
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ah, the Fandom!

The offending image!

A few weeks ago I made a comment about drawing Wally and Donna in issue 2, along with a winking smiley face like this;)

Apparently some people took this as a confirmation that Wally and Donna are in the new DCU....even though I said that wasn't the whole truth inthe comments... Grrrr. This was a JOKE! Issue 2 takes place right before Halloween so there are lots of people in costumes running around. But DC is worried you might think this actually IS Wally and Donna so I had to change it... (Just so you know, Donna is about the same size as Wally so that's clearly not Donna.) Catwoman, Superman and a very hairy Batgirl are also on the same page. So, thanks for jumping the gun! I know you guys are starved for info, but it's only a few months away all (or some) will be explained;) <----- See, not serious right there.

You have NO idea how much I really want to mess with everyone right now. But I'm trying to be good. If I say something that isn't clear or MIGHT be a joke, ask me for confirmation.





    ;) <------------Not serious right there... :P

  2. Tarcisio,

    The world is not fair, if it was fair, I'd be drawing the new Wally West Flash book:) The TT are cool, but nobody at DC is better than Wally.



  3. Dude... not cool. I'd actually go so far as to call it a dick move. :(

    Seriously, though, to draw on one of your jokey comments: are you aware of any plans on DC's behalf to let us fans of the older Titans know whether or not they even exist in the new continuity? All we've gotten are jokes like this, FOAD statements about Wally and the 'maybe Vic kinda sorta joined the NTT after founding the JLA' from Johns (never mind how that change borks the NTT story arcs). At least JSA fans got a clear 'LOL we're benching them 'cause they're old kthnxbye' facebook post. We can be told that Identity Crisis and the Killing Joke still happened, but can't know if the Terror of Trigon and Judas Contract took place?

    Sorry.... I didn't mean to bitch so much, and on your blog. I'm just *frustrated* and rapidly approaching the end of my patience with being jerked around. I would just like to know what's going on with the characters I read comics for rather than have to rely on this sort of thing and wild speculation on teh intarwebs. *sigh*

  4. Dr. J,

    Which move would be a dick move? I think that might be a big problem with everything. I've seen just really bad reading comprehension everywhere. It's unclear what exactly you are not happy with.

    I'm told there were a group of Teens who teamed up from time to time, so some of the old TT stuff still happened. I honestly don't know what, as I was not a big TT fan. I'm sure I've read most of the original Perez run because the buddy who got me into comics had them, but I couldn't tell you specific runs or story arcs. I've read that all the Young Justice to the present TT has been dropped. BUT, that's just what I read from the cons so that might be wrong, but since we're starting from the meeting point of all the characters I'd say it's a safe bet.

    Part of this is us not being told what's going on with the other books. I have a bit of an in with Superboy, but that's about it.

    I think you new fans are getting far, far to spoiled! I remember when I had to wait and see if the local drug store actually ordered my favorite comics. No internet, no wizard, no comic store by me. Why would you want to know everything before the books even come out? It's like being told what your Christmas presents are before you get them! Just ignore the speculation, ask questions to the pros about their books, as they won't really know what's going on with others. Scott has kept me in the dark on a lot of this, so when I get the script it's sort of like a little X-mas for me:) Which explains why I can't always answer questions because Scott's always changing stuff:)



  5. ToB,

    WOW, you really need to take a step back! It's just a comic, just a joke that will never be. No one wants Wally back more than me, he's the whole reason I read DC when I was a kid.



  6. Dr. J,

    I read what you posted on the TT DC boards... PLEASE reread what I wrote. It was a joke, but since I now have to change the art, it's won't be. No one 'got it' because you never got to see it. I WOULD have been an in joke for the people who read this blog.

    This is why everyone is all hysterical, because they don't bother to read carefully and then ask questions if something isn't clear. That's actually what this post was about.



  7. But, Brett, new readers are unlikely to be monitoring your blog or care about whether Wally or Donna appear in TT #2 - they won't even know who those characters are.

    A lot of the older fans are already upset that there's no sign of those two characters - and many would only buy the book hoping to
    see those characters. So, that would never have been perceived as a joke. It would have been perceived as false advertising.

    People read what you wrote.
    A winky indicates an inside joke -
    as in "this is a big secret"; not
    "I'm lying".

