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I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)
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when are you going to put these in a book!
you did say you were going to sdcc right?
if so, where ya gonna be at?
i want by backlashes signed!
ya know, you and simonson should do something together
Next year, after the anthro art book is finished.
I will not be doing SDCC this year. Maybe next year.
Walt Simonson? I'm not sure who you are refering to. I don't read comics so I have no idea who's doing what:)
can't believe you never heard the name
well, you both are into dinosaurs
he'll probably be around next year
you should look for him
Ummmm. Ok I know who Walt Simonson is, X-Factor, Thor. But you never mentioned a first name so I still don't know if this is who you are referring to. If it is, I didn't know he was into dinosaurs. I know Art Adams has an interest in them:)
it is
sorry, they both do :)
have you ever looked at walt simonson's autograph, it's in the shape of a dinosaur
again it would be great if the three of you did a book together
so no sdcc then?
oh well, maybe next year :)
btw do you visit any art - related blogs here?
no more cons this year.
I don't read a lot of blogs. I don't look at a lot of art online unless it's on DeviantArt:)
yup D A rules
so what you think of the book idea with the three of you
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