
Sunday, December 26, 2010

This Sunday: Attack!

Well, it's the 26th and I can stop being nice;) Let's see, so much good stuff this week. We have Hitler and the Nazi's celebrating Christmas. How festive! But I guess it means nothing as they aren't True Christians.

We have those funny old Muslims trying to outdo the Christians in their hypocrisy! Of course you'd never see Muhammad molesting a child... oh wait..

And to liven things up, some funny cartoons... Well, I thought they were funny.

And then a few other things. Josh Brecheen a newly elected creationist from Oklahoma want's the schools to teach creationism again. It's an interesting post because the comments in red are from an actual biology professor. Shows that you really shouldn't argue against something if you don't know anything about it.

And then this news that Christians are now the minority in Britain (at least in that pole.) Exciting!

But what really blew me away this week. A new hominids called Denisovans! Do you remember that single finger bone they found in Siberia? Well they managed to sequence it and low and behold it's a new species, related to Neanderthals! It even interbred with humans in the area! How cool is that, we have a DNA sequence BEFORE we even have an idea what the hominid looks like! To fricken cool! SCIENCE!

I am curious, how the creationists will explain this away? Since the DNA says there are other species that look like homo sapiens but aren't doesn't that mean they were in the Garden of Eden as well? Funny that they aren't mentioned, or is this were Cain and Able got their brides? Then I guess that would mean that humans as a species were never perfect.




  1. I tried scanning the article, I couldn't find where he said he wanted to teach Creationism. Did I miss it?

  2. It's a bit preachy, with him going over what he think is evolution. It's about half way down:

    "however when it comes to evolution vs. creation in the classroom, the rules somehow change"

    He never says creationism, but all the other hallmarks are there. He also says it in the original article and link:



  3. What strikes me as weird, or something that creationists don't seem to realise is that if Creationism, which I feel does not strengthen a belief in a deity, to be honest, were proved true tomorrow morning, that would still not prove there was a deity.

    There are many scientists and professors, such as Ken Miller,who believe in a deity, yet totally support and promote evolution. Ken Miller has, especially, been a very vocal proponent of evolution. He feels it is detrimental to society if evolution is not taught, as the way he sees it, without evolution, there would be no Stephen Hawking, Stephen Jay Gould, or Carl Sagan. Its not just damaging the education system, it's potentially damaging our society, whether it is in the field of medicine or science, and setting us back in the respective fields.

  4. Let's see hitler and the nazi's celebrating christmas , your right they aren't true christians in fact hitler was murdering God's people ! The attack on God's people does it sound familiar ?

  5. Ugh, Once again, you think YOU have managed to find the correct version of Christianity. Where is the evidence that you're right and they are wrong? I believe they were Roman Catholics, and just because they might have been murdering people that doesn't mean that that that invalidates the rest of the Catholics.

    And I always find it funny, you blame the Jews for killing Christ, but they are gods chosen people, then why are you Christian?

    And if the Jews are 'God's People' than I can attack all the others without repercussions, including Christians, since you AREN'T Gods people. I hope you can see where your logic breaks down there.



  6. Let's see atheist have said they celebrate christmas does this make them christians ? For someone who complains about God an awful lot it would seem you would know a little bit more of the bible . romans 3: 29- 30 is God the God of jews only? Is he not the God of gentiles too? Yes of gentiles too , since there is only one God. Colossians 2:2 -4 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love , so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding , in order that they may know the mystery of God ,namely Christ , in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine - sounding arguments.

  7. Well, no because as you like to say they aren't Christians, and you guys stole the holiday from the pagans at least the date. Or would that be the Romans.. I can't seem to remember.

    I was just messing with the fuzzy logic on 'Gods' people. If he created everyone shouldn't they all be God's people? Why only the select few?

    Funny you mention understanding, yet you don't understand basic, sciences. Also funny you mention United in Love, but of course ONLY if you do as he says, otherwise you'll be tormented for all eternity.... Wait, I though he was Love? There is no mystery, there is no evidence of God, just a book written by some shepherds who took from other mythologies.



