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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dinosaur Sunday

After celebrating the coming of the magical rabbit creature why not sit down and watch the newest version of Walking With Dinosaurs. Unfortunately the animation is still the same, but the voice over has be redone (I don't know by who) and new interviews have been done this year, so that science will be as up to date as possible. Hopefully they won't dumb it down too much;)

Also, Dinosaurs Return to Life is on again, I'm posting this today so Erin will be able to see it:)

Show times are below:)



7:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Dinosaurs: Return To Life?

Dinosaurs: Return to Life follows scientists who are using the latest
technology and amazing advances in genetic research to revive the possibility
of creating a living breathing dinosaur, but in a different way than we ever

8:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Walking With Dinosaurs (2008 Reversion) - (Walking with Dinosaurs)
Dawn of the Dinosaurs

The plant-eaters of the Triassic fade into extinction as the age of dinosaurs
brings predators like coelophysis to the food chain. But giant sauropods,
cynodonts and reptilian predators alike are threatened when lightning sparks a

9:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Walking With Dinosaurs (2008 Reversion) - (Walking with Dinosaurs)
Sea and Sky Creatures

Follow the lives of dinosaurs living in the shallow sea surrounding Europe in
160 million BC and living on South American soil in 125 million BC. The birth
of a baby dino tempts underwater predators, and flying reptiles vie for prey
with 40-ft. wingspans.

10:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Walking With Dinosaurs (2008 Reversion) - (Walking with Dinosaurs)
Deep Impact

106 million BC. Alternating seasons of summer & winter dictate dinosaurs'
habits. Below the Antarctic Circle, spring brings lush vegetation, as well as
migrating predators. T-Rex reigns over North America.

11:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Dinosaurs: Return To Life?

Dinosaurs: Return to Life follows scientists who are using the latest
technology and amazing advances in genetic research to revive the possibility
of creating a living breathing dinosaur, but in a different way than we ever


Anonymous said...

Hey Brett,

You know that picture on DeviantArt that refers to Atheism? The picture of the shadow, sitting on a stool?


I don't understand the point it's trying to make. The artist is meant to be saying, "Atheists are lonely and stuff. They're missing out!"

Here's the funny thing:
There's NOTHING on the OUTSIDE of that box! It's a black void, surrounding a white room. From what I understand, the picture is saying, ”Atheists are missing out on nothing.” Right?

If I drew that picture, I'd have a whole bunch of angels and stuff on the outside of the box, thus depicting someone WAS missing-out. I mean, why are people so Hellbent on getting people to believe in God? It's none of their business. When I was in Catholic school during Religion class, we spent MORE time studying OTHER FAITHS and religions! We studies elements like reincarnation or Eastern Faith! Religion class in a Catholic school is more designed to teach fundamentals, rather than praising! I just don't want you to get the idea that ALL Catholics go into school and punch Bibles all day. That's far from what we did. We talked more about Ethics than anything else! We learned ABOUT religion in general. We learned WHY people have religion.

That was stupid art. I don't know if you get my point or not, but this is being said by someone who CHOSE to be Catholic. Funny huh?


PS- I know you're not into God and stuff, but Happy Easter!

Brett said...

Hi Raid,

I know all about it but thanks anyways! I posted it to my journal about 2 weeks ago. If you want to see what the hulabaloo was about just look for Demonpuppy on DA.:)

Have a nice easter. We don't really celebrate it here but chocolate bunnies and cadbury creme eggs are always welcome:) It's funny how close it is the the spring equinox this year.



Mountaineer_Elf said...

Yay! Thanks for the heads up, definitely. I'll finally get to see it. Love the dino as well. :)

Happy Spring Eastinox!
