
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Teen Titans 1 cover pencils

Still nothing from DC on posting more stuff, so here are the pencils to cover #1.

Oh, and my original Bart design, I was hoping to use it for the letters page... but that didn't happen. I had posted it as Wally, but I lied;)




  1. Really like this.

    I have to ask though (this is a questio about the tattoo, but not a critique I assure you). Anyway, when you do something like the tattoo, or Cassie's lassoo, or Charcoal girls energy burst, or glowing effects, and so on, do you do the effects all on one, final page? Or do you do them on two or three different pages, as in one page with the majority of details, and overlays for the effects?

    I was just wondering, as I thought the coloured tattoo, and other effects in the original were done in overlays, then given to the inker/ colourists to superimpose on the image.

    Sad about the letters page thing.

  2. Wow, awesome pencils yet again. This book is going to be beautiful.

    I think it is amazing getting all these little insights into the transformations of the costumes. I hope that maybe in the first trade or something there can be a feature about it where you can put in some of your designs. I like looking at this Bart Allen mailstack design and then looking at the promo without hair and then the issue 1 cover design and working through the thought process on how the costume evolved. It's all very cool. Looking forward to seeing the new costumes in print in Teen Titans 100.

  3. Whoops, I misread your comment on the previous post. I guess I'll have to wait until Teen Titans 1 to see the new costumes in print. But I'm sure the pinup in Teen Titans 100 is still gonna look great.

  4. Hey brett you said superboy had TK,so is it something drawn by the inker or colorist,after your done,or is this just a very early pic of the cover where it wasn't added by you yet?

  5. M.O.R.

    Nope, overlays aren't really used anymore. But I did do one fore page 17 of issue 1. All that is done by the colorist.

    Thanks Mark,

    I'm hoping they do a sketches section in the trade:)

    Yeah, regular TT in issue 100:)


    All those fancy FX's are done by the colorist Andrew. Sometimes we talk about it ahead of time others he just surprises me. It's similar to the FX they use on GL's ring:) I don't think I'd ever get anything else done if I had to draw all those lines in!

    Thanks Superman!



  6. Sort of a random shoe/boot related question-- your Flash rendition for the letter page clearly has some treading on the underside of his foot. When it comes to characters who sport spandex, do you have a process by which you decide that a character will have treads or not? I know Backlash didn't have them when you drew him, and I don't remember if Vigor (another speedster, sort of) did, but is that something artists think about..? "Superman... hmm, okay, he wears boots, but he flies, so I'll make them look more like a sock on the bottom, but Batman, well, he climbs walls, so, yes, let's put them on his boots." Or is it possible that I've thought more about the treads on boots (and the lack thereof)in this single post than most artist ever have in there whole careers?

  7. -T-F-,

    It sort of depends. For the more agile and leapy guys and gals, I prefer a more flexible boot, more like Backlash and Spiderman's. For more commando guys, like Say Grifter or Batman I'd go with treds. Since the Flash and co. run they'd need traction so treds again. It is sort of creators choice most of the time. That being said. I hate the heel on the old Superman and DareDevil boots. Looks too much like dress shoes for me!

    Thanks Lee! He's the most fun to draw of the entire cast:)



  8. hey,

    It is a pleasure to look at your art and I love Kid Flash, he looks really great. Why are you such an amazing and wonderful artist? ;-) May I ask you a question, how old are the Teen Titans now? Tim, Conner, Bart ... with the whole reboot thing I am kind of confused if they are the same age like before the reboot..

    I wish you a nice day :-)


  9. werwoelfchen,

    Thanks! I'm not exactly sure but I've been drawing Cassie at about 17, Tim at around 16, Bart at 15 and Connor around 16-17. I think that's pretty close to what they currently are.



  10. Hey Brett,

    Don't know if you even know the answer to this, or if you can even answer it but, do you know if there is plan for the characters Steel(from Superman) and the Eradicator? Like I said I am not sure if you would know anything cause they have nothing to do with TT, but hey you could know cause you do work with DC haha. But ya do ya? :P


  11. Dylan,

    I don't know about Steele, at least what the are doing with him. And I'm not familiar with Eradicator, I shall google...