  8. I really don't care what people think about what day we celebrate the birth of Christ that is just squabble! I believe everyone should celebrate his birth every day ! It's only a select few because people refuse to except him and his truth 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord is patient and does not want anyone to perish . God says you have the free will to choose , but he also say's if you deny me then also I will deny you ! And it's funny basic science or any science for that matter does not prove man has evolved from anything . We are united in love like he said he did not say you will be tormented for all eternity , in fact he said hell was created for satan and the other angels that turned on him , God does say he will punish the wicked , vengeance is his . And what's really funny you say God is not love unless you follow him and you say it like these are all bad thing's 1. do not kill 2. honor your mother and father 3. do not steal 4. don't covet other people's stuff 5. don't commit adultery ! Yeah it's a real crime to know right from wrong and obey these commands.

  9. So you would be willing to force your beliefs on others then. It's more than possible that Jesus never actually existed, you do know that right?

    IF the Lord doesn't want anyone to perish he has a real funny way of showing it. And no more crap about Free Will. You don't have it, never did. You are controlled.

    Those laws you mentioned, they were in civilization, well some of them, long before your book mentioned them. You can not live in a society without things like that, for crying out loud, some of those behaviors are in my dogs and I've seen them in monkeys and apes.

    As for evolution, science has indeed proven were we come from. we are a species of great ape, we are related to chimps, but we branched off from that group (we share a common ancestor with chimps, chimps are NOT out ancestor) about 7 million years ago, with occasional interbreeding with our ancestor for a few million years. This is just from the DNA. We have some the exact same genes chimps have. There is a pretty complete fossil record of our evolution. That you ignore it is your problem not mine, but it does show that you will ignore actual facts if they test your faith at all, the faith that you have no evidence for.



  10. And just o drive home that Creationists don't know much about science, I give you this:

    Sounds familiar, only with stars and planets, not evolution...



  11. Well I have listen to some scientist and they said the exact opposite , facts that man and monkey are proven by dna to never have been possible to have come from one another . there isn't a fossilized record it's just a joke ! How they have taken different bone's and put them together is really sad . The saddest thing is people are willing to lie to convince you that you came from a monkey with no proof because they are so desperate not to believe that God exists ! The real question is which scientist do you believe ? Because that question alone has nothing to do with christianity , just science . For that matter hey 7 million years ago there was an earthquake that caused a tornado that caused a tree to fall over our dna does not match a chimps and there was no interbreeding , Is the scientist who came up with this have a middle name " Gullable "

  12. See, this is where that fuzzy logic comes in. You can't expect a Mathematician or an astronomer to know the ins and outs of evolution. You need to talk to a biologist/anthropologist/paleontologist about it. And even if a few disagree, how do you know they are right? If you actually look into it they are almost always religious fundies (or crazy people who think space is full of electricity so you don't need to have rockets!)who ignore evidence OR the fundies take what they say out of context and then assume they don't subscribe to evolution.

    No, the fact is that humans and APES share a lot of the same genes. You would be able to experiment on them (or mice for that matter) for human medicines. That's why they can do that stuff, same/similar genes. Saying it's a fact but not having any evidence to back it doesn't make it true. This is called LYING.

    SO I guess those dinosaurs never existed. If you're willing to believe that I have some snake oil I can sell you cures everything!

    I don't believe in what ONE scientist says, I look at the evidence all scientists provide and make my discussions that way. You know, so I'm informed on the topic before either accepting it or dismissing it. As opposed to simply ignoring it because my Pastor tells me to. You guys LOVE to talk about free will, but you never seem to use it.

    Read some science books, and get back to me when you have ACTUAL evidence that your religion is true.



  13. That's funny you would say dinosaurs don't exist no one is disputing that , so if now your saying we may have come from mice ? you know the aboritionist believe they came from alligators . You know the scientists believed the earth wasn't very old , until they discontinued the fact that God flooded the earth then they said oh that's not water corosion that's millions of years gone by ! FYI I haven't talked to my pastor about any of these conversations. You can listen to all the scientist you want if someone is going to tell you what happened 7 million years ago they better have been there ! Oh wait God would be the only one who would know then . It's to bad you been given all that bad info . No one can prove that man came from the great monkey god , but you would think if your going to follow a God you would choose a lot wiser .

