
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Teen Titans!

Since it's OK to do some of this now. As of last month I've been drawing the first issue of the new Teen Titans book, called... Teen Titans! Here's a sneak peak of the cover.... Mawahahahahahah!

Hopefully, more art soon;)




  1. Man! it is freaking unbelievable how skillfully you rendered your signature.You must be a pro or something,how long have you been doing this?And did you have any formal signature training? ;)

  2. Congrats on the gig Brett! Hopefully that's our favorite speedster running by!

  3. Fatboy,

    Thanks! I can honestly say it's my best signature EVER!


    Thanks, and it will spoil the surprise if I reveal that;) It might just be background FX;)

    Now lest see how long it takes to get this around the interwebs!



  4. You and Fabian? That is bad ass! I'm buying it for sure! The only thing that could make this better news? That Nightwing is leading the team (so we get to see you drawing the acrobatic avenger)!

  5. Caine,

    Fabian is not writing Teen Titans. I'm sure you've heard of the writer but I won't spoil that... yet;)

    I'm not sure what Fabian is writing.



  6. That is great. I might have to stay on the title. Please tell us who is writing.

  7. My hope then, sir, is that I get to see you draw Raven. :P Though I doubt that will happen. She's not been a teen for a long long time. :D Congrats on the book.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This news it titanic! (as in immense, not prone to sink)

    Remember this is post Flashpoint and the relaunch of the DC Universe. Costumes and Characters look slightly different. There are some new characters and alternate takes on old ones. Pretty much anything goes at this point.

    Congrats Brett! Having you draw Aquaman with a legion of prehistoric marine reptiles in tow would have been my first choice, but maybe the writer can work that into the current book.


  10. Rich,

    So that was like 9 hours... Although I'm surprised you found my little corner of the interewebs.


    She's VERY, VERY small.


    I would have went with ginormous (which is a real word now!)

    Maybe Aquaman at some point. Who knows?



  11. If the Titans are the original Fab Five (but I'm guessing Kaldur replaces Garth), then the whole reboot is worth it for me. I have a bad feeling I'm totally off though. Give me Wally as Kid Flash and Roy Harper back from the darkside (with Lian!) and I'm giddy.

  12. Hey look at that you already have a Troll calling you a Brando Peterson and Jim Lee Clone on Bleeding Cool. You've made the big time now.

  13. Can we get another corner of art? A foot maybe! lol

  14. Hey look at that you already have a Troll calling you a Brando Peterson and Jim Lee Clone on Bleeding Cool. You've made the big time now.

    I think maybe that guy needs to take his screen names advice and try to draw the damn thing himself.

  15. According to rich it's Scott Lobdell as the writer

  16. I won't confirm the writer, DC can do that. Plus it is fun watching people squirm. I don't think anyone on the BC and CBR boards like anything, so I'll take what they say with a grain of salt. They enjoy being nasty to be nasty, makes what they say... suspect.

    I prefer to think of myself as an old Art Adams clone modified with Jim and Mark. I haven't seen any recent Brando art, I really liked his TC stuff, that one shot with the yellow and red woman was beautiful.

    As for the 90's jabs... they like artists who's styles are from the 80's and 70's who are they to judge?



  17. I forgot to call you back. I read more of your comics to make up for it.

  18. Mr. Booth, PLEASE stop drawing Teen Titans immediately. With any luck, that will stop the book from getting published. I've enjoyed your work so far, but you have to know that this book is an abomination that ruins some of the best characters DC's got. Cassie as a "mysterious thief?" Tim "getting out from behind the computer?" This book cannot be allowed to exist in the form that they're advertising it as becoming. RESIST!

  19. Congrats! Any chance of you appearing at this year's San Diego Comic-Con? I know you're not too fond of them, but I thought I'd ask!

  20. Oni,

    It;s far to late for that. I'm on issue 2. Don't take that copy too seriously, they are never 100% accurate. Tim is still Tim, Cassie has been changed a bit.

    Give it a try before abandoning it, you might like it!

    Thanks BboyRealm!

    No plans for shows this year, Sorry.

    And I'm not sure why they didn't use the actual cover for the announcement... that was a piece done quickly for a meeting. It's just pencils and Andrew did the colors in like 30 minutes.



  21. So, Cassie is more of a Cassiopeia now, I gather? I love it, Brett! THIS is the book I was apprehensive about the most and I think its the best looking relaunch so far, by far. By the way, I remembered you saying Raven was "VERY, VERY small" and I thought she was the the three images on the background until I realized it was Kid "Please be Wally West" Flash's afterimages.

  22. Yes, but you don't have to draw an issue 3 if you don't want to. Please stop now! I've been buying DC books for decades, but if they're doing this to my beloved Young Justice generation I can't justify buying ANY of DC's books in the fall. Do you really want to be a part of this travesty?

    I mean, Bart looks about five years too old and his hair's both too red and too short, Superboy looks all emo and has a ridiculous costume and tattoo, Cassie looks all evil, and Tim looks like Birdman. And Cassie's a thief? Wtf? I know these decisions are above your head, but they just cannot be stomached. If this were Flashpoint: Titans I could accept it, but they're RUINING perfectly good and beloved characters here.

    Just rebel, just start drawing something else. The current run on Titans is the best it's been in years, just take your queues from that from whatever page you're on.

  23. Oni,

    So I should stop working and being able to eat so you can have the TT you want?!?! Sounds like a plan, I'll get right on that!

    Seriously, the sales were slumping, while you liked the current direction others didn't. The core of the characters is the same.Sorry to loose you, but things change and the decisions were not mine to make... well maybe some of the designs and keeping Bart in. But other than that I just draw what they tell me. I have not control over the direction of the book.

    Maybe you should wait and see what the first issue is like before rushing to judge? You might actually like it.

    The wings are flexible so most of the time will appear more capelike. Yes Bart is small, sorry this was just supposed to be an office thing not seen by the public. I was very tired from finishing off my JLA run. It's not perfect.

    Oh and hell yeah I want to be part of this, I might actually get to draw Nightwing and BatGirl, Maybe Wally as Flash as well.



  24. I'm sorry, I'm not being critical of the work you're doing on the book, as I understand it a lot of the designs were done by Jim Lee, and the writing is out of your hands, but SOMEONE has to make this stop before it actually goes to print.

    Like I said, if it were some sort of "Ultimate Titans" that was happening outside the DCU it could be very cool, but that they're ruining the -existing- characters, rewriting their backstories willy-nilly, I just can't get behind that. I came into DC comics with these characters, and it looks like I'll be leaving DC comics with them too, at least until the next reboot. I was just hoping to spare you being part of what is certain to be a catastrophe, despite your best efforts.

  25. Oni,

    I was involved in some of the designs. I did the wings, and while I'm not 100% happy with them those are the ones they picked.

    I can't talk about the storys yet, but for the most part they are essentially the same with tweeks here and there...


