
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Yet even more questions answered!

Tomasz writes:

Have you read any of Christopher Hitchen's books?

No I haven't. The God Delusion sort of soured me on reading books about religion. I do like what he has to say.. usually. Sometimes he's a bit overenthusiastic;)
When you watch a movie, if you are impressed with a certain scene because of the camera angle, scenery etc, do you try to incorporate it in your drawings on future issue's?

Sometimes. I really enjoyed the backgrounds and images from Avatar… not so much the Navi or the story. I loved the scope, which is sometimes hard to do in comics. But I try to use them more as influences, the feel of the image.

Do you follow any comic book series?

Nope. I used to, but once in the biz you need outside interests or you get burned out.

Has anybody bought anything on your wish list?

We have a wish list?!?;) But seriously, yes. I have:)
I see sometimes you do covers for other series, How long does it take for you to do a cover?

That depends on what's on it. But say anywhere from 3 to 10 hours. Team books take longer… but you don't get paid extra.
What backlash/wildcore issue were you most impressed with or that you cherished the most?

Backlash 12. That's my favorite all around.
Was there a plot/story that you had for backlash that was shot down by the editors? “

Nope, since I was a creator of the character I got to say what went story wise until I left WS. If they hadn't of killed off WC I would have liked to have done it myself. I did have to work with other people though so things didn't go exactly were I wanted them. Things got a bit too convoluted with Atlantis (BL was originally going to be Zealots son, but Ron Marz wanted it to be that guy from StormWatch so we had to make up a new Lord, just like we had to make up the bad guy for Kindred, he was supposed to be Grunge's Father.) So if I ever do work on him again, Simple would be better;)
That's all for now... there should be some sort of announcement soon (like a few days.) I will be sure to post it here!




  1. Didn't Winter end up being Zealots son?I think that was heavily inferred in Voodoo Zealot/Skin Trade.Would have made more sense for Mark to be,in my opinion.And Grunges father was Chang from Team 7 right?Why would you have to make another for Kindred?

  2. Yeah that was his name! I get him confused with Northstar from Alpha Flight.

    Jeff (I think) wanted to use Change for something else. We had to come up with a new character back story as 2 issues were already drawn;) SO that Diaz guy was the result.



  3. As if those kids weren't screwed up enough as it was.Then go and change fathers on a guy ;)

  4. I've been a fan of yours for a long time. I don't agree with your stance on religion, but that doesn't make me any less a fan. I have a burning questions.

    Why no more Marvel work, (specifically spider-man), when you were such a hit with Spider-man/Backlash? You seem to trail closely after Jim Lee when he jumps publishers.

  5. Anthony,

    I did try to get on Spidey, several times. I even wrote up a Spidey and Black Cat one shot... but Marvel just isn't interested. I tried again last year but I think they are pissed at me for not staying on Anita Blake. But once again they weren't interested.

    I'm actually not that found of the Marvel U right now... I was enjoying DC's animated movies so I decided to try there, I was really surprised they got back to me so fast.

    I have in fact stayed away from Jim for awhile now. This is the first time we've been at the same company since 2003.



  6. Hey Brett,

    I'm a newb to your site here, so sorry if this is a repeat question: Why did you leave WS during the WildCore/Backlash era? Also, where'd you go!?! I was wondering what had happened to you, as I was a big fan or your work.



  7. Hi Scott,

    I went to Marvel and did some X-men work I was only there for a bit over a year. I did some work for Dream Wave that never got published and then after returning to WS for a bit I did some novel adaptions.

    I left WS because I was tired of working on BL, it was all they would give me.



  8. Hey Brett...
    Been a fan for years (you're one of my top 5 fave comic artists). Of course I (like many before me) have a few questions...

    The hard one first: If someone was working on a heavily FX driven film and was hoping to get you to do character/costume designs...what would it take to get you to think about it or even do it?

    I'm working on my photoshop coloring and am working a few of your it ok if I post them on facebook/deviantart (even though I know your history with them and you were wronged) if I give you full credit for the pencils?

    Chris Craig

  9. Hi Cobra-X,

    It would depend on what the project was, and my schedule. Email me at brettbooth at gmail dot com.

    Sure, post away. Just remember to credit to me or whomever owns the copyright:)



  10. Was just wondering if you received my email...I know you're busy so a quick yes or no will suffice.