  14. Your wasting your time Brett.It's like trying to have a sit down with
    you dog and rationally convince him why he shouldn't drink antifreeze.It taste good and goes down easy so it doesn't matter if it's poison. ;)

  15. LOL! That's what you get when you think the bible is a science book and Answers in Genesis is the best science based website around;)

    Antifreeze, so funny!



  16. Have you ever thought about breeding between species? How many of those you see in nature? Did you noticed that even if you force two different species to breed - even if they are really similar to each other like zebra and horse or species of cats - offspring will be infertile? Human and chimpanzee chromosomes are VERY similar yet we cant interbred with eachother. Knowing all this you believe that loooong, loooong time ago neanderthal, homo sapiens and some other creature were just having a blast and interbred with eachother? Nice one mate! Really scientific :D Did you ever asked yourself how it is possible that some creatures evolved but some didnt? Like sharks - they didnt changed much for millions of years, did they? crocodiles, turtles - they just dont like evolution, or what? You like idea of fish going out of the water to conquer new habitat? Really scientific.. Anyways - what the hell happened to lungfish then :/ Her cousins grew proper legs and run away yet poor creature just stayed somehow in-between? It didnt die out for millions of years though. Surely it just decided to do not change as an example for evolution theory, right? Its gotta be it - otherwise it just doesnt make any sense. And think about it - just for your own entertainment - how you imagine fish becoming a lizard? Or lizard a bird? How you explain that genome get richer in some way - we dont have scientific proof that it is possible. We can have mutations, but mutation will not get genome richer (and usually mutations are just poor, crippled version of original species...). Stop just thinking obsessively about how religious people are not right and look at evidence - scientific one. Many of those "scientific" theories is just bunch of crap if you dont affraid to look at it with open mind. Dont make scientists your preachers that you believe whatever they say - even if that has no sense whats o ever. Unless you want to be no different from any blindfolded believer. Keep posting those silly videos and pictures having fun from beliers while in fact youre one of them - believing in nonsense just because your "preachers" said so.

  17. Wow, that's some mighty fine unthinking there!

    Lets see, there is indeed interbreeding betwixed species. Carpet and diamond pythons do it (with fertile offspring) were there territories overlap. Polar bears and Grizzles have also done it. Dogs and coyotes, again with fertile offspring. And while the male tigons are not fertile, the females are (Or maybe it's the Lyger, one of them is.) What this SHOWS us is that the closer the species are to each other the easier it is to interbreed.

    You watch WAY to much dumbed down television, all the species on Earth now are different than the ones in the past, evolution has NOT stopped for any of them, even us. The crocs of today are not the same as the crocs of the past, SOME may look the similar but others are very different.

    There is indeed evidence that Neanderthals and humans interbred, there is also evidence that humans interbred with an unknown hominid as well. This has been confirmed through genetics. This is a fact. Just like birds come from dinosaurs, which are not lizards but relations to crocs.

    It wasn't fish, it was amphibians that crawled on to land. Lung fish just evolved more recently, do to their lagoons and rivers drying up. You seem to think that the different types of animals denote some kind of betterness with fish being at the bottom and you on top, this is NOT true. You have no idea how evolution works yet you discount it, why? Because an old book that has been falsified tells you so, you understand nothing about science, you teachers would be ashamed. I am not the one who worships some sky fairly that has repeatedly killed his own creations, who damns people for eternity for something so small as lying or stealing. Who's book offers nothing to explain how things work. The same science your doctors use proves evolution to be true, otherwise experimenting on animals would be useless. And explain why all creatures on this planet share the same 4 amino acids? Why do we have basically the DNA? Wouldn't an all powerful being make everything different?

    We can trace the changes of evolution through the fossil record, through our anatomy and through our genes. There is no denying it any longer and those that do, look like the ignorant fools their religion has made them.

    Since you dislike science so much how about the next time you get sick you stay home and don't go to the doctor? Just pray it away, that ALWAYS works;)


