know you like to think that Jesus is the reason for the season, he's just but one.

I should have a new cover to show tomorrow:)




  1. Hello Brett,

    Seems that some have a hard time telling between reality and fantasy. Next, they'll be burning witches and heretics...

    Unfortunately, all the hoopla about a War on Christmas has just backfired big time. The Christmas narrative is a myth but its effects have been all too real. We must never forget that the lies surrounding the Christmas tale are the foundation for the evils perpetrated by Christian Rome over the last two millennia. For the truth to live, the lies of Christmas must die.

    Seven Star Hand Unveils Death Blow in War on Christmas

    Alas, certain lies have a troubling habit of eventually returning to haunt you, at precisely the worst possible time...

    Happy Winter Solstice...

  2. It's a shame that Christianity is so abused , just like Christ ! Our problem here in America is that people who claim to be christians are not , and bam all of christianity is mocked and ridiculed ! We who are the true follower's of Christ only wish to show love to others! such as Christmas is all about getting with family and sharing moments of joy and happiness ! We don't wish anything bad on anyone in fact we want nothing more than good for everyone ! Our goal is to help others, pray for healing of the sick, take care of the widows orphans and homeless ! And yet I read that we are evil for wanting good to be done . If people would stop attacking christians and be a little more concerned with the hatred against christians the truth would easily be seen !!

  3. Hi Seven Star,

    I'll have to look at the video tomorrow. Before I can comment on it.


    Ugh. The martyr complex yet again. You speak of joy and happiness yet that only applies to those who follow your book. You deny the rights of others, your faith healing is a joke and doesn't work. You say your version of Christianity is the right one yet there are 38,000 Christian sects.

    Your goal is to force others to follow your religion. That's all.



  4. Wow it's like people go out of their way to find stuff that slanders their religion so they can go white knight it.

    As for me, it'll be the first time ever I won't be forced to go to mass.

    And if there was any way for me to "like" this post, I would.

  5. Toraneko,

    This is almost as bad as the Focus on the Family group getting pissed off that the West Village was changing their focus from Santa Claus to Frosty for this year. I still haven't wrapped my head around that one.

    That forced participation is one of my largest problems with religion. No choice is given, no alternatives offered. You MUST believe or be ostracized.

    Glad you got a kick out of the article:)



  6. Doctor's themselve's have admitted that the healing is real and they can't explain those miracle's "no joke" I have never tried to force anything on to you , I am just standing up for what I believe , sorry if that offends you , and if you don't have joy and happieness that's not my fault I'm not telling you to follow anything I wouldn't force anything on to you ! best rg.

  7. Sorry rgalwaysright,

    Studies have shown that praying does NOT work and in fact if the person know others are praying for him/her they usually get worse. And why hasn't God healed any amputees yet? Not a one. You're so sure your right that any evidence to the contrary is ignored.

    You are forcing things on me, or at least your religion is. In God We Trust, One Nation under God ring any bells? Not being able to advertise or even walk in a parade or run for certain public offices. And I never said I was unhappy, that's you reading into things, but to be blindly unaware is something I'd like to not be. Didn't you just tell me that evolution was wrong and that God was right? That's you forcing your beliefs on me (and you of course provided no evidence to support your position, how unsurprising.) And before you go down that road science isn't a belief system, it's a tool.



  8. I could completely argue everything you've said here which apparantly I would just be accused of forcing my beliefs on you ! I do have an opinion that evolution is wrong , doesn't mean I'm forcing anything on any one . Let's say the theory of man evolved from a monkey is actually what it is a theory , then we would have to say the same theory would exist that monkey evolved from man ! What I really like about science is when my dad was a kid the earth was oh like 50,000 yrs old than when I was a kid the earth aged like millions of yrs. and now who knows you have to really love science to believe someone who's going to tell you exactly what happened 14 million 300 hundred yrs ago . Thanks for the discussions they've been interesting .

  9. I'd LOVE to here your evidence, I'm sure it's been per-reviewed and is completely supported by something other than the bible. You know live evolution and geology.

    Forcing your beliefs are saying prayers before meetings, having Under God put in the pledge, me not being able to run for office because I'm an atheist. Expressing your opinions, however wrong they may be, is your right.

    I see what you're doing, you think evolution has a purpose, it doesn't, other than to keep the genes alive, the form doesn't matter. If the modern world ended we would indeed evolve into something different, what it was would depend on the environment and random mutations. I doubt it would be a monkey but it would be something new.

    How old it your father?!?! Those numbers are like 15o years old. As science progresses we've been able to pinpoint the times better. You do not understand how evolution works so before I waste any more time I suggest you actually read up on it as it seems your education on the subject is based on information from the 1800's. Seriously. I suggest Written in Stone by Brian Switek.