    Nope, I've not heard anything about him in the Superman cricles. Scott did say he hopes to use Krypto... but that wasn't really an answer...



  12. Brett,
    Oh well thanks for getting back to me, I hope they use then at some point. I am glad to here that Scott hopes to use Krypto. Again thanks for getting back to me!

    Your Fan,

    PS. Are you going to be at San Diego Comic Con?

  13. Do you or Lobdell have any interviews about the TT book coming up that we should watch for?

    Your mention of how old you draw the characters reminded me that Tim Drake used to be said to look younger than he was. Is that still supposed to be the case?

  14. Dylan,

    Sorry been so busy I forgot to answer! No, I'm not going to San Diego. It's not really a comic convention anymore and for some reason someone always gives me the plague;)


    I did do n interview for DC's The Source, but it's the same things they gave to everyone so nothing really new there.

    I think so, Tim looks more like Bart's age while SB looks older.



  15. Lobdell has an interview up on Comic Book Resources now. According to the intro, you're a "'90s superstar." But now a "2010's Grand Master," right?

    They used the picture without the bigfisted boy, even though adding new characters is brought up in the text.

    Lobdell makes the book sound really good--I particularly like what he says about quicker stories vs story arcs--but it still sounds like a ground-up redo of a Lex/Clark clone for Superboy.

    Still watching for your piece on The Source.

  16. The cover looks cool, though I still love the concept art best, its cool to see Red Robin with his cowl and Kid Flash with the rounded top, in both cases I think you did right to show their hair.

    I can't wait for the book to come out. I wish it was September already. And I've been reading Mr. Lobdell's interviews and yeah, I agree with heffison I like the idea of done in one stories. That's cool, and I plan to get Superboy at first ... and if DC asks, yeah, I'd love to see Krypto in Teen Titans ...

    And Kid Flash is the coolest Titan so of course he'd be the funnest to draw. :)

    Keep up the great art and I hope they let you post a page of art down the road ... I really can't wait for your comic to come out. Its one of the few I'm completely psyched and not on the fence about.

    ~Ottery St.

  17. The first new post on The Source today is the Teen Titans piece. No shocking reveals, but a lot of enthusiasm.

    It sounds like it's a lot of fun to be on this book. Have there been other projects where it turned out to be a major drag, or is it usually something like this?

  18. Ottery St.

    Thanks:) I did ask Scott about Krypto, he was very cryptic about it so I'm not sure:/

    I wish DC would have posted something new, the first issue is done, being lettered right now. I just finished the second issue and that's halfway done inked. Andrew will start coloring next week. I'll be working on cover layouts and that TT 100 pinup this weekend.

    Lots of Bart in issue 3:)


    Yeah, they were softball questions and they actually didn't use a few of mine, I guess I gave too much away?

    There have totally been drag books. Either because they wanted stuff I hate drawing, or just because the actual story was boring, sometimes it's just burnout.

    So far my DC stuff has been pretty fun. (oh and this is a BIG secret, I just drew Donna and Wally together in issue 2 of TT;))



  19. You are so gonna get in trouble for saying that lmao. I really don't know why DC isn't flooding the net with everything they can throw at fans about the sept. books,it makes no sense to me to let people who have been negative about it to keep being that way,and howabout capturing new fans with cool new ideas,come on DC. Brett stay cool.

  20. "Yeah, they were softball questions and they actually didn't use a few of mine, I guess I gave too much away?"

    Well, you could always tell us so we can judge....

    I agree with tony that DC ought to let out as much as it can sooner rather than later, and tip the frustration to anticipation ratio even more in their favor.

    It must be weird watching people freak out about stuff that's already "last issue" for you.

  21. Tony,

    No worries, I doubt most people will notice;) I do wish I could show off some art... They put us on these tough deadlines so I don't have time to do anything specifically for the blog, yet I can't show off any of the art. The annoying catch 22!


    Sure thin.... wait a minute! I almost fell for that;)

    I'm wondering what they plan on doing for SDCC. I'm working on the #3 cover now so maybe they'll at least show that.



  22. Hey brett your comment about wally and donna has showed up on a couple message boards already,people are going crazy,its fun to watch.

