
Due to the current troll infestation we will be requiring you to sign in to leave a comment. Also, please note that we will be very nice in the regular posts, but we will not be gentle in the Sunday Blaspheme posts. You will be expected to back up any ideas with facts.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Last Page of Vampire Huntress

I'm only doing the first issue of this book, I just won't have time with Dresden. This one issue took forever! Anyways here's the last page.

More sketches tomorrow or the next day. A fish girl, a superhero gone now but not forgotten and Percy Jackson!




Anonymous said...

Hey Brett and Jess. I've been following Brett's work for years now, ever since I found Backlash however long ago that was. Anyway, I'm getting art business of my own and came to your website looking for dragon inspiration. I'm doing a mural. Have you ever done a sea dragon/ serpent/ leviathan before? I'd be interested to see it if you have. I think that google is automatically posting my email address. you can check my website to see my work. Thanks for always putting up cool drawings

Brett said...

Hi Trent,

... OK, there wasn't any art on the link, just bible stuff. I'm not sure if that's some joke, but I'll just skip to the question:

I haven't done any finished art for a sea serpent. But I would start by looking at some fish and eels. Then after a basic design was done go in and dragon it us a bit. I might add in a bit of plesiosaur or tylosaur.



Anonymous said...

Hey sorry about that. My website has navigation at the top, including one heading entitled "artwork." Thanks for the dragon tips, man.


Brett said...

Ah, I was wondering if you were trying to convert me;)

For some reason it didn't load the top part this morning. Nice artwork:)

