
Sunday, May 29, 2011

This Sunday, We're FREE!!!

Damn it! Now that would have been heaven;)

Found here!

All kidding aside, this was put up outside a Church: I've actually had people say this to me in the comments of some posts. What's really funny is that they think this is some kind of win. Well how about if dogs evolved from wolves why are there still wolves...? well because the entire population of wolves didn't evolve into dogs, a small isolated portion did. It's not hard. And of course the sign is wrong because humans (women included!) evolved from APES... In fact humans are a TYPE of APE. We did not evolve from Chimps, we share a common ancestor, one that did not use their knuckles for walking. We know this because fossils from that time that are thought o be related to both groups did not have a specific bone in the wrist. Which means that Chimps and Gorillas evolved the knuckle walking separately. It's called convergent evolution:)

You see what happens, is an animal splits into 2 different animals, they usually continue to interbreed occasionally like diamond pythons and carpet pythons, until they finally split for good. Then BOTH groups continue to evolve, in the case of humans one into us and then the other into Chimps. Evolution doesn't just stop. The monkeys around now are not the same monkeys that apes evolved from, these are the monkey that evolved from those monkeys. Once you figure this out maybe the signs will get better or at least be more accurate. This just shows that religion doesn't really know much about science. Oh, and their 1 is crooked.

But lets end on a fun note! Singing!

Found here!




  1. Didn't they end up going with the ol oh ..uhhhh...we uhhh miscalculated and it's now uhhh October 21 2011..Ya! That's it October 21 2011.Really this time...I'm serious.Soooo uhhh...sell all your belongings again and donate the money to us.

  2. I believe they decided that Jesus took pity on us and decided to just end it quickly in October, as opposed to the Rapture and then 5 months of tribulations until the end. Or some other such nonsense.

    It's the Christian way, move the bar! They want transitional fossils so you give them to them, they say it's not good enough, they want actual modern evidence, you give them whales with legs, moths, lizards bacteria, still not good enough. They want a fish to turn into a duck... which took like 500 millions years before but they want it in decades... Move the bar until it becomes impossible to do... Annoying;)



  3. Usually the coelacanth is their golden goose."See all this time and not only are they not extinct but completely unchanged."
    I watched this thing on Netflix about Dragons and dinosaurs not knowing it was from a creationist perspective.
    They go on about cave drawing and ancient depictions accurately showing dinosaurs,and how man and dinosaur must have lived at the same time because of the world wide dragon myths that sound just like dinosaurs.Dino and human fossils being found together and their coup de gras was the Tyrannosaur fossils found with flexible tissue and somewhat viable blood vessels.
    It was interesting and amusing to fully see the creationist side of it.You should watch it if you ever have some time to burn,you'll get a chuckle.

  4. You've got to remember Christians all believe the Bible. Once you start covering topics not touched on in the Bible it is a mix of best guess and personal opinion. For instance Tim Keller believes in evolution in a manner quite close to what Brett does. He is one of the smartest Christians I know of. Evolution is not proof for or against a Creator. It is a process. Brett likes to confuse the arguments by trying to insist all Christians believe the same and that somehow evolutionary theories, if true, lets him off the hook of being indebted to God.

    Hardly anyone took Harold Camping seriously. You kind of notice most churches were ridiculing him long before May 21? Yeah, real Christians didn't take him seriously.

    Of course the popular press tries to make it look like Harold spoke for the mainstream Chrstian churches. Total nonsense. But it makes for easy slandering material.


  5. It's the Christian zealots/ Extremists that are screwing up the whole belief in evolution. There are countless Christians/ Religious folk/ Jewish people/ Muslims etc who accept evolution, and believe in it wholeheartedly. It's the fundamentalists/ zealots who continue to lie and ignorantly deny that which has been proven. It's like denying gravity.

    I was watching a documentary about cross breeding among certain species of fish, which is creating entirely new species of fish that combine all of the strengths and none of the weaknesses with the previous species. Scientists are fascinated by these new cross breeds, which could go on to become new species. Similar to canines/ felines/ bovines and every other species in the world, including us. Yet these species are created without any help from us, and entirely down to Mother Nature.
    Fascinating stuff.

    But when it comes to denying evolution...I mean, there are quite a few prominent religious scientists who go above and beyond in promoting evolution, such as Prof Ken Miller, or Prof Robert Winston. And they are quite pro active in their promotion of evolution. Ken Miller has cited numerous reasons as to why we need to teach our kids evolution and science, as the next Stephen Hawkin, Stephen Jay Gould or Albert Einstein could be right around the corner, but without science, and evolution,they may never reach their potential.

    By the way, for those who deny animals can be nurturing and moral, see the video below. This is often an argument for those who are pro-religion, and by that I mean forcefully religious. Videos only a minute long, and cute as hell too.

  6. Steve you're argument against the rapture is the bible says we won't know the date... you still believe in it all, the rapture, 1000 years of Jesus rule, ect. Do you not get that it's ALL preposterous? The only difference is that the Rapture guy had the balls to make a prediction. "Real Christians..." just because he used a date doesn't make him any less of a Christian than you are, and of course you can't NOT end with the ole' martyr line. Classic Steve!!!

    I've never said evolution is proof against god, science as a whole is. Evolution just shows what happened once life started, that is all, stop putting words in my mouth. Geology and Cosmology are far better at disproving religion;)


    In the US, HALF of the population believes in the Adam and Eve story as fact... HALF. That's far more than just a fringe group here. If you add the fact that 83% of US citizens are Christian of some form or another then the majority of Christians are young(ish) earthers or creationists. THAT scares the shit out of me. That's why they get lumped here in the states since MOST are the fringe it's not a minority, it's just a minority of them that are speaking.

    Cute video, makes me want to have some pups again!



  7. I find that disturbing also. However, there are strong proponents of evolution who happen to be Christian. Such as Prof Ken Miller,who is one of the biggest proponents of evolution alive to this day.
    And the reason he is so forceful about it is because without evolution, and science being taught in schools, where are the next doctors gonna come from? Or the next scientist who will cure cancer? They could be right around the corner, but without science, they will never reach their potential, and mankind is doomed.
