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Monday, February 9, 2009

The offending art! Amur Leopard Woman

This is the offending art that was branded mature on Deviant Art. She's covered in short hair... there are no actual nipples, I've seen way worse on TV! I had at least 7 other images that are done in a similar fashion and those were left alone... prudish right wing bible thumper perhaps?

I watched Morphed last night on NatGeo. It was so bad an in-accurate and misleading I couldn't watch them all. I'll do a post about it later with some art.




Anonymous said...

OH I KNOW!!!! IT WAS TERRIBLE! And i was so excited to see it - but no. *sigh* Nat Geo should really stick to anthro and not paleo. Leave the paleo to BBC and Discovery channels. I've has a big dislike for all NatGeo dino shows the last few years - they're crap.

As an artist: didn't the CG want to make you puke?!


Brett said...

They way they presented it was a creationists dream! And those Monlophosauruses? What the hell was wrong with their heads?! The velocirator was OK, but they seem to have scanned in some models and so the feathers were all solid looking. And they seem to have not bothered with coloring them at all.... And the whale one ugh! They didn't even mention the new whale ancestor they found last year.

It was not good.



MileHighGayGuy said...

Man I love your animal people!

Anonymous said...

Man this makes me wish you still did commissions. *grins* Awesome art, Brett. Your still the best Anthro artist out there IMHO. Thanks for sharing this with us.

grimslarcat ((was Dark Yautja but I changed my profile name. Sorry for any confusion.))

Brett said...

Thanks MHGG:)

Grimslarcat- got it:)

I don't actually like to do commissions of others anthro characters. They usually have something that I don't like but they won't want it changed. And anthro people are REALLY into their characters so they are a tough bunch to please.



Anonymous said...

I can understand your position on that totally. You would think there would be a point where, ya know you describe the character to the artist, then trust the artist to capture the essence of the character without getting so silly about certain features.

Meh...just a shame that a few had to ruin it for the rest of us *chuckles*

Brett said...


Well, the ruined it for DA but you can still see it here:)

I prefer this way anyways. I've just been posting things to DA not really using it much more than that.



Adam "Pegasus316" Fullerton said...

I know exactly what you mean about them being so particular about their characters.

You KNOW you're in trouble when, instead of visual references, they give you a link to a 32 page description that includes details on things that are never going to make it into the artwork anyway. o_o