    More new DCU exposure anywhere we can get it would be great and smart,I can't wait for the october solicits to see more on the new universe.

    Did you draw the cover to #2?

    Dude you'll be lucky to show issue 2's cover at the SDCC how tight to the vest DC is with all their promotional stuff.

    I need to know stuff about the new superboy,can not wait until september,feel free to let anything about him slip at anytime lol.

  23. Tony,

    LOL! Just an FYI, if I put an evil smiley, ;), I'm not telling you everything. I think the ship date will show what I'm talking about;)

    I think DC is trying to drum up some mystery. Which is cool for movies and TV, but since the sales for the books are due the month before they ship... it might cause some lower sales or they might be looking for some sell outs. I don't know.



  24. I've been informed that's a winking smiley. Damn kids!

  25. "I've been informed that's a winking smiley. Damn kids!"

    Ha! There's a thread on one of the boards that got derailed by whether you should have a 16-year-old slang consultant for Teen Titans. You may have just settled the question.

  26. heffison,

    LOL! Scott has 16 nieces... so if he needs slang he can get it. I myself will even read teen books. Big fan of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson (as well as his new Kain books.) These books don't dumb down the teen world like the soooo many horrible Disney teen shows.I find it funny as hell that they think that TT NOW needs teen input, trust me Scott still has the childlike wonder;).

    Here's an interesting hypothesis I've noticed. Once a person becomes a parent they become a hypocrite. Suddenly teen don't want to have sex, they don't have needs other than a parents love, they would never be bad. My child is perfect. Once you have a kid you become unbearable to the other adults that DON'T have kids. These are the adults that can actually step back see teens as what they are.

    I'm wondering who they think writes all the teen shows, movies and books? It's certainly NOT teens. They are characters with wants and needs, that just happen to be teens.

    I will grant you that some parents can see through the BS, but most simply can't.

    Heh, sorry, just something I've wanted to mention after reading all those comments.



  27. Nice costumes!:D Brett, i have a few questions.

    1. Theres so much RED going on in those 2 TT pix. Why? Can you or your colorist make Superboy's tattoo blue or something? Because that much red really strains eyes.... :(

    2. How much time do you take to draw a single comic page? What about splash pages?

    3. What books are you excited for in the DC relaunch, other than your own, of course? ;)

    4. Will past TT like Miss Martian, Bombshell etc pop up if not sooner, then later?

    Small nit. You draw Cassie's face the same way you draw Donna's.

    Your JLA stuff was really awesome, especially those Donna ensnaring Jade & Eclipso slicing Spectre parts. Looking forward to TT :)

  28. Hi kneelbeforezod (love the name!)

    <<<Nice costumes!:D Brett, i have a few questions.


    <<<1. Theres so much RED going on in those 2 TT pix. Why? Can you or your colorist make Superboy's tattoo blue or something? Because that much red really strains eyes.... :(

    Originally we were trying for a team look, so matching colors. We have made a few changes, Charcoal girl (NOT her actual name) was changed to blue, the outside of Robins wings are now black. I might change Bart's headpiece a bit make it solid yellow. Of course SB's costume is not a costume so that will change but his colors are red and black, not my choice...and Cassies' will get some modifications down the road. If that reds too much for you then how on earth did you make it through JLA 57 and that crazy page 8, I'm still having flashes from that one;)

    <<<2. How much time do you take to draw a single comic page? What about splash pages?

    Depends on the page. Average time is from 4-6 hours. Splashes maybe 8 and DPS several days.

    <<<3. What books are you excited for in the DC relaunch, other than your own, of course? ;)

    Batgirl, Nightwing, Superboy (loved the first script!) JL, WW. I might try Legion Lost, I love Fabian's RR, but I never could get into LoSH. I'll read all of them just to see what I like. It will be interesting to see if Frances can make Barry cool.

    <<<4. Will past TT like Miss Martian, Bombshell etc pop up if not sooner, then later?

    Well, sort of. There are several images of some other teen heroes in issue 1. And I know Scott mentioned Gar to me and I mentioned MM to him. It's sort of a different process than the regular books I've done recently, so I can give you a definite maybe!

    <<<Small nit. You draw Cassie's face the same way you draw Donna's.

