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Thursday, June 10, 2010

OtherWorld Primer

This will be a 16 page story/intro to her OtherWorld series. I will be drawing the 16 pager since Fool Moon #1 is supposed to be coming out this Fall. More info here!

EDIT!!!!: It's beginning to look like I will NOT be doing this, somehow I got double booked and can't draw both projects in the time allowed. SO if you picked it up for my art, please cancel your order!

More Kevin tomorrow or later today, I'm not sure if I should show the whole thing at this point.




Nan said...

Your talent is just amazing! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing :)

M.O.R said...

Really cool. Like how you are distinguishing between the female characters with different faces. More artists should follow your lead.

Cool stuff. Lotta things going on.