Someone asked for some Anita sketches or studies. i don't really do those. These are the closest I have. They were done as roughs, we had a lot of problems finding artist for the Anita Special. Everyone is under contract with someone. So for a brief time I was going to do roughs like this and we'd find someone else to do the finishes. So if you're feeling artsy go ahead and try;)
These also appeared in the Anita Sketchbook.

Once again, if you click on the image Zombie raisers and the Undead will appear;)
...and i guess that certain someone that asked for Anita sketches is me.. :)
Thanks for the quick update Brett.
In my personal opinion, sketches and studies are an essential part of a succesful comic run. You can actually see the book, behind the curtain... if you know what i mean..
Would hurt for more ofc... ;)
So.. thanks again and have a nice weekend.
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