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Thursday, April 9, 2009


I've started a new blog just for the dinosaurs called Carnosauria. I'll still post the art here, but I'll try to be a bit more science minded and stick to that, no religion or other stuff just dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts on the new blog. That way I'll be able to transfer all the older dinosaur stuff from DA to there before completely deleting my DA account. So you dinosaur fans will have one place to go for the art:)





Jo said...

Thanks for the heads-up about you leaving dA.

I totally agree with you. The people at dA are a joke, I recently reported a deviation which was a design for a well-known movie, made by an artist working for a large film-company. Nothing was changed about the piece, just posted as it was. Clearly a rip-off but dA allows it!
No action taken!

I'll miss you on dA but I'll eagerly follow you here!

Keep it up!

Mountaineer_Elf said...

I'll miss you on DA as well. but, I'll just know to check the blogs now! I made a new blog as well if you're interested. :) See you around!


Brett said...

Hi Jo,

They seem to be siding with the 'little guy' the problem is most 'little guys and gals' don't have any real art training and have NO idea about copyright laws.

Ah well, I've been planning on leaving eventually but this was the last straw. I couldn't get on for like a month and they blamed my web browser, after they updated their system... they have become a joke. It's too bad, they did some great prints!


I'll check that out, sounds fun and right up my alley;)

