
Sunday, August 7, 2011

World of Flashpoint 3 Cover

Inks by Norm Rapmund and colors by Andrew Dalhouse. 

Original pencils. Still waiting to hear from DC, there is a third page from Teen Titans 1 floating around the interwebs I'm trying to see if I can post it since it hasn't been on the 'official' website.

Just about finished with TT3, doing the double page spread from hell today and then 2 pages left. So no Sunday Blaspheme this week while I finish up:(




  1. When was the last time you drew Grifter? Any hopes of getting to pencil him in his new ongoing series? Which reminds me, the guy on the cover of the first issue of Blackhawks isn't Marc Slayton by any chance, is it? Are there any plans for him to appear anywhere in the New 52?

  2. ~EG~,

    I think it was 2008-9 for one of my last commissions.

    No plans to draw Grifter again... but his headshot does make an appearance in TT #2.

    I'm not sure who that guy is on the Blackhawks cover... I'm pretty sure that's not Slayton. I've mentioned BL to Scott, we might use him if it makes sense.... if not.. then he'll sit until someone decided to use him:)



  3. hello brett,
    great cover! however i am a bigger fan of the green arrow #1 you did. are you selling it eventually? rob told me he sent it back to you.

  4. Hi guenter,

    Yeah, I just need to pick that one up! My truck decided it needed a new power steering pump the other day so I wasn't able to get it.

    Email me at: brett booth at gmail dot com there is also a link in my profile.



  5. Pet peeve, but Barry Allen's beltline isn't supposed to be V shaped, that was just for Wally West's costume. Until the relaunch that is!

    Nitpicking aside, very cool cover!

  6. Hi Lee,

    I know... but I dislike that old design. Wally isn't using anymore (he has a new one) so why not have Barry use it? Makes him look a bit cooler:)



  7. Can anyone post an unofficial link to the TT1 page 3? I would love to see it.

    This cover is awesome!

    I always thought Norm would be a good fit for your pencils.


  8. Brett, thanks for the reply. I'm curious about two things... you say, "someone" decides to use him and that you aren't 100% sure it isn't Marc on that cover... wouldn't you need to be consulted on any use of BL since you co-created him? I know I'm ignorant to the intricacies of the comic book character creation laws, but this one seems like a no-brainer. I just heard an interview where Jim Lee said that many Wildstorm/Vertigo characters have been placed in the new DCU to sow the seeds for future stories. If one of those is BL, would you need to be given at least a head's up? And could you pass one along to us through the blog if / when he pops up? Thanks!

  9. Steve,

    Norm has been fricken amazing on issue 2!

    I'm trying to get the OK from DC to post it.


    I co-created him, I don't co-own him. So while it would be a courtesy if the asked me about him they don't have to. I do get a cut for movies and toys but I really have no say in what becomes of him. That's what work for hire is. DC and Marvel don't have to give you anything really since they already pay you for the work you do for them. that's why the Kirby lawsuit didn't win.

    Right now I know of no plans to use BL yet. Sure a heads up would be nice but I'm not going to cry about it if it doesn't happen. If anything they should ask Andrew Dalhouse, he knows the Wildstorm U better than me LOL! If something changes I might tip you off:)