    I draw everyone face the same, I start with the left eye and then go tot he right. Then the nose and the mouth. Then the jawline and hair;) Trust me put the face of Donna from the JLA 58 cover next to Cassie from either TT image and you will see the difference. Cassie has a rounder face. Donna has a longer one with a longer straighter nose. But most comic artists have cheats, they have say 3 faces they just swap around to save time. I think since the hair is the same it makes the face look the same. I'm sure Cassie will change her hair style soon, as she doesn't like to repeat herself much;)

    <<<Your JLA stuff was really awesome, especially those Donna ensnaring Jade & Eclipso slicing Spectre parts. Looking forward to TT :)

    Thanks, I loved drawing the Specter! I never did get the hang of Jade… she's a tough one.



  29. Thanks for replying so soon :D

    >>Of course SB's costume is not a costume so that will change but his colors are red and black, not my choice

    What does this mean? Superboy's black vest and pants are not the final costume?

    >>If that reds too much for you then how on earth did you make it through JLA 57 and that crazy page 8, I'm still having flashes from that one;)

    I couldn't lol! I just flipped thru that page with all the pink dialog boxes and whatnot. Sometimes i think James Robinson tries to explain a bit too much when all he needs is the dialogue from that Eclipso slicing Spectre splash page :)

    >>I'm sure Cassie will change her hair style soon

    Well honestly i've grown tired of most of the main Wonder Family having really no hairstyle at all, save for Artemis
    and Grace Choi(love this!

    She needs a new hairstyle, imo.

    >>as she doesn't like to repeat herself much

    You just gave away some of Cassie's personality with that, methinks, and i'm thinking it will be snarky. :(

  30. Btw Brett, who are your favorite current DC artists? Mine are Nicola Scott (Teen Titans), Jim Calafiore (Secret Six), yourself, Ivan Reis (Brightest Day) and Pete Woods (Action Comics)!

  31. <<<What does this mean? Superboy's black vest and pants are not the final costume?

    It means he won't be wearing those kind of clothes for a bit. He'll be wearing the outfit from SB.

    <<<I couldn't lol! I just flipped thru that page with all the pink dialog boxes and whatnot. Sometimes i think James Robinson tries to explain a bit too much when all he needs is the dialogue from that Eclipso slicing Spectre splash page :)

    That was the point, the blinding teleporter light! Hahah! You should read his scripts! I'm told JLA 60 was like 20 MBs!

    <<<She needs a new hairstyle, imo.

    Well they do have a hairstyle, and they do match up. One of the reasons we went with that hair. Every haircut is a hair 'style'.
<<<You just gave away some of Cassie's personality with that, methinks, and i'm thinking it will be snarky. :(

    Nope, that's me being a smart ass;) I haven't read the dialogue for 1 yet so I'm not sure what Scott has her saying. But she will not be exactly the same plain Jane she's been. She's got some spunk now.

    <<<Btw Brett, who are your favorite current DC artists? Mine are Nicola Scott (Teen Titans), Jim Calafiore (Secret Six), yourself, Ivan Reis (Brightest Day) and Pete Woods (Action Comics)!

    Hmmm…. Lets see, Amanda Connor, Ivan Reis, George Perez, Jim Lee, The Red Robin artist Marcus To, Sami Basri, Jock, Ed Benes, Adam Hughes, Greg Capullo, David Finch, Patrick Gleason, Eddy Barrows, Pete Woods (nice guy as well!) Bernard Chang, Kevin McGuire.

    May favorite DC books are, Red Robin, PowerGirl and Batman and Robin.

    May favorite DC characters are, Wally West, Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Wonder Woman, Booster Gold and Ted Kord, Barbara Gordon, the New Batgirl. Our version of WonderGirl, Supergirl, Larfleeze, Glomulous, Damian Robin, Alfred, Max Mercury, Jay Garrett and Powergirl. I know there are more but those are the one off the top of my head.



  32. Your favorite artistist is exactly who i think are the best to,so awesome there.

    SB's colors should always be red and black that keeps him different than kal and kara,and if you need to see some blue brett tell your colorist to color his TK blue,not red from here on out.

    You wanna give any spoilers for scotts SB script? Hehe.

