
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Character sketch

Most likely it will never be used, but at least I can post it here. In other news, the right wing has indeed lost it's mind! How dare a fictional character renounce his citizenship! Burn the books, burn them! I always thought of him a protector of humanity, I guess some Americans only think American's are humans? Of course he is technically an  illegal alien, so shouldn't they be demanding he leave?




  1. Can we just say Fuck Fox News,demand they leave the country and call it good?

  2. The problem is Superman has always been a symbol of American altruism. Superman has never been localized to only the US, heck not even to the Earth. He has always been an ambassador to show the American self sacrificing spirit, why we put men and money behind efforts to stop tyranny. Sure he is fictional, but Shuster and Siegel inteneded him to be the embodiment of all they loved about America and also a direct response to the rise of the third Reich and the persecution of Jews in other nations who turned a blind eye to the Jewish plight-not so with America.

    Plus the transparently thin liberal spin DC is putting on the whole event is nauseating. If you are going to make a decision like this at least have the gonads to back the author's reasons for doing it and not created some silly illogical excuse like "Supe's personal actions won't accidentally be seen as American policy." Does anyone liberal or conservative actually believe that tripe?


  3. Send the design to James and I guarantee he'll come up with something!

  4. Steve,

    Just a few things. First, Shuster was Canadian. Superman did not fight the Nazi's until the 40's, he fought regular criminals until then. He was created in 30's. The American way was added later.

    There is no liberal spin. Obama is the president in the story. If it was Bush I could see that. And yes, is Superman does something in another country, if he's so American it can and will be considered and American attack, he is a member the Justice League of AMERICA. If you don't think some evil dictator wouldn't use that you need to get out more.


    I'm sure we'll use him for something at some point;) Maybe for something in September....

    Yes, I am evil.



  5. Brett your points in no way contradict what I said. Do a little research on Superman and what Shuster and Seigel said about there reasons for creating him.

    All of the "pro" reasons you state for Supes doing this are moot points. For 78 years Superman has already done all of the worldwide humanitarian things. There is no reason to suddenly change things now-no evil dictator is going to be like "Oh Superman isn't an American, he is trying to serve us all": they don't give a flip. It is just poor writing and poor character motivation, unless you don't view being proud of being American a value. Unless you place being a "citizen of the wrold" above supporting one set of natinoal values above another. Unless you look at Communist China and say that system is just as good as American democracy.

    I still say a good writer would run with this story nugget and could make Superman stronger by having him come to understand why Shuster and Siegel valued American principles so highly.

    oh and it is a cool design.

  6. Steve, I DID do some research on him AND Batman (Robin is NOT named for the bird, but rather Robin Hood)

    No reason to change? To protect America and it's citizens from attacks he gives up something he holds dear. How does that diminish the character? Sounds like something he'd do to me. All the crap you like and remember about Superman was originally done on the TV show, not the comic. The 'American Way' What ever the hell that is now, was only done there and the movie. Remember the comic was restarted 80's , he is not completely the same, his father didn't die when he was young, powers are slightly different, ect. Characters change and evolve, that you can't seem to understand this says more about you than Goyer. Times change, the world is NOT the same place it was in the 50's. For some reason you seem to the think the US is the best, this is simply not the case. We are not the best anymore. The sooner you and your kind releize this, the soon we can actually start making positive changes. The 50's was not the bastion of greatness you seem to think it was, unless you were a rich white male, why go back when we should be moving forward. That is what is happening in the comic and real life.

    You do understand the people who are pitching a fit are all the same type. White Republicans, funny:)

    And thanks most likely won't be used.



  7. You know Brett,I just noticed your design is very Guyver-ish.Any inspiration there?

  8. Newsarama is running apiece on the story here:

    maybe you can add your view as you are a DC Pro and it does seem to line up with the current mindset there.

    Pretty cool to see Ethan Van Sciver echos my views almost to a T. I knew there was a reason I liked that guy.

    Newsarama also stuck in a bit about Bin Laden, which to me is totally a seperete matter.


  9. I wasn't thinking about Gyver, but I can see it a bit. Would it help if I said the 'outfit' was muscle and bone?


    LOL! I just saw that. I can't log into Newsarama anymore:( I know several comic pro's more in line with your thinking. That's why the leftist agenda doesn't fly. There are left leaning people, and right leaning. That's why the comics are generally out of world context. I actually like Chuck Dixon's answer (plus he's a nice guy:)

    And I totally agree. Bin Laden, not the same. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I would have preferred a trial. And the burial at see... I don't care what the customs are, that's not something to be done matter of factly.



  10. Would it help if I said the 'outfit' was muscle and bone?

    Then I Would think Zed From the Power Rangers...Sorry ;)

  11. I think Chuck's answer was tongue in cheek. He puts some of his political views and values into his work. Plus there may be some clashing of political values behind his being let go by DC where his conservative views were not always welcome. And I love Chuck Dixon's work and he is one of the nicest guys at the shows I've been to.

    Oh and just because I'm right of your liberal views doesn't mean I'm rightwing. I tend to be too liberal to be fully right and I'm too consevative to be liberal: I'm an odd duck (make all the jokes you want.)


  12. I am terrbly dissappointed with how the alleged killing of Osama was handled. (I say alleged because so far, no proof has been given. Obama refuses to even give any form of proof. Why show images for Uday and Qusa Hussein's dead bodies, but not Osama?)

    The guy was executed, plain and simple. He was unarmed, and they shot him in cold blood. I do not call that a victory, I call it a warped view of justice. The Bush America lives on, and I am completely disheartened to see it.

    I am asking questions because I do not trust the American government,especially in relation to how quickly they changed their story. Osama is alleged to not have fired a single shot, and I cannot believe the SEALS were not trained to injure, since they shot Bin Laden's wife in the leg after she attacked them, rather than shoot to kill.

    Regarding the artwork, and I know it is a sketch and all, but is the right arm slightly bigger than the left?

  13. Sorry Steve, you are right wing. you hit most of their talking points. Abortion, Christian Nation, liberal this and that, just because someone has a different opinion doesn't make them liberal. I will say you're not a birther or you haven't mentioned anything like that since I've known you, or part of the Tea Party. But your strong religious views makes you right wing, that the rights base, the republicans just exploit it by getting you all fired up about abortion and god and then they do an end run around you. You think that the democratic vote is more important than individual rights.

    Now I do have lots of left leaning tendencies. Universal health care, welfare (but you should not be allowed to have more kids if you are on welfare to get more money!) and the like. BUT I am for guns, smaller government (including states) government overhaul. So I don't fit into the traditional left, but I lean that way on social issues.

    Chuck was echoing what I think, comics should not get involved in the politics of the real world. I like comics to basically be there own worlds, were Lex Luther is president, were some Senator Kelly can call for mutant acts. You loose fans bay making then choose sides of the government.


    I understand the reasoning for not releasing the picture, I don't like it but I have friends over seas and would prefer them safe. 911 didn't affect me personally, I think the giddiness of bin Laden's death is a bit disgusting, but I can't say how I'd feel if I knew someone in the towers or on one of the planes. would have preferred a trial, but he was dead either way, he would not have gotten life.. at least not in Texas.

    And I think that's a trick of the perspective since his body is tilted and his hand is extended:) But it might be, its not like I measured it;)


