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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Teabagging the Right Wing and Gamers

After watching a ton of stuff this week dealing with the 'Teabagging' day on Wednesday, I have come to the conclusion that the Right Wing has completely lost their collective minds. At rallies for this event people were chanting anti evolution slurs and comparing Obama to Hitler... I fail to see how this has anything to do with government spending.

But the best thing was the ignorance that the Right Wing has shown over the word 'teabaggin'. I was laughing my ass off the whole time. you would think SOMEONE would know what the word means in slang. For those who don't here's the
Wiki page. I believe the whole Boston tea party was a protest over taxation without representation... I believe you have elected officials, correct? Just because you're not in power isn't the same thing. Why not practice what you preached for 8 years and suck it up. No one wants the deficit to go up, that's not a good thing, but I didn't hear you bitching when your boy was overspending on an unneeded war they lied about.

I find it funny that people expect the economy to right itself in just a few months, most of the money the Government has given out hasn't even been spent yet. Talk about instant gratification...

But I think the funniest thing, at least for me, was on the Wiki page, and I quote:

'Simulations of teabagging are often used in video games, specifically first person shooters such as Counter-Strike, the Battlefield series of games, Call of Duty, and Halo. "Teabagging" is performed by repeatedly crouching down - a common movement in FPSs -on top of an enemy corpse. The act is a form of victory dance to show ownership and to humiliate an enemy player. Certain player groups (often referred to as clans) find the act offensive and therefore forbid its use on game servers they operate.'

They find this offensive and forbid it in a VIDEO GAME!!! It's not real! Come on! Talk about prudes!




La Maitresse said...

Hehe, hilarious, although I do get pretty annoyed on World of Warcraft when people do that to my own corpse! It is rather funny though... :P


Mountaineer_Elf said...

As a gamer, especially one who loves FPS's, a good teabagging is always necessary! lol


MadPowerBomber said...

HAHAHAHA, oh man. teabagging is one of the reasons I don't play games online. I played MGS4 online once and some dude kept sitting on my head after throwing me to the ground, i had no idea what was going on. Not until I found a game-room that was labelled, "Teabagging only".


Brett said...

Miranda and Erin,

I find it endlessly entertaining that you play video games at that level. I have a whole new picture of you now;)


LOL! I guess it's a good thing they cant remove their pants on the video games;)

