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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Black Tiger Anthros

The newest one I've drawn for a year or so ago... It's mostly black, the stripes would be red gold.

The original black tiger, drawn in 2002 or 2003. Looks really black right, black tigers are real, they are just an extreme example of a regular tiger, usually a bengal. Basically the stripes merger into larger thick black areas. Pretty cool.

This is the version that appeared in Freaks! Colors by Jess, the coloring actually makes it look less black/striped. That's why I drew the newer version like I did. It will be mostly black with a few lighter spaces, basically an even more extreme example of the condition.



1 comment:


hi brett and jess, i'm still here

amazing colors jess

if you 2 do your own artbook, put this on the cover