
Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Zombie Jesus Day!

Today is that special day when the Lord of the Zombies was finally reawakened to rule his death cult;) I think that counts as blasphemy, right?! Anyways. I think I could get into that kind of thing if the priests looked more like this! Spookie!

Happy religious holiday or breaking and entering rabbit day!




  1. Happy Zombie Rabbit day!

  2. I think I could get into that kind of thing if the priests looked more like this! Spookie!

    Join Wicca and it's even better,you get to run around with all the little Wiccan hotties skyclad! ;)
    Much better than a backwards zombie savior who wants YOU to eat HIM!(Doesn't anybody watch Romero anymore?)Get it right people ZOMBIES eat YOU!

  3. Thanks Cryostar! Great image!

    You must be hanging around different Wicca! Actually I find most religions rituals (at least the talking parts) silly. Sure nudity would liven them up some but doesn't everyone get naked as well? Not sure I'd be up for that in the cold;)

    Romero is boring, I want zombies that can think and run, much scarier! Maybe that's how Jesus infects you?;)



  4. All the Wiccans I've ever met and discussed their beliefs with tell me that going skyclad at their rituals is completely optional.And while some of them are big ol happy hippie earth mamas(nothing wrong with that)a lot of them were very dark mesmerizing beauties.
    Regardless of our difference in beliefs they were all very intelligent and pleasant to talk to.
    If their were ever a religion that could convince me to give up being rational and convert(their isn't but I'm just saying) it would be Wicca.
    Romero's movies are a bit slow,but I was referring to the fact that he pretty much wrote the book on modern zombie lore and zombies eat people,not the other way around

  5. blah blah blah whatever. On a totally different note, go read this:

    Funniest dog cartoon I've seen in a long time. Jess will laugh.


  6. blah blah blah whatever.

    I think that's one of the most profound things I've ever seen you write Steve ;)

  7. Fatboy,

    So giving up your ideas for some women? LOL! If I had to choose a religion I most likely would go wiccan. Worshiping something that exists is preferable.


    Jess actually reads that blog as well, but I hadn't see that one, very funny! We've had dogs like that!



  8. "Much better than a backwards zombie savior who wants YOU to eat HIM!(Doesn't anybody watch Romero anymore?)Get it right people ZOMBIES eat YOU!"


    Quiet dude, you'll give Stephanie Meyers ideas, and just look at the shambles she made of vampires and werewolves.

    Can you imagine a brooding, metrosexual zombie who primps his hair and only eats vegetables?

    Even as a believer in a deity, I still found this easter boring. Maybe cos I did not eat any easter eggs this year, though I did pig out on chocolate and candy. (I'd hate myself, but chocolate is an anti depressant, so I don't feel so bad. ;) )

    Anyway, sweet artwork.