    There's nothing unclear about "I
    just drew Wally and Donna in TT #2"
    Why would anyone ask for clarification about that??

  8. Unknown,

    You're right. But the other people on my blog will, since they know of my love for Wally AND that I just drew Donna in JLA. Not everything here is for everyone. Some of it's just for me, or my Anita Blake fans OR my DC fans.

    Yeah, but you see, I put a ;) at he end of the sentence, a small but vital wink that you left off. AND in the comments I TELL you that I'm not telling you the whole story. NO ONE bothered to email me or ask me or read the comments. It wouldn't be false advertising because you didn't bother to read the fine print.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I know I contributed to the confusion, because I shared the information at different forums, although I included the winky face when I shared it.

    I'm sorry for any trouble it caused you, having to redraw that portion of the issue, and no ill will was meant. I definitely jumped the gun, although I mentioned when sharing the information that we didn't know the entire story. I let my enthusiasm get the better of me, and unintentionally spread misinformation, and caused you a headache, and for that I'm sorry.

    I'm not a poor reader by any means, but my eagerness to get more word on Donna and Wally definitely messed up my reading of your original comments.

    Again, my sincerest apologies.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. LOL
    I didn't leave off the ;-)
    I called it a winky and addressed it.

    The winky doesn't clearly indicate a "this is a joke, don't take this seriously". It seems clear to you because you are the author.

    From a reader perspective, it pertains to "this is supposed to be a big secret (don't tell I told you)".

    If you have a special meaning for the winky that always means to people on this blog "(the aforementioned is just a joke and is not true)", sure, people did not read carefully.
    Otherwise, it's really that your winky did not clearly communicate your intent.

  13. Unknown,

    You clearly left the 'winky' off in your comment here. I'm not going to go searching all over the place to see were it's all be posted.

    No it doesn't clearly indicate, if I told you it was a joke AHEAD of time it wouldn't have been a joke, I left you clues. It's called a SET UP. But I did post in the comments that I wasn't telling you the whole truth. THAT would be a red flag for me, that maybe not everything was true. I even told you it would be more clear on the solicits for issue 2 were out.

    No you read into what I wrote. That's what you wanted it to say, not what it does say.

    A 'winky' means it's a smart ass or sarcastic response. I'm not sure what you think it means but that's how I've been using it for the last 18 years. Obviously it wasn't clear, so maybe you should have asked... like I said.

  14. Ronnie,

    It's not really a big, huge deal. Just a ruined joke:) People are making it into more. I looked at this as a teachable moment, maybe make a few people think before they post questionable news. People don't like to be 'wrong' and it's big of you to say you misread that, there is hope!:) And it will teach me to not attempt another joke.

    It was a 5 minute fix, but I did find out some new things, so not loss;)



  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm sorry you had to change the art and that you got jumped on.

    Gotta say, though, when I saw the winky, I just assumed it was excitement and teasing, but in the sense of "You guys don't know the context, that's just a tiny spoiler" rather than "But not really." And if it doesn't sound too confrontational, I have to say, it was a bad move.

    On it's own, it's a funny joke. I can't speak for Donna fans, but us Wally fans, we've been getting the run-around the past several years with statements like "Wally's still around and he's gonna be awesome!" "Wally's gonna do something really amazing!" and ideas like "Look, Wally's on this cover, I bet that means he does something cool in this book!" Getting one more "Hey Wally's gonna have a moment in an upcoming book--yoink, not really!" even from a fellow Wally fan like yourself just kinda stings. I mean, us peons down here, we don't even know if our favorite characters will ever have "existed" come September.

    I read the original statement reblogged (with the winky) and didn't think to check the comments because I assumed that any more information than that would've been a spoiler. Sadly, even with emoticons, the written word doesn't always convey tone, nudges, or various flavors of "wink."

    At any rate, crushed as my poor soul is to hear that our meager hope for Wally is no more (insert appropriate winking smiley here), I'm very much looking forward to your take on Teen Titans. Sorry things got blown out of proportion. Cheers!

  17. People read what you wrote.
    A winky indicates an inside joke -
    as in "this is a big secret"; not
    "I'm lying".

    I certainly did not leave out the winky; I spelled it out rather than using the symbol.

