
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Batman vs. Jesus!

Who would win in a fight, Batman or Jesus?  Of course the answer is Batman;) That poster knows how to stay focused! It's damn funny!

Found via Pharyngula.




  1. LOL! That rocks in so may ways I can't even describe them all.
    Not to mention some glaring errors.Like Jesus didn't move the rock himself,an angel did it for him.
    And the fact that their is as much historical evidence for Jesus as their is Batman.I will probably comment more later,gotta run and do some errands. :D

  2. Brett ... I honestly do not think this a good idea ... and I'm starting to get a little annoyed by these constant attacks on their religion ...

    OK, your right, but just assault and solely for the pleasure of not harming you become no better or different than any religious fanatic ...

    "Batman vs. Jesus "? It is equally or even more pretentious than "Batman vs. Al Qaeda" and will give more ammunition to the idiots who for some time now I've seen popping up on the internet sorting heroes for their "religions" such as "Super-Hero / Heroine so and so is 'catholic', 'Protestant', 'Jewish', 'Islamic', 'spirit', 'Buddhist', 'evangelical', 'Pagan', 'atheist', 'theosophical', 'Vedic', 'Satanic' or ray that is.

    There is nothing wrong with "belief" as soon as there is nothing wrong with "not believe" the problem is "how" and "what" is done with the "belief" or "no belief" to point of it becoming a personal matter.

    Even atheists have a "belief" which is precisely "that do not want to have no belief" then I think that putting Batman to punch Jesus is an indulgence dresser who wants to find someone to unload His anger about everything wrong that happens in the world.

    It's very, very easy, convenient and comfortable for humans to blame "God," "Jehovah," "Allah," "Buddha" or any other deity by the Earthquake and Tsunami that devastated Japan, and all the misfortunes that occurred in the world so far as it is tremendously easy to see all the "self-appointed interpreters of God," quoting scriptures to justify it.

    The man always needs someone on the heights or depths to "thank" or "blame" but that would be the moral of Decency look at yourself and think "maybe the problem is with us" human "and our arrogance? Think about it ...

  3. Ah Kaiser,

    How about reading the article in question before making an assumption. This has nothing to do with belief, and everything to do with an amusing exchange between a Batman fan and a Jesus fan(s).

    It's funny, no deep thought needed. And if you don't like these posts DON'T read them.



  4. I just read the discussion between the fan of Batman, and the girl religion! IT'S KILLING, LAUGHING! ! !

  5. Kaiser

    Getting annoyed at all the"attacks" on religion is dangerous with in itself.Religion,Science,politics,Sex,Marriage and any other institution on this planet need to be made fun of and joked about to keep things in perspective.When an idea is perceived as beyond reproach and above ridicule,it becomes DEADLY serious and that's when people start "killing in the name of."
    That in particular is why faith in something is not always harmless,it can quickly lead to views being violently imposed on on others.

  6. Fatboy,

    Those are words to live by:)



  7. Someone needs to check their web-goggles' prescription; it was pretty easy to see that was a troll from a mile away.

  8. It's like those sports yobs who get so obsessed with sport, that they think any form of change, such as women referees or any involvement of women in sport is a crime. Don#t believe me? Google Andy Gray and Sian Massey.

    She was the adult in the situation.

  9. Fatboy 73
    I know that I did well on the reprimand because he had not only read the first topic of discussion with the guy with the girl. Honestly enough to be tragic so ridiculous ... The boy clearly posted in the topic without intention to insult any religion. It was a typical brainless topic like "Who would win: Doctor Strange or Gandalf the White?", or"Captain America vs. Prince Leonidas of Sparta," but the girl in question took it personal thing and should not be like nobody wanted take this too far but turned to a flame because neither side wanted to sell, nobody wanted to go back, nobody wanted to go back on what he said. One of the great misunderstandings of humanity is precisely the fact that human beings do not want to ever admit that a rational and reasonable dialogue some time one side will have to admit that was wrong and who is willing to turn back what he said. In this discussion, as well as in religion, politics, sex, etc. this is the great and greatest error and the true "source of all evil"much more than "I kill in the name of ..." the total inability of man to say a simple "I'm sorry I missed ... "

  10. Steve,

    I don't get this as a troll... it might have started out that way, but the guy seems to REALLY know his Batman history. With the exception of that first comment it reads as a super fan. She just wasn't prepared to actually be challenged in her belief, especially with just a regular Joe like Batman.



  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    The only thing that a Jew needs to know is what Moses taught that there is one God for all people. The rest is irrelevant.
    The only thing a Christian needs to know that the messenger Christ said to love
    neighbor as yourself and God over all things. The rest is
    The only thing that Buddhists need to know what the Buddha taught that we should
    go of our pride, ego, lust and material greed. The rest is
    The only thing that a Muslim needs to know is that the holy war
    taught that the prophet is not a battle against other beliefs. And yes it is
    achievement of our own evil, temptation and pride. The rest is
    And the only thing an atheist needs to understand is that we, not God
    far, we are responsible for our actions. The rest is
