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Monday, April 6, 2009

Tarbosaurus Attacks in Color

Now in color!


L. said...

What about those great therizinosaurs in the background? Did you ever painted some therizinos' as 'stars of the display'?! They're just a little toot much outfocused in theropods' drawings...I suppose that's the legacy of Paul's previous thesis about "segnosaurians as relics of prosauropods-ornithischian transition"; and again think about their exclusion from outstanding famous "Predatory Dinosaurs Of the World".
[Well, there is plenty of great 'therizinosaurs-yet-to-come-out' in the Dinosaur Speculative Project at
;-) ]

Thanx, Brett

and compliments for the attacking tarbos!

Nessie Knows said...


Brett said...

Hi Leo,

I have drawn a Therizinosaurus before, it appeared in the book Thunderlizards:) I'll see if I can find it it's been awhile. I might just do a new one up now that we have that new specimen of Beipiaosaurus :)

I've never really liked the beast, the claws are cool but the rest does look like a prosauropod to me. Heck I still like Paul's idea that Dilophosaurs evolved into Spinosaurs, but the evidence doesn't bear that out (although Elaphrosaurus might work.) I just wish he'd do an update with all the new findings, the book is 20 years old!

Thanks Nestor!



L. said...

> "I might just do a new one up now that we have that new specimen of Beipiaosaurus :)"

> Though I've not yet written a post on this topic on my blog, here's a new article featured today on "Theropoda" [I think you know it]:

[On Beipiaosaurus' "new" skull]

Thanx Brett

Brett said...

Hi Leo,

LOL! I actually just read that!

