
Due to the current troll infestation we will be requiring you to sign in to leave a comment. Also, please note that we will be very nice in the regular posts, but we will not be gentle in the Sunday Blaspheme posts. You will be expected to back up any ideas with facts.

I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)

New Rule! Staff reserves the right to cuss you out and post your correspondence if you send us annoying emails.



Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank you by way of an issue 5 tease;)

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the kind words about TT1. So here's a tease from issue 5:)



Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Teen Titans #1 Out TODAY!

Norm and Scott will be signing this evening in LALA land. With Flash writer and colorist Brian Bucellato.
Head on over I believe there may be a new Flash issue this week as well. I haven't heard much about it;P

Wednesday, September 28
Meet Teen Titans’ Scott Lobdell and Norm Rapmund and The Flash’s Brian Buccellato
5:30 to 7:30
The Comic Bug
1807 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 372-6704
Original Art from Teen Titans #1 will be on display (so that's why I only got issue 2 art back.)

Have fun, I sent Norm some signed issue one so I want to see a bloody, bloody battle for them. Maybe in the form of a raffle.

Starting issue 5 today!



Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Egad! He's GAY?!?!

Breaking news! Ok, not really. Yesterday on the Twitter Gail Simone tweeted:

Gail Simone: Tomorrow I am on a panel not listed on the schedule, WHERE ARE THE GAY SUPERHEROES, at 11:00 am, in Mezzanine 1. It’ll be great!

Brett Booth: We got at least one in Teen Titans:)

Gail Simone: Really? Who is the gay superhero in TT? Can you say?

Brett Booth: Bunker is gay (the purple guy, I know, not my first color choice!)

Brett Booth: We’re trying to make being gay a part of who he is, your gaydar should be pinged right off the bat:)

Gail Simone: Thanks, Brett! I don’t know the character, but I would love to hear about him so I can tell people to look out for him!

Brett Booth: First appearance other than the cover to 1.

Scott and I have done a bunch of interviews and I know I mentioned this to someone... this didn't seem like a big deal to me. But after reading things from multiple news sources I guess it may be. And I do have to commend some of the commenters on Bleeding Cool interesting stuff!

I'll see if I can answer a few things before the "Won't someone think of the children!" hysteria begins (too late I see!)

Let's see, this is from Scott Lobdell:

His real name is Miguel Jose Barragan.   He was raised in a very small Mexican village called El Chilar.  He was very loved by his family and the village as well -- and they were as accepting of his homosexuality as they were to his super powers when they first manifested.   To that end he grew up in an angst-free environment.   He was born out of the closet and so he has a very refreshing outlook on life.

So Bunker has been out of both closets since the get go. Why the more flamboyant look? Well it's complicated. I've seen all the other gay superheroes out there, Ok maybe not all. They look just like regular heterosexuals, they act like regular heterosexuals, they just happen to have sex with people of their own gender, under the covers and in the dark. Sure you might get a kiss on a page, but that's all (an no we won't be doing any sex scenes in TT, get your minds OUT of the gutters;) 

We wanted to show an interesting character who's homosexuality is part of him, not something that's hidden. Sure they are gay people who you wouldn't know are gay right off the bat, but there are others who are a more flamboyant, and we thought it would be nice to actually see them portrayed in comics. Did we go over the top, I don't think so. I wanted you to know he might be gay as soon as you see him. Our TT is partly about diversity of ANY kind, its about all kinds of teens getting together to help each other. It is a very difficult line to walk, will he be as I've read in some of the comments 'fruity'? Not that I'm aware of. Will he be more effeminate than what we've seen before, the 'typical' gay male comic character, yes. Does it scare the shit out of me that I might inadvertently piss off the group I want to reflect in a positive way, you're damn straight (pun intended!)

The Pink shirt has been changed to blue, it's only pink because his costume is actually showing a bit, we didn't want too many different colors. But I think the blue works just as well. I would have used that image but I don't know if I got that change in my files... 

As for the children.. Most simply don't know or don't care. It's not like Migg's is going to be doing a one man gay pride parade. I don't t hink we even mention that he's gay, you see him, you know it, no need to harp on about it. He's just a happy fun loving guy! He won't be wearing anything that I haven't seen at Walmart. Well maybe Target;)

So if you have any questions ask away. If it's about how much you hate homosexuals, please don't bother, I'm pro gay rights and marriage, and rather than give you your 15 minutes I think I'll just delete it. I may be willing to take some heat but I don't enjoy seeing seeing others attacked for no real reason other than being gay. Will I be called a hypocrite because I 'attack' religion? I'm sure I will, but religion is a choice and being gay isn't, sorry creationists, too much science to even go there, so don't! 

Seriously, I really wish this wasn't a big deal. It shouldn't be, but that would be in a perfect world.

Let my inevitable skewering begin!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why so Blue Wally?

Someone on the DC boards mentioned wanting Wally to be in Blue and Silver. We actually thought of that! Someone also mentioned having a more Jay like hat, it's a bit old school for me, I always wondered how it didn't fly off. My hat always fly off with any sort of wind. 

But once again, since Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool actually emailed me about this yesterday, JUST FOR FUN! Not part of any DCnU or Earth 2. Colors by my partner in crime Andrew Dalhouse.



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A more finished Wally West/Flash 3

As promised, another Wally West drawing. Again, this is NOT part of the the DCnU or Earth 2, just me having fun! Plus Andrew is going to color this so I can use it for the Twitter ID;)

Now go! Comic book stores need your monies! And Wally is awesome;)



New 52! This week Batgirl!

This is one of those characters I'd love to draw at DC! I'm so happy they brought Barb back! Now I'm just hoping I'll get a chance to draw her! Her first issue ships today so go pick it up!

Sorry, hurt my neck this morning. So the new Wally picture will be coming in a bit later!



Sunday, September 4, 2011

This Sunday, Jebus show us what you got!

Hmmm... well I guess the all seeing all powerful Rick Perry was wrong! God really does hate Texas! I will be fair, we have had a bit of rain, nothing like usual, but it's supposed to be dry like this through next year. So anytime Jebus you've only had 4 months! Out rainy season is just about over so he better get to steppin'!



Teen Titans 1 a mere 4 weeks away!

Scott had an idea for some promo shots awhile ago. We never got around to drawing them all but I thought this would work. I'm told I can't use the tag line I wanted so here it is sans tag!

In case you hadn't noticed I'm running out of sketches!



Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Wall!

I won't post Scott's drawing, I think he'd kill me if I did;) But he wanted it simple so we kept it that way.

These were the tweeks Jim made, I actually pulled the brick effect down even further to his right thigh. 



Breaking news! This character is now called Bunker. Do not panic! Duck and cover and all that!