Just a few more for a different project. I don't know if anything will come of this one. Oh well.
For the people from the Rachel Morgan Fansite Rhombus, go here for another image!
Just in case that doesn't work, here's the actual link:

Can't wait to see Kisten :) And I would have like to seen what you guys would have done with the Sherrilyn Kenyon Lords of Darkness.
I apologize if that gave anything away :(
Well as of right now I don't think this will be happening but I'd still like to draw it. I quite like the books:)
Marvel took over the Lords books, I think. DB won't be doing them.
these are awesome-specially like the the one with the sword-love those thick thighed gals!
I know it's been a while, but it's been confirmed there's a graphic novel being made of these books. R u involved in it in any way? I LOVE your stuff!!
Hi Ana,
First off, thanks:)
I tried to be a part of it but Del Rey decided they didn't want to piss off Laurell Hamilton by drawing the book in the 'Anita Blake' style... The thing is it's NOT the Anita Blake style it's my style. So unfortunately I won't have any part of it. It's a pity, Jess and I are big fans of the series and we were really hoping to get the chance to work on it.
Bummer!! It would have been awesome!!
You know it's funny, I don't really like the Anita Blake books that much. I find the character annoying, but I've read all the comics BECAUSE of your drawings, they make Anita more bearable.
So ya, YOUR style is awesome :)
Hi Ana,
Yeah I was pretty disappointed as well. The really funny thing is they then decided to try and find another artist who draws like me, they couldn't so they wen the the other way and hired an artist with a very different style.
Thanks for sticking with the Anita books, but I will be doing the Dresden Files and a issue of Vampire Huntress if that's more to your liking:)
OMG. Love love love this series and the artwork looks fan-friggin-tastic! Really hope this series gets picked up for a comic. Excellent work!
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