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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cry Wolf cover 2

The second cover I drew, in it's original form.




Nessie Knows said...


Looks sweet, are they going to color it?

I love seeing pencil and ink drawings, sometimes the coloring just takes it away. Im an old school comic reader so the old marker way of coloring has always been my taste.


Baron said...


i can only say " wow " ;-)

It lookes fantastic, love it.

I Must agree with Nestor, most of your cover art are great in pencil, but most colorists takes the feeling down.^^

The only Person who can match with your art is " Jess " !!!!

Hope we will see more art with you two ;)



Brett said...

Hi Nestor,

It's been colored, but the line art was modified and I'm not happy about it (NOT the colorists fault!)


Glad you like! Jess and I have been working together for so long our stuff just sort of fits together. I will say she can color other work better than others can color my work.



La Maitresse said...

Wow! I'm so excited, not only are you drawing the Vampire Huntress series, now you are working on another of my favorites! Can't wait to see more, as always.

Your line art is so detailed! I love it! ^_^


Gregg P. said...

Brett, great to find you again on the web. The projects you are working on look fantastic. Do you have anyone who represents you for original art sales? The stuff you have coming out looks incredible. I'd love to add some pages to my collection as they become available. This piece looks awesome as usual.