  33. Cool I love Amanda Conner, her run on Power Girl is SOOO GOOD!!!! haha Sorry just had to pop in and say that. :P

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  38. Brett ... I'm sorry for being so frank but after seeing all the changes and 52 new titles of the "new" DC Universe the only conclusion I could draw is that DC has become the Image Comics ... pure and simple ... 52 titles of all the vast majority do not interest me animan me to buy ... I fear the worst titles of these 52 the vast majority sank in a few months after the release ... not like you have gone to Billy Batson Captain Marvel to the Marvel Family with Black Adam, with Osiris,and Isis , Lobo of DC Comics , The L.E.G.I.O.N. the fourth world of Jack Kirby the New Gods, Darkseid and Apokolyps and New Genesis ... I did not like the idea of ​​disappearing with the Justice Society of America with Batman and the Outsiders did not like any of the teams of young heroes who seem to have been made to destroy these characters ... The Titans for example? Where is Raven, Beast-Boy, Troia / Donna Troy (HATE CASSIE), Jericho, Starfire , Tempest, Nightwing and if you need a "Super" Chris Kent as "Superlad" ,Captain Marvel Jr/Freddy Freeman or a, Young Martian Manhunter a half-human half-Martian J'onn J'onzz son with a human wife ? And if the case is to "renew youth teams" then why did not they just face a new version of Young Justice to follow the same pattern of Marvel's Young Avengers (type of series that Cartoon with Superboy / Connor Kent (again the cool version of the season in which he lived in Hawaii is not the "super emo crybaby "),Osiris/Amon Tomaz Aquagirl Daughter of Aquaman, Miss Martian, some new young Super Speeder instead of Kid Flash, like say, Iris West, a teen version of Green Lantern , Aqualad african-american, a "Hawkboy" teenage version of Hawkman would be just like Robert. E. Howard described the young Conan the Barbarian (which even at the age of a boy was more than 1.90 m is heavy 100 pounds of pure muscles) and perhaps a Young Hawk-Girl (in a Red Sonja, Amazon teenager), Artemis the niece of Oliver Queen and Roy Harper Red Arrow then again with his arm as if it had never been cut by Prometheus or even the Speedy Mia Deardeen, or Connor Hawkee, perhaps a "Batboy" version that would be more grown up and proud of Damian Wayne (for which he has "still can not be a ' Batman's also not enough to be more 'just' a 'Robin' "...) and a young mystic, perhaps Zatara (or a" Young Doctor Fate" maybe Eric Strauss which was barely dead and has been created that could perhaps be a " quantum magician "would alter the probabilities of quantum reality as Arcanna Supreme Power by J. Michael Straczynski) or whether to use versions of characters from the DC Vertigo in DC Universe Normal, a version of Tim Hunter from "The Books of Magic", who made a of John Constantine, and, Swanp Thing, a teen Atom (maybe a girl) Luke O'Brien and even a teenage version of Black Canary type a "daughter" of her and Oliver Queen with telepathic powers instead of ultra-sonic scream like that Black Canary of the old TV series of the 90 "Birds of Prey"?

  39. I did not like "Superman Armor" the new Justice League ... okay he finally get that damn shorts over leotard of uniform superhero but hey is not the Super "no hero" He's THE HERO, simply, THE GUY, who smashed in the face of Thor Justice League and Avengers he is THE MAN OF STEEL! He does not need a suit of armor ... it was a case of you wanting to renew his uniform could have done a poll among fans like "Which of these new uniforms would you like to see in Superman?" and present choices of uniforms created by top designers for the new-look Super ... Even the uniform of the "Superman Ultimate" seems better than this armor ...

    And put the Martian Manhunter in Stormwatch? ? ? Brett will put what you have not yet learned to mix characters of both worlds and puts them in positions they normally occupy NEVER usually almost always yield a beautiful drug when it comes to stories? ? ? No ... I am not against the titles and characters became part of the WildStorm, DC Universe, I am against the way you are doing ... If we have Stormwatch I would like to see soon the members of this team and more classics like that instead of a "version of DC Comics Marvel Comics Illuminati they were just the 'X-Force' DC Comics' ... If we Griffter, and Voodoo I would like to see soon the Wild.C.A.T.S. ... If we have Apollo and Midnight I'd like to see right away the Authority a true "Illuminati Super-Heroes of the DC Comics Universe" ... Sorry Brett, but did not like. Understand that I'm not trying to "tell them how they should work or not" I just think that as a huge overhaul deserves more careful ... I for one like to see back to the Justice League International ... but as they say everyone has their opinions and it is impossible to please everyone ...

