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Thursday, November 26, 2009

In the Spirit of the Day.. Eat Me!

That is all;)


Happy Theropod Eating Day!

I even drew one to look like a turkey. Reminiscent of the ones Luis Rey likes to do.
Image found via: Pharyngula

I thought this was appropriate due to recent events in the news.

Anyways, have fun filling you're pie holes with... pie;)



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Laughing Corpse #14 cover in color...

Or I guess with different colors. Jess didn't have time to do the colors on this so Marvel had one of their colorists do them for the book. While nice, it like almost all other colorsist's besides Jess, make my art look flat and to me, cheap and lazy. I don't really know why, but it's just the way it is. One of the only other colorists that works well over my pencils is Andrew Dalhouse, he colored this picture, so I sent it off in hopes that any future art I do for Anita that Jess can't color he'll be able to do. Here's hoping:)

So we did get a new computer, but our version of Photoshop is REALLY old so it won't run on it. SOOOO I have to get a new version of Pshop before the new machine can be used... crap.



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Laughing Corpse 15 cover

Let's try this again, the dogs deleted the last one, grrr. Jess will be doing the colors on the covers I'm doing for Anita Blake so you'll get to see another 15 colored pieces by Jess.



Friday, November 13, 2009

Icky Insect: the Mighty Mantis

We have a couple of free-standing kennels in the yard, for feeding or temporary containment. This morning I went outside and there were a half dozen dogs gathered around one side of the kennel, trying to get to something inside with their paws. Usually when they do that, it's a big horse lubber grasshopper, sometimes a millipede, and rarely, a rodent. Today it took me a bit to figure out what they were so excited about because it was very small: a baby Mantis, about an inch long. So I took a picture of it and then put it over the fence. The best image turned out to be of it's back, but oh, well. The thing kept leaping at me, it's lucky I didn't let the dogs eat it.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Vampire woman

I also have 2 pages I drew with her on them. I lost interest, it happens. I wanted to do a series of short stories but my inspiration/muse seems to have dried up. It's just as well, I wasn't looking forward to writing it. I'll upload them soon.

The camera Jess ordered should be here on Tuesday (the first one was lost in the mail, thanks USPS! So we had to wait to 'make sure'.) I ordered a new computer yesterday but that's been a complete cock-up so I have to reorder the damn thing hopefully today. This one's been shutting off for no reason... ugh!




Grifter commission I forgot about, now I'm done... I think.



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Laughing Corpse #14 cover

Or what ever it's being numbered as, part 3 #4 or something or other. The first of a bunch of Anita Blake covers I'm doing. It finally showed up in Previews;)



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Indiana Jones in the Valley of Dinosaurs!

Finally got it uploaded!! The last commission!!!



Mapusaurus test

Hmm, I've been trying to upload that Indiana Jones picture but it keeps failing... THis is a test to see if I can upload anything.


