
Sunday, January 2, 2011

This Sunday: Question Nothing!

Fairly amusing:) Found here. 

As Jess says, I'm slacking this week. Trying to get this issue of JLA wrapped up. I should have some new art to show this week as the JLA Congorilla/ Starman special ships on Wed.




  1. That is absolutely bizarre! Most sincere practitioners of a religion are encouraged to question everything. All of Christianity is based off of seeking the truth. Is the comic supposed to be trying to show the difference between sincere faith and empty religious observance?


  2. Steve, if the only answer is always God did it, how is that asking questions? The ID people you like so much, they see something, it looks complex and they stop. That's NOT asking questions. Meanwhile the actual scientist look more and they find more they ask questions and look until they find the answers.

    You are taught to obey and only ask certain questions. You are taught to accept the weakest answers are true because its written in an old book. A book that doesn't have facts to support it. The real difference between sincere faith and observation, is that the sincere people tend to obey more and ignore that actual answers.

    I think I figured out why you consider the Catholics not true Christians, they believe in evolution and Astronomy.



  3. Brett, until you better understand ID theory it really is pointless to discuss it. You insist on heckling a concept you've never looked into. You've never read the work of any ID proponents, no books, no peer reviewed papers.

    Seriously-It would take all of 5 minutes to read the basic scientific principles governing ID theory. The absurd idea any IDist answers a question with "God did it" is complete nonsense.

    You also have never looked into true Christianity, read any books, etc. I get you were raised in a marginally Catholic home. That doesn't count as doing serious investigation.

  4. It is pointless to discuss it. I have looked into it and found it severely lacking. Partly because they don't actually tell you what it is an how it's accomplished. There are no mechanisms on how it works, only the mystical Creator figure they try not to name. They do not produce peer reviewed papers in science journals. They ignore evidence all the time, which is why they lost the Dover case. Any idiot can write and publish a book now.

    Then how do you explain transitional forms... oh that's right, you ignore them! How does one species change to another, as the fossil records and DNA show? Oh that's right, that's not true because god did it, oh sorry the Creator or whatever he's being called now. ID produces nothing testable. It's as bad as those IDIOT Ancient Alien 'Theorists' they read something and it must be aliens, ID people read it and it must be the Designer... they stop there. How is that science? How is that inquiry? It's not, God did it, ie; the Designer.

    Just because I've read a few books and even tried to get through the bible twice doesn't man I haven't seriously investigated it. You can investigate something but studying it's source material, in this case Mythology, something I like to research very much. Always have.

    Just because you swallowed the kool aid and I didn't doesn't mean your right about anything Christian. If YOU had bothered to look at other religions you would see the similarities, your would see how your religion 'borrowed' heavily from others. You brush those other religions off as false, yet your religion is rooted in them, so if they are false, how is yours true? Why would I need to strictly read about your religion when it's roots are from others? Maybe I'm not the one who needs to do a bit more research on the subject? great Floods that never happened, a savior that may not have existed, morals that are all over the place, a higher being that needs it's children to worship it, and punishes them FOREVER if they don't do as it says (you know, don't question it, and obey.) You don't need to study Christianity to see that it's false, it's the same as every other religion on the planet, all talk, no evidence.



  5. Loved Congorilla/Starman this week. Do you sell your original art or you have a dealer?

  6. Hi deviantboy (love the name!)

    I sometimes sell it or my dealer/buddy does. It sort of depends were it's at. Right now the inker still has all the art. I'll email him about it later today. I'm not sure which pages I'll get back yet. My emails in my profile, so if you want to check back a bit later that's fine:)

    I'm glad you loved the issue I thought the script was really fun:)



  7. Hey guys, this is my first time to the blog, and I wish I had jumped into some of these conversations earlier. I liked this comic because this seems to comment on the main problem I have when talking to *most*, not all, Christians. By pulling the "faith" card, all rational conversation shuts down, and I cannot even begin to empathize with that kind of "faith." I do not believe in a Christian God, although I used to be a fundamental Christian. I now identify with agnosticism as someone who has painstakingly accepted not-knowing just as Darwin did at the end of Descent of Man. By falling back on faith, you close yourself off from asking questions as you find comfort in your self appointed truth. It took two years for me finally accept not knowing, and that was much harder and painful than convincing myself that I did know. The Bible can teach ways of good living and how to treat others, but it cannot penetrate the mysteries of our world or the cosmos- that we must leave to science and sometimes philosophy, and as for the things that we cannot solve, we must continue to ask questions and accept that some things do not have answers.

