
Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Sunday: Losing My Religion... Gregorian style!

Found over on Dynamics of Cats! I actually can't stand the original song, not because of the subject matter, I just don't like it. Not an R.E.M. fan but I do like some of thems's songs.

I did have something I wanted to write about but for the life of me I can't remember! I got the swine flu... or maybe the Dengue fever... OK, it's just a cold but I feel like crap. If I think of it later I'll post it.




  1. Don't want to be a grammer and spelling nazi-but it's spelled 'their'.

    I can understand the not liking REM. Personally, I am a fan, but again, not of every song.

    Anyway, get well soon, hope you feel better in a few days.
    The best treatment I know is a hot toddy (whiskey/ brandy with hot water and sugar, or lemon and honey if you have a cough or sore throat.) Tylenol or Lemsip or whatever your medicine is good also. Anyway, hope you feel better in a few days, and hope it does not affect your work.

    Take care.

  2. Their, I fixed it;)

    I don't/can't drink alcohol of any kind. So that's out:( I usually take LOTS of vit. C and Dayquil. It's annoyed because my nose won't stop running and I have to work.. not fun trying to keep snot off the boards!



  3. The song itself is a great song ,I just don't like Michael Stipes' whiny ass bullshit.Or any of those crying,life is soooo harsh emo songs.
    Oh and for your cold I found these tried and true Texan remedies,and everything is "bigger and better" in Texas so they must work. :D

    Texan Cold remedies

    Apply fresh cow dung to your chest in the form of a cross
    Wear the skin of a white Weasel around your neck
    Rub the bottom of your feet with Tallow and Turpentine and then hold your feet against an old wood stove
    Rub your chest with Goose Grease and Kerosene
    To cure a Head Cold, catch leaves in your hand that fall from trees in the Autumn
    Take dried frog skins and make a powder of them. Mix with fruit juice and drink.

  4. Well shit. I don't have ANY of those supplies. I'll just have to suffer through then... I wonder if I can use chicken fat and regular gas?



  5. Well you could use Dog shit instead of cow dung,I'm sure you've got an endless supply of that around.I only have 4 little dogs and if I could find a way to make a profit off of their crap I'd be a rich,rich man.
    The white weasel thing is tricky though,it would probably look pretty bad if you started going around skinning Caucasian politicians in your area.
    Chicken fat or Schmaltz is WAAAYYY too valuable to use for a cold remedy,that stuff is culinary gold and gas is so expensive that's out of the question too.
    So I'd say dog shit is definitely your best option. ;)

  6. Don't worry, Brett. I have the perfect cure.

    First, we take a chicken, and then we cut its head off. Hang it upside down over night to allow all the blood to flow back into the earth. Then we cut it up, carefully removing the bones, and boil it in a pot.

    While uttering some incantation, a secret passed from 7th son to 7th son, and printed in Cosmo, we add some vegetables to the pot, as well as some secret herbs I grow in a secret location to create a diabolical concoction known as...chicken soup.

    Yes, chicken soup, or tea is a great way to fight the most irritating of irritating common illnesses. Honestly, humanity can send a man to the moon, create artifial intelligence, yet nobody has the inclination to cure the common cold. They would be heralded as heroes.

  7. Brett
    This doesn't really have anything to do with the post but it was LOL funny and I knew you'd get a chuckle out of it.,19263/

    FINALLY!! They got the bastard.