    Which acts as another good example that people don't always receive the intended message.

    There's not really much reading into what you wrote. Sure, people
    are wanting news about what's coming up in the New 52. We're
    going to take what's said at face value unless there's some clear indication that what's said is impossible.

    I happen to not care whether Donna or Wally exist in the New 52. I expected what you state about what you are drawing to be truth. Obviously, I will ammend my expectations.

    The meaning was "clear" enough from
    the reader perspective such that no question was warranted.
    That's the only point I'm trying to get across to you.

    I don't see anything in the solicits that makes not telling the whole truth more clear.

    And part of the problem, I think, is that you said Donna and Wally - rather than costumed names. (I'm not sure there's a way to say that with costumed names at this point.)
    But, in terms of Halloween, the joke would work with costumes - doesn;t really work with civilian names.
    Especially while fans are starving for info.

    But, yeah, the sucky part about being on the creator side is that jokes in advance of release can be problematic.

    The art looks great!
    I'm eagerly anticipating September and the months following.

  18. Ugh, Unknown you wrote in this thread:

    "There's nothing unclear about "I
    just drew Wally and Donna in TT #2"
    Why would anyone ask for clarification about that?? "

    There is NO winky emoticon there. It was not written out there. A 'winky' does not mean I'm lying and why the hell would I say Hey guess what I did this, and I'm lying. It's a hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, thing. If don't know what that means you should just leave now, nudge nudge, wink, wink. Because you've lost all greek cred;)

    If you don't care then why are you wasting time with this? You read into it get over, it happens, I do it as well. I just don't usually comment on it.


    You guys are new here, so if I think something is cool I will say it's fricken cool. 'Winky's' are for smart ass remarks and jokes.

    Hopefully Wally will appear at some point. I just don't know when.



  19. That would have been a good joke with Donna and Wally. I was thinking that you might put what could be their bodies in the background as victims of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. or something.

    To be honest, it might be better that this joke didn't suddenly pop out at folks in the book. Wally fans are not taking his absence well at all, and by October they could be even more eager to grab at any straws they find. Finding out this was just another tease could send them jumping off of buildings. :) [That's a smiley, folks, because I don't really think Wally West fans will be suicidal.] [Homicidal is another matter.][Note: No smiley after that one.]

  20. Funny!

    I never saw former artists cheating with former fans... Or even using the characters to play with them...

    It's so pathetic!

    :)... <--------------Oh, don't get mad... I am kiding too! ;) It's funny, right?

  21. Tarcisio,

    I don't know, I'm not understanding what you said.


    I had thought of that as well, but NOWHERE, is more into collecting and imprisoning than killing, but then Fake Wally and Donna would be dead and not what I would want:)

    I have learned that the REALLY hard core fans have little to no sense of humor and take themselves too seriously so I'll have to adjust my posts on anything DC. Not as fun for me, but what are ya gonna do?



  22. As soon as I saw the wink, I knew it wasn't the real Wally and Donna. My guess was on a T.V. or a comic on the comic, but halloween costumes was clever thinking. If the higher ups are being so tight lipped about the future of the characters, Brett probably doesn't even have the beans to spill. I hope there will still be fun little easter eggs in the new series, even though the advertisement for this one caused such a ruckus.

  23. EccentricLefty,

    I'm glad someone got it. Maybe I'm just to subtle?

    The info I have on Wally and Donna is second hand, so even I dont know if it's true.... yet;)

    I always stick little things in the background for fun:)



  24. I don't even know how I came here, but I was quite excited that Wally and Donna were going to show up in Teen Titans #2, for some time now. :( This post makes me very sad in deed..

    Other than that, looking around at your blog, I applaud you for being an outspoken atheist! Good going man! The world needs more people with clear minds to spread the good word, so to speak. :) My respect has skyrocketed, even despite the bad joke that is never going to be, now..


  25. Hi Dreamer,

    I know everyone wants to know what's up with Wally and Donna. I've heard a few things, but nothing definite. It might be a bit before they show up, trying to fit in 2 characters with those origins might be a tall order:)

    Thanks:) honestly I can only talk about comics for so long. I think it's good fun to talk about things some people might not want to hear about because it's might cause them to think a bit:)