  40. And before you say I know that writer Grant Morrison said some of his new approach to Superman, which opens with a general overhaul of the DCU in September, the new Action Comics 1.

    Morrison talked about a specific issue: clothing. The image of Action Comics that has been circulating in recent days, with the Super jeans, shirt and boots common, would not only be a decoy for the cover of the magazine.

    "I want to solve some problems that have arisen around the character. People ask, 'Why the hell did he dress like that? "I want to make Superman more contemporary. Let's change their looks, their clothes and behavior. It will be more Superman that appeared in 1938 - more socially active and champion of the oppressed, "says the author.

    Morrison refers to the character's early stories, where Superman's enemies were, for instance, unscrupulous landlords who wanted to evict the slum poor immigrants.

    "What we do is put him in jeans and T-shirt - a Bruce Springsteen version of Superman, this is our approach. The cover is still indestructible, but the rest he bought in any store, "added the Scottish writer.

    Action Comics # 1 comes out on September 7 in the U.S. - or the world, if you consider that the paper will be released simultaneously to digital by applications for computers, cell phones and tablets.

    Translating ... Super involute INSTEAD OF EVOLVE! First of all we are no longer in 1938. The world is different, the collective thought is another, the social paradigima is another, the problems of humanity are also want to become a Super Neanderthal moved in time is foolish. Enough of Richard Donner and his crystals of the Aquarian Age. Enough of this vision of the Superman "perfect" is that Christopher Reeve has filled the bag. Superman has to adjust the season and then becomes a Dinosaur and the one day a meteor esting. The comics today are losing ground to the manga and cartoons of superheroes for the anime.

    Only the changes that DC Comics did seem a terribly wrong strategy. If it is to renew, renew but not ruin the characters to renew them. Grant Morrison can even be "a brilliant genius of comics" but that does not prevent you from having endless moments of creative mediocrity. If it is to join the DC Comics Wildstorm join at once and take advantage and do the same with the Milestone Dakota and other publishers DC Comics acquired. If it is to renew renewed, but use what works in the DC Comics universe and that should have not been refreshed in a while Invention. Why not a Doom Patrol that instead of using the eternal and immutable stereotypes of "a bunch of superheroes aberrations" are not instead the "Fantastic Four DC Comics' why not one that would be the Suicide Squad" DC Comics Thunderbolts "why not a new version with new Infinity Inc and re-imagined versions of classic characters (which I imagine may again exist in their classical versions after" Flashpoint ") that would be the" New Warriors "by DC Comics not a new version of the Global Guardians this time with true superhero "heavyweights" of each country that was a version of the Defenders of Marvel Comics finally has hundreds of ways to match these characters but it is you write them for that at least do not try?

  41. Kaiser,

    I'll be blunt. I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT SUPERMAN. I'm NOT drawing that book. I DON"T CARE what you think about integrating WS into DC. It has been done before successfully, Static, Captain Marvel ring any bells? Stop wasting your time bitching to me about something I'm not involved in.


  42. Hey brett did i mention your awesome lol.i cant stand these bitchy/whiney guys that get on the net and complain about things that they dont k ow anything about,just to do it,and to come to your personal site and do it is BS.

    Ok back to being a fanboy,so you said something about new art in your last answer,for today,but i thought DC kept everything locked up?

    Im ready for some SB news or art,anything.

    Keep being cool.

  43. Kaiser,

    "I'll be blunt. I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT SUPERMAN. I'm NOT drawing that book. I DON"T CARE what you think about integrating WS into DC. It has been done before successfully, Static, Captain Marvel ring any bells? Stop wasting your time bitching to me about something I'm not involved in.



  44. Ahh. Teen Titans. A show I grew up with.

    Nicely done. I enjoy your artwork.

  45. Rambunctious-Reader,

    Ok, now your making me feel old!


