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I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)
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I really like the look of that hand. Do you think you'll take the same approach as your anthros with him, or go a bit more stylized? I can't remember if you've mentioned whether your anthros are considered lycanthropes or not.
Sorry: "him" = Richard.
To me they are basically the same thing. In the Anita Blake world they look pretty much like mine, unlike the world of the other Werewolf riders who seem to prefer the large wolf look... it's ok, but not that scary to me.
My animal people/anthros were born from my werewolves so for me at least, they will always be 2 sides of the same coin. I did draw a werewolf on the cover to Circus #4 so loo for it in the next 3 months:)
That should say writers, not riders... I know it was typed right... just used a capital W for some reason... computers are acting weird today:(
You should post the final cover that you did for Raphael. (Cause rat anthros rule)
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