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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Sketch Saturday! Gotham's got snow!

Image 3 in my theme month of winter in Gotham. This week Nightwing. I wonder who Santa will have me draw next week;)

And then a quick Amazing Spiderman, from the new movie. The costume's a bit strange but it's kind of fun! I'm getting a spidey following on twitter so expect more of him.

In other news, working on the cover to my new project this weekend. It should be announced (FINALLY) the beginning of the new year, so I'm thrilled the Mayans' weren't right;P. Also got to do some cool character designs for DC this week! One is a favorite character of mine, and that's ALWAYS fun, cooler still he got approved! I'll also be doing some more covers for some other books, well at least one other for April, also with a character I did the redesign for! 

All and all a good year. Now if I can get Dan to give me Wally end of next year or in 2014, everything will be perfect!



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