
Friday, July 29, 2011

Listen Up Fanboys and Girls.

If I get anymore annoying emails about this and that, I will stop posting any DC related art, news or whatnot. My email is for work, art sales and my friends, not for listening to whatever you've decided to bitch about today.

 Learn some manners, emailing people out of blue to bitch is childish and I will not be nice about it. Do it again and I will publicly post it along with a tirade.



  1. Unfortunately in this day and age of being able to contact almost anyone on the planet instantly,the respect and manners that go along with that amazing privilege are completely missing.I know I sound like a grumpy old fart,but damn it!...Kids these days and a lot of adults too have such a sense of entitlement it's scary.They have everything they want at the touch of a button,instant gratification and Absolutely no respect for anyone because they can hide behind the anonymity of their computer screens.
    With great technology comes great responsibility,the responsibility being to treat the people you interact with through technology with as much respect as you would if you were talking to them face to face.(Ex I would bet money none of the people rudely bitching to Brett about a COMIC BOOK of all things would be willing to do so to his face if they ever met.>
    OK rant over,I'm going to go pop a couple of Geritol with my prune juice,sit in my comfy recliner and watch some old Fleischer Superman cartoons...Grumble Grumble...

  2. There is, as well, the issue of tact (a quality that I admit I am sorely lacking. Perhaps it's genetic.) There is a difference between saying, "I don't like it," and "Brett sucks." One is not the same at the other, and one is actually a personal attack (can you guess which one?)

    And if the person who actually prompted this post is reading: it is one thing to contact an artist and say, "Hey, I have an interest in such and such hobby, if you need some reference or whatever, I'd be glad to help." It is another thing to send several long paragraphs of criticism about how you can't take it anymore (your beloved hobby portrayed wrongly) when YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT GOES ON BEHIND THE SCENES. Best to play it cautious and use that tact, eh?

    Oh, and BTW, GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN! (That's a joke, kids.)

    Love and kisses,

  3. Hey, I just wanted to say that I think you're great. The interiors you've put out for Titans so far are really, really good, and you and Manapul are doing some of my favorite art at DC post-relaunch based on the previews. I hope you and Lobdell have a long future on the book together. Don't let the haters get you down, keep it up!


  4. Thanks LtM,

    I'm trying to finish up issue 3 right now, hopefully next week! I'm really looking forward to the new Flash book, I'm hoping they might breath some new life into Barry!


    The check is in the mail!



  5. Fatboy,

    The check is in the mail!

    Thanks,I'd be happy with a "hey I know this great Colorist" name drop to an editor ;)

  6. Will do Fatboy,

    But you need more DC stuff!

    Email me and I'll send you some files:)



  7. Wow, already finishing up issue 3? You are on fire! We'll never need a fill in.

  8. Hi Mark,

    I'm on page 13, I want to get as many issues in the can as possible (and still have them look nice!) before issue 1 ships. That way we can avoid fill ins for as long as possible:)



  9. WTF are they complaining about? This is the honest to God truth and not trying to kiss ass but you are a top 5 current artist today. There are only a few artists that will make me pick up a comic even if I would normally not be interested just because they are doing it and you are on that list along with Ethan Van Sciver, Stefano Caselli and Ed Benes.

  10. Why on earth do they think emailing you would change anything, do they think you have the power to bring back the old DCU ha ha. Its pointless. How did they even get your email :P haha.

  11. The ORKINMan and Dylan,

    Apparently, I didn't research that Green Arrow cover enough. I guess he's holding the bow wrong or something, of course he's being fired at and jumping so maybe, just maybe he's not really worried about form at that point;)

    Since I'm not a Green Arrow fan and most likely won't be drawing him again I don't think spending hours on google for a single image that I needed to get done in a matter of hours, just for a 'proper' arrow cock was warranted. This need to get drawn, approved and sent out the next day and I had appointments for the next morning so I had to get it done that night.

    Sometimes things just need to get done quickly. If you care about getting stuff done on time that's a must!



  12. That's ridiculous. I am a continuity and "things need to make sense" snob myself. I seethe at Joe Quesada's One More Day and most of the stuff Bendis writes because it ignores continuity/making sense but I would never, ever, EEEEEEEEEEEEVER go psycho over a comic book cover where the character is not using proper arrow firing techniques or whatever ridiculous complaint. That's retarded(and that statement is probably an insult to retarded people).

  13. Wow it was not even about comics.......Green Arrow had a PUNCHING Arrow.........and they yell at you about making him hold the bow wrong.....ya cause everything else about Green Arrow (or comics for that matter) makes since and is real..... :P

    Keep doing what your doing, and draw like the great artist you are. You will never get a bad email from me :P

  14. I'm sorry to hear that you are getting crap from some people via email. They say that with the Internet there's no privacy anymore, but email seems more personal than a reply on a blog or Facebook wall.

    Still, reading your take-down of a poster here a few weeks back was so entertaining that I can't honestly say I'd be completely upset if someone went and earned himself the public tirade. :)
