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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy National Day of Reason!

In response to Pray Day, the secular community has come up with it's own day, Reason Day.

Instead of mindlessly reciting prayers or wishing for stuff. How about trying to learn something new? Learning can be fun!

On another note. I happened to pick up Bones season1 for $20 at target the other day. 22, 1 hour episodes for $20!




Nessie Knows said...

Love that show, might have to see if its available online. Hope all is going well and that you have caught up on sleep. I know i havent.

Brett said...

Hi Nestor,

You can get it for about $20 on but then you have to pay for shipping;)

I got a bit of sleep this week. But now I have to get up early and get the brake line fixed in the Tahoe. Ugh... I just had it replaced a few months ago. Damnn roads!



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

(ignore the previous typo post)

Reason and prayer go hand in hand, so it doesn't have to be one or the other. If you look at church history it is filled with some of keenest intellects who've ever walked the earth it doesn't have to be one or the other. But please don't mindlessly recite prayers or use is as wishing for stuff. Engage your mind and dig deeper into reality and truth and allow that to shape your conversation with God.


Brett said...

LOL! Oh man that was funny! That made my day! Any reasonable person would stop praying after his/her 40ith or 50ith prayer went unanswered.

Most people aren't deeper than wanting stuff. And all that praying sure is helping all those poor starving people, by giving us biofuels to jack up the process of cheap food! Yeah for prayer! Oh wait, the things that are actually helping are people and scientists. Teaching them how to grow more food in that enviornment and giving them clean drinking water. I'm also sure prayer helped all those people on 911 and to tie this all together at the Nazi prison camps!

It's nice to see God pulling his weight. By having his followers protest at Gay Straight Alliances at schools.Because that's way more important than that other stuff.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't say Prayer replaces personal responsibility and is just sort of sitting back and thinking God will do everything for us. Thank God for scientists who are using all of their God given abilities and talents to improve life for the rest of us. Event those foolish enough not to recognize where their abilities come from are showing the goodness of God when they use their brains and bodies to serve creation. Their motives may be out of line, but their actions aren't.


Brett said...

Well then Steve, you need to talk to your buddies who are trying to pray the cost of gas down.

I'm happy you thanked the Scientist. Try to remmebr the next time you take antibiotics that the SAME scientific rigor that give you that drug also supports Evolution. And there motives are in line, they are trying to help people, save lives! How is THAT out of line?

And my ability to draw is genetic. I don't recall god magically granting me the ability to do this. I have a genetic predisposition to artsy farty stuff, it comes from my grandfathers. I busted my butt to get this far, I did. I learned, watched, absorbed and practiced. God had nothing to do with it.


Anonymous said...

Brett I have no problem thanking scientists because so many of the best ones have been Christians. Francis Bacon who is the father of the scientific method of testing was an outspoken Christian. So was John Wilkins who refined his ideas into how the method is used today. And thank God for scientists like Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister who applied their God given abilities to medicine and revolutionized the health industry for ever.

I don't want to take away from the hard work you have done to perfect your craft, but your potential was a gift, just as is every breath you breathe, and every day you live. If I give my kids $10 to buy me a Father's Day present, I may appreciate what they give me, but I would be foolish to believe I was $10 richer, and they would be foolish to believe they could have bought me the present without my intervention. We have nothing wich has not been given to us. Of course CS Lewis said this all better than I with his famous "Sixpence none the Richer" quote.


Brett said...

You seem so keen to point out when a scientist is a 'Christian'. It doesn't matter either way! Most Scientists aren't strick biblical literalists. Their faith is more nebulous. And yes most early scientist would be considered christians (at least in the west.) But they are capable of compartmentalizing religion and science. In the modern day and age most scientists are agnostics or athiests.

Gift....right..... You keep telling yourself that. C.S.Lewis....ugh